I Will...

Let's Stop The Wedding (It's Started In A Bath Tub Sequel)

“Unnie, let’s go outside. You are staying here for almost a week.” Seohyun said to Princess Hyoyeon. She and Sunny decided to bring Princess Hyoyeon to the mall to have some fun.

“I don’t want to go outside. The fans are still mad at me.” Princess Hyoyeon said.

“We told you that don’t mind them. Sooner or later they will gonna forget about it. And you need to show them that you are not affected about them. Just show them that you are fine and really excited to get married. And show them that you are a kind person that you will never hurt Junho.” Sunny said.

“I’m not ready yet to face them.” She said.

“Aish! Come on now! Whether you like or not, we will go to the mall!” Sunny said. She pulls Princess Hyoyeon out of the bed.

“No!” she said. But Sunny insists, she pulls Princess Hyoyeon and it causes to an accident. Princess Hyoyeon fell on the bed and hit her head on the edge of the night table on the side of the bed. Princess Hyoyeon fainted.

Sunny and Seohyun were shock when the princess didn’t move. Sunny moves closer to the princess and she saw blood on princess forehead.

“Oh no!” Sunny said.

Seohyun’s eyes widened when she saw it too.

“What’s going on?” Tiffany asks who came in the room.

“Unnie, help.” Seohyun said.


“Today, you’ll gonna meet your wife.” 2PM’s manager said to Nichkhun. The two are on the van going to meet up with the WGM staffs.

“Hyung, I told you I don’t want to join in that show.” Nichkhun said.

“And why? Do you already have a girlfriend?” 2PM’s manager asks.

“None.” He said. The truth is he still loves Princess Hyoyeon. And now that Princess Hyoyeon and Junho are encountering a problem, he needs to be in Princess Hyoyeon’s side to comfort her.

They were interrupted by Nichkhun’s cellphone. It was ringing.

Nichkhun’s eyebrow raised when he saw Seohyun’s name appear on the screen of his cellphone.

Why in the world Seohyun will call him?

He decided to answer it. “Yoboseo?”

“Oppa!” Seohyun’s voice sounds worried.

“What’s wrong?” he asks.

“Princess unnie is in the hospital. She had an accident a while ago in our dorm.” Seohyun said.

“What? Where is that hospital? I’m going in there.” He said.

Seohyun tell him the name of the hospital.

“I’m going now.” He said.

“Hurry!” Seohyun said.

The van stops. “We are here.” 2PM’s manager said.

Nichkhun quickly get off of the van and call the taxi.

“Nichkhun, where are you going?” 2PM’s manager asks.

“Emergency!” Nichkhun said and rode the taxi.


SNSD Hyoyeon is in the other dorm when Sunny calls her.

“What?!” she shouts.

Prince Doojoon and the others look at her.

“Ok! Ok! I’m going in there.” She said and turns off the phone.

“What’s wrong?” Queen Sunny asks.

“Uhmm… Bad news.” She said.

“Is there something wrong?” King Shindong asks.

“Your daughter is in the hospital. She got an accident a while ago.” She said.

“What? My baby! Where is she? How is she?” Queen Sunny hysterically asks.

“She is in the hospital. I’m going in there now.” She said.

“I wanna go with you.” Queen Sunny said.

“It will be better if you all stay here. My friends are already in there and also Nichkhun oppa is coming.” She said.

“I’ll go with you.” Prince Doojoon said.

“Right. You go check Princess Hyoyeon.” King Shindong said.

“Let’s go.” SNSD Hyoyeon said.


SNSD Hyoyeon and Prince Doojoon rode a taxi at the front of the building. They didn’t notice some of the people are taking pictures of them.


Nichkhun came rushing to the hospital. He saw Tiffany, Seohyun and Sunny in the room where Princess Hyoyeon is.

“How is she?” Nichkhun asks.

“She is fine. The doctor said that she had a minor injury. Nothing seriously.” Sunny said.

Nichkhun looks at the unconscious Princess Hyoyeon. She had a bandage on her left side of her forehead.

