Nice thigh!


“hyung!!!” a high pitch voice, almost close to the tenor of his younger brother were interrupting the family time in the living room.

“What did you do know, Chullie hyung?” said the smallest of the siblings, looking at the oldest of them with squinting eyes.

The said guy only grin suspiciously to the younger as a stomping were heard coming close to them.

Soon, an angry looking boy came with only towel hanging to his waist, water dripping from his wet hair. Judging that he was just exit the bath, wetting the floor much to Ryeowook displease as he was just clean the living room.

“Where’s all my normal pants! Why there’s damn tight jeans and pants only in my closet!” shouts the furious raven haired boy.

Heechul laugh hysterically, clutching his stomach as he rolled around the floor and successfully hit a table’s leg. Groaned while wiping his tear off, he got up with a smile of victory to the furious raven.

“Be grateful I left all your loose clothes behind, Yesung. I just helping with you styles. You had a nice thigh, freaking show it!” said Heechul, moocking the younger choices of wearing loose fit clothes then the latest styles.

“Nice thigh!” said another Kim who came from behind Yesung and slap the second oldest kim on his thigh, earning a yelp from him.

“You ert racoon! It’s not that bad! Looses pant are a trend, mind you!” Kangin just laugh while walking away to the kitchen, ignoring the shrieking hyung.

“Where are my stuff?” said Yesung after calmed down and walk towards the oldest of them.

“The garbage truck already gone. Just wear what I buy for you now.” said the diva looking guy, ignoring the fumed raven haired guy as he continue to switch between the channel.

Ryeowok saw how the second oldest begin to tear up and sulking while clutching to his towel.

“Hyung! You make him sad!” said Ryeowook while pulling the sobbing man to his room to let him dress before he catch any flu by being half .

Heechul can’t help but too felt a little bit guilty by making the younger cry. He lurked to the corridor way and to Kangin who grinning to the diva from the kitchen.

“You know. Kibum coming home today. You don’t want to deal with one angry snow white by making his baby crying.” said Kangin.

Heechul doomed. He never win in any fight with the kim’s maknae. He frantically went to Yesung room. He saw how yesung wear his loose jumper but refuse to wear any pants as Ryeowook patting him slowly.

The younger of the three saw Heechul through the door frame and glare at him. Getting the messages to left the sobbing raven, he excuses himself and meet the diva in the corridor.

“Why did you like that. You know he’s sensitive.” said Ryeowook. He knows the older never throw away all the stuff but seeing the sobbing Yesung make him a little angry at Heechul.

“Hehe. I just wanna help him. He had a date tonight and he will go out with those weird styles. Siwon will be shook.” said Heechul. Ryeowook smiles, he never the one who can get mad for a long time, he usher the older to coax the crying boy.

He slowly peek into the room and saw how Yesung was hugging his knees to his chest on the bed. He almost laugh when he saw the younger only wear his small turtle printed boxer underneath the jumper.

“Yesungie” said him, hugging the younger from the side but Yesung was too mad to return the hug.

“Please don’t pout too much, if Siwon saw you like this I’ sure you’ll be over now.”

Yesung blushed, knowing well what the older meant but still refusing to face Heechul.

“He’s not ert like you guys!” huffed him. Heechul chuckle, the younger was right of him and Kangin being a ert that always with cringe worthy seduction. (The author not into any relationship).

“haha, come on. You reaction are the best. Look at you, sulking over losing pants. You know I just want you look the best in front of your date,right? This is your first date so I can’t help to be worried.” said him, batting his lashes to the younger after Yesung turn to him.

He pout with a tint of redness on his cheeks.

“Siwon never judge me before so if he love me, he will accept the way I dressed.” said him, pouting more as the older rolled his eyes.

“I know. I just want everybody knows that your brother is a famous stylist by helping you up. Come on, this pant not that worst!” said him while waving a skinny jeans in front of the younger.

“It’s red… I don’t want to wear something like that. It’s too bold for me…” said him, pushing the pant out of his vision.

Heechul look into the closet more. The thing he do once he fill the closet with his newly bought shopping spree was organizing it by it’s color. Although he want the younger to change his style, he still bought 80% of the wardrobe with black color stuff, much to the younger liking.

“Here, how about this. It’s not to tight and still comfortable.” he show a black ripped jeans that sure enough will seduce anyone who saw the ripped tight part.

“Emm.. it’s ripped…too embarrassing..” said him but he still take it and put it on.

“Nice thigh!” as if it was a dejavu, Kangin was inside the room, slapping the older thigh.

“Youngwoon! Stop!” he squirm as the younger rubbing his thigh.


“Stop teasing him. Siwon is outside now.” said Ryeowook, holding a wooden ladle in the air.