“Oppa, don’t you have a schedule?” Tiffany asks.

He remembers the WGM. “None.” He lied.

“Can you stay here until Princess wakes up? We have schedules tonight.” Tiffany said.

“Sure. No problem.” Nichkhun said.

“Thanks, oppa. And call Junho oppa, too. We can’t contact him.” Seohyun said.

“Araso.” He said.

“We need to go now.” Sunny said.

“Ok.” Nichkhun said.


“Sunny! Sunny! Where’s Princess?” SNSD Hyoyeon said when they saw Tiffany, Seohyun and Sunny at the outside of the hospital.

“She is in her room with Nichkhun oppa. Don’t worry she is fine now.” Sunny said.

“Why did you leave her to that guy?” Prince Doojoon asks.

“Why did you come here?” Tiffany asks. She doesn’t like Prince Doojoon.

“Answer my question first.” Prince Doojoon said.

“We need to leave her to oppa because we have a schedule tonight.” Tiffany said. “Hyo, why did you bring him here?” Tiffany asks.

“He wants too. He was so worried about her.” SNSD Hyoyeon said.

“You need to bring him back to the dorm. We need to go to our schedule tonight.” Tiffany said.

“No. I’ll stay here with my princess.” Prince Doojoon said.

“She is not your princess.” Tiffany said. “It is your entire fault why Princess Hyoyeon is suffering for all this problems. If you haven’t showed up in here, she will be happy for her rest of her lives with Junho.”

“Fany, don’t say that.” SNSD Hyoyeon said.

“Don’t you dare accuse us! We came here to bring them back to our place. They belong us and they will be happy with us.” Prince Doojoon said.

“How do you know that they will be happy with you? Are you the one who is holding their future?” Tiffany said.

“Fany, stop it. The people might hear you.” SNSD Hyoyeon said.

“Why are you against us, Hyo?” Tiffany asks.

“Fany, I’m not against to you. I just want you to stop this conversation here because the people are looking at us.” SNSD Hyoyeon said.

“Hyo is right, Fany. We need to get out of here.” Sunny said.

“Ok. But you need to bring him back to their dorm.” Tiffany said.

“But I want to be with my princess.” Prince Doojoon said.

“Oppa, let’s just obey Fany. And besides, Nichkhun oppa is with Princess. She is safe now.” SNSD Hyoyeon said.

“Oh alright.” Prince Doojoon said.



Chansung sat on the bench where Junho is sitting. He whispered to him.

“Nichkhun hyung called me. Your girlfriend is in the hospital. She accidentally bumped her head on the night table and got injured.” Chansung whispered.

“How is she?” Junho asks.

“She is fine now but she is still unconscious.” Chansung whispered.

“I want to go there.” Junho said.

“Taecyeon hyung is waiting for you at the parking lot. I will help you to get there.” Chansung said.

“Gomaweoh.” Junho said.


Min, Jia and Fei are in the parking lot waiting for Suzy.”What Suzy is taking for long?” Fei asks.

“Girls, isn’t that Taecyeon?” Jia asks.

The two look at what Jia is looking. They saw Taecyeon standing at the side of his car.

“He looks like he is waiting for someone.” Min said.

Then, they saw Chansung and Junho walking towards Taecyeon.

“I thought Junho is not allowed to go somewhere besides dorm, JYPE and related to his schedules.” Fei said.

“Maybe they are going into their schedule.” Min said.

“I think they were going somewhere else.” Jia said.

“And where is that?” Min asks.

“To Princess Hyoyeon.” Jia answered.

“No way! Their manager doesn’t allow him to meet her.” Min said.

“Their manager is not here.” Fei said.

“We need to do something.” Jia said.

“But we are not sure that they are really going to meet her.” Min said.

“There is only one way to confirm it.” Jia said.

“What is it?” Fei asks.

“Let’s follow them.” Jia said.

Min’s eyes widened. “Unnie, no! We need to go to back to our dorm.” She said.