“Wookie! Stop being so aggressive or you will end up whole your life!” said Kangin as he rubbing his abused head.

“Hah, jokes on you!” said the smaller as he literally skipping to his favorite space.

Heechul and Kangin look into each other eyes before the realization hits them.

Their baby Wookie not anymore.

The bunny had taken what precious to them.

Their baby was tainted.

By a bunny looking guy.

“Wookie!!! wait! What do ou mean by that!” shouts Heechul frantically as he follow the younger.

“I’ll go kill the bunny right now!” shouts Kangin, following the diva to the kitchen.

Yesung was left with a dumbfounded expression after listening to the bickering. He snapped from his reverie when he remember what Ryeowook mention before breaking the news about his ity.

‘Siwon!’ thought him. He quickly checking out his style for a few second before strode of to the living room.

Siwon had seen the two worried wart clinging to the youngest there and laugh as it was more interesting that the kdrama on television.

His laugh broke off as he saw the most beautiful human being that had stole his heart for the past few years. Clad with a little tight jeans and loose pink jumper, hair dishevelled in elegant way and cheeks tainted cherry pink.

Yesung saw the younger eyes were gaping as his drooled from his mouth, literally. He though the younger hates his change , being the sensitive he is, his eyes start to get teary from having thought of Siwon hates him.

“Eh? Hyung! Why you crying!” said Siwon, worriedly hugging the older to sooth him.

Heechul who was bugging the temporary maknae heard the commotion and went to both of them who standing near the front door.

“Yah you not even on the date yet and you make him cried!” said Heechul, pulling his brother into his arm.

“No, I don’t know why he’s crying! Yesungie, baby. Why you crying?” ask him softly while caressing the older who rubbing his face into Heechul’s shoulder.

“I thought you hate my change… it’s not my fault.. Heboongie force me to wear it…” mumble him.

Siwon and Heechul look at each other before laugh erupted between them, gaining more frown in Yesung’s face.

“Yesungie, I wasn’t mad. I was literally drooling on your iness. Right, Heechul hyung?” said Siwon, earning a glare from Heechul who wasn’t into someone else gaping at Yesung’s iness. But he comply to it ws to make the younger feel better.

“Yeah Yesung. No one can hate you juts because you change you style. Now go or you’ll waste your date over me beating up Siwon.” said him while wiping off the younger tears.

“Don’t hurt him…” said him while smiling softly. He peck on the older cheek and pulled Siwon out before the diva dismembered his boyfriend.

He felt embarrassed after crying for stupid reason, unable to bring himself to look into the younger face as he keep walking faster then Siwon.

Siwon was secretly chuckling as he saw the older were all red.

“Hyung, my car is here. Where are you going?”said him. The older was blindly walked pass the car.

Yesung smile sheepishly as he walk towards Siwon and enter the car while Siwon graciously closed the door for him.

Both were silent after the car hit the road for 5 minutes already. Siwon didn’t want to ruin their date, he take this chance to make the older less pressured.

“You look gorgeous tonight.” said Siwon, smoothly slid the word off his tongue.

Yesung blushed furiously. “I’m not gorgeous, I’m handsome!” remark him as he trying to hide his blush.

Siwon laugh as he knows the mood had lighten up a bit. He desperately wanting to make the older feel better. Hell, he’s been fighting for his love by secretly blocking bunch of Yesung’s admire from nearing his loved one for years and now he was aesthetically proud when the older return his love. 

“I love you.”

“I.. I love you too.”

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A reminder for readers to not wait for this drabble. I'll be uploading this one rarely to focus on the main story. Thank you for reading this, i appreciate it so much!


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Chapter 4: It'll be perfect if Shindong, Henry, Zhoumi and Kyu are added
Chapter 3: Hey authornim! I love this chapter very much... I wish I have brothers like them who loves me so much
401 streak #4
Chapter 5: Eh? Why you didn't write about this fic anymore? It's really entertaining~ Really~
♥️ Remember you are loved, please always be happy♥️
Chapter 5: I'm so happy you include kibum in this story, eventhough his part is little (just like his part in suju song xD )

Can't wait for kyubum moment ^_^
charismavi #7
Chapter 5: Yesung gets lost at the hotel just LOL The Brothers need to watch his every movement hahaha...Siwon and Kyuhyun fight over Yesung's attention is the best XD
ismi_L #8
Chapter 5: Thanks a lot for the update authornim. Kyuhyun character is up. Haha, siwon felt threatened. ?
Btw, always look forward towards all of your writing. Loved it.
Chapter 5: Kyubum or kihyun is rare otp... i need time to think bout this bcause i think their interactions barely shown on cam at the past hehehe... but it's seems like kyubum more promising ^^