“It is too early to go back. Come on, get in my car.” Jia said.

Min has no choice but to follow her unnie.

The three gets in the car waiting for Taecyeon’s car to leave the parking lot.

When they saw the car leaving, Jia carefully follow it.

“Omo! Why are they leaving me?” Suzy asks herself when she saw Jia’s car leaving.


“Hyung, thanks for helping me to see her.” Junho said.

“No problem. Hyung is unfair for blocking you to see Princess Hyoyeon.” Taecyeon said while driving.

“I agree.” Chansung said.

“I really wanted to see her.” Junho said.

“Don’t worry. We are moving closer to the hospital.” Taecyeon said.


Princess Hyoyeon slowly opens her eyes. The first thing she saw is the white ceiling. She wonders where she is. Then, she saw Nichkhun sitting on the couch.

“At last you’re awake.” Nichkhun said and smiled. “How are you feeling?”

“A little bit dizzy.” She said. “What are you doing here?”

“Sunny and the others left for their schedules. They ask me if I can stay here until you wake up.” he said.

“Thanks, oppa.” she said.

“Junho and the others are on their way now here.” He said.

“How is he?” she asks.

“Not good. Hyung, blocking him to see you.” He said.

“It is all my fault.” She said sadly.

“Aniyo. Getting married is not a sin.” He said.

“I am a barrier for his career.” She said.

“Don’t say that.  Everything is gonna be fine. Just wait and see.” He said.

Then, the door suddenly opens. Junho, Chansung and Taecyeon enter the room.

Junho hugs her when he saw her. “I’m so sorry.” He said.

“For what?” she asks.

“For not seeing you.” Junho said.

“It’s ok. I know our situation.” She said.

“But, because of that you will never be an artist of SME.” Junho said.

“I don’t care. I will try something else.” She said.

“I miss you, my princess.” He said looking straight to her eyes.

“I miss you, too.” She said.

Then, the door suddenly opens. “LEE JUNHO!” their manager yelled.

The boys are horrified when they saw him. “H-Hyung, how did you know that we are here?” Taecyeon asks.

“Miss A informs me that you are here.” Their manager said. “Junho, I told you not to see her.”

“Even if she’s in the hospital? She needs me and I need her.” He said.

“Shut up! How many times do I have to tell you to break up with her?” Their manager said.

“I will never ever leave her! No one will break us apart!” Junho said angrily.

“Ok. You choose your career or her. If you choose your career, you need to leave her. And if you choose her, you need to face the consequences like terminating your contract to us.” Their manager said.

“Hyung, he is a member of 2PM!” Nichkhun said.

“If he has a concern to his group he knows what to choose.” Their manager said.

“I will…” Junho said. All of them are waiting for his answer. Is he going to choose his career or Princess Hyoyeon?

Everyone is quiet and looking at him.

“Please choose your career, Junho! I can sacrifice my love for you for your career. I know that it is very important to you. What will your fans gonna say if you leave your group?” Princess Hyoyeon thought.

“Please choose Princess Hyoyeon, Junho. She is very important to you and me. I can’t bear to see her crying because of you!” Nichkhun thought.

“I will…”

Sorry for the late update...exams are coming near and i need to study...


anyway, thanks for the newly subscribers:





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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 30: This is the best junhyo story evahh!
Omo!!~My favorite sequel!!
omg, i really love this story xD
lollipop #4
nice story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha!~~~
lollipop #5
wahhh.... how cute!!!!!!
wahaha .. i didn't know that dong woon would appear !! hahaha
i much love Hyo and Nickhun .. lol
<br />
They should film a drama base on ths story!! <br />
I bet all audiences will love it!!!<br />
Hoorayy!!..I've read your fanfic it started in a bath tub..and it was daebak..it's great you wrote the sequel..JunHyo 4ever..and I like the ending..^3^..<br />
write more about JunHo and Hyoyeon fanfic..okay..<br />
<br />
JunHyo Lover~~
I luv your Story and the happy ending <3 Junhyo 4ever <3