I Just (epilogue)

Of Angels And Demons

"I think we deserve a soft epilogue my love.
We are good people and we've suffered enough."

-Seventy Years of Sleep #4. Nikka Ursula.


[3 years later]

The smell of fresh bread was coming from a small and cozy bakery near Velvet City's central park, the bakery had a nice finish, on the outside it was painted a lime green with plants adorning the outside, a small white wooden blackboard next to the door announcing offers for the day.

The boy working on the inside, a tall lanky redhead by the name Taro, was busy preparing a fresh set of cinnamon rolls when someone walked in. Without looking up the boy greeted the customer. "Good morning, I'll be right with you in a second."

"Huh, nice place you've got going on here..." said a female voice.

He turned around to face the customer with a smile. "Thanks! It's nothing fancy, but it's mine- do I know you?" he asked suddenly. The woman in front of him looked very familiar, but he couldn't pinpoint why, especially with the sunglasses on.

The woman chuckled. "...hmm, don't think so...I'm only visiting after all."

"Oh, ok, well then what can I do for you?" he asked politely with a smile.

"Hmm, I'd like 2 cinnamon rolls and a bag of bread, heard a lot about this bakery, apparently it's really good." she said smiling back at the boy.

The guy beamed at the recognition. "Well it did take me 2 years to actually get everything going, and now I couldn't be happier." he answered before fetching the order for the ash blonde haired woman.

"I'm glad you made it." she said genuinely.

"Thank you." Taro handed the woman the bag, his smile never faltering. "That'll be 7.00$."

"Here." the woman said handing him a 50$ bill. "Keep the change."

His smile faltered and his mouth started opening and closing before finally getting out words. "Oh- I- I can't possibly take-"

"Keep it." the woman cut him off, then she turned around and before exiting the small establishment, without turning around she spoke again briefly. "Glad you found something you're good at, Ta~ro." then she left.

He stood there perplexed, 'Wait, the only people who called me Ta~ro were...', he shook his head and smiled. 'Nah, I'm imagining things.' then went back to making more cinnamon rolls and a fresh batch of cookies.

The ash blonde woman crossed the street and kept walking until she reached a bench underneath a path of trees that made the bench shaded. "Here love." she said taking off her sunglasses and handing one of the cinnamon rolls to the strawberry blonde sitting on the bench.

"Oh, yummy!" the other said happily, taking the treat softly. "Thank you sweetheart." she gave the other a cheeky smile.

"No problem." the ash blonde haired woman smiled, pecking the other on the cheek.

They both took a bite at their treat and were immediately impressed.

"No way, this is so good!" the strawberry blonde exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm actually impressed, guess he did find his true passion." the ash blonde replied, her eyebrows comically upwards.

The strawberry blonde laughed. "Yah, Bae Seungwan, your eyebrows are reaching your hairline."

Seungwan, formerly known as Wendy pouted. "But you love my eyebrows!" she exclaimed and proceeded to move them up and down comically.

"You're a dork." the strawberry blonde giggled.

"Your dork, Son Joohyun." Seungwan said with a smirk.

"Okay, yeah, my dork." she said kissing the ash blonde girl. "Now let's finish eating this, we promised Yeri we'd visit before looking for our sunflowers order and I wanna call Jisoo after we're done."

"Ok babe." Seungwan nodded before they both resumed eating their pastries.


Three years had gone by in a flash, both leaders of the ex gangs had left their dear members a small fortune for each in those bags that were handed to them, they had thought about everything after all.


A few months after the gang's erasure Joy and Seulgi moved in together into a beautiful penthouse on Butterfly City which was 1 hour and a half away from Velvet City. Seulgi was working as a mechanic and Joy had opened a boutique that was doing very well, they were both very happy with their current lifes.

"Babe, I'm off to work!" Seulgi screamed from the door. She was about to turn the handle when she heard footsteps rushing down the stairs.

"Nuh uh, you're not leaving without kissing me goodbye!" Joy exclaimed reaching the monolid eyed girl.

Seulgi smiled and kissed her red haired girlfriend. "Ok then, see you later."

"Yeah." Joy replied smiling just as brightly.

"I'll pick you up at the boutique after work so we can go to that new diner you wanted to try." Seulgi said.

Joy nodded her head. "You know, we should take a day off or something next week so we can go visit Joohyun Unnie and Seungwan Unnie, maybe tell the others too, see if we can all visit." she suggested.

"Hmm, I like that plan, you should suggest the idea on the groupchat." Seulgi replied happily.

"Will do. See you after work, love." Joy smiled, giving the mechanic one last kiss before rushing off on her own to get ready to open the boutique in an hour.

Seulgi smiled back and closed the door.


Yeri was currently finishing her studies as a fashion designer at VCU in Velvet City, but had already bought the floor underneath Joy and Seulgi's penthouse, so she would be living in the same city as them, with the added bonus of living in the same building, which meant Yeri could bother them to her heart's content.

Currently she was rooming with a friend called Saeron that she met at university and they were both studying fashion.

Yeri's phone rang and she quickly picked it up. "Hello, Yeri speaking!" she said animatedly.

"Hey Yeri, we're here." Joohyun's voice said through the phone.

Yeri smiled. "Ah my favorite dead Unnies." she joked.

"Yah, Kim Yerim!" Joohyun huffed.

Yeri flinched out of habit and then laughed.

It had been a shock when Yerin gave them that clue that the ex leaders might have been alive that day and even more shocking was when a month later they all started getting contacted by the two ex leaders apologizing and telling them how much they loved them, but everyone was relieved the two were alive to say the least.

"Hey Yeri, are you gonna buzz us in? I'm melting in this heat!" Yeri heard Seungwan scream from behind Joohyun.

"Sure, I'm coming."

"Is Saeron there? We brought bread from Ta~ro's bakery for you guys." Joohyun said.

"No, she has an elective class right now, cooking." Yeri scrunched her nose while making her way to the buzzer. "Ok, you can come up now."

"Hmm it's a shame your girlfriend's not here...ok coming up!" Joohyun said before hanging up.

"Wh-what!? UNNIE!" Yeri stuttered.


Jennie and Jisoo had also moved in together after everything happened, but they were currently in another state, living in a beautiful house in a town called Lullaby Town.

They both invested in a business together, a gym, the Boombayah gym, it was quite successful since it was very unique with it's hues of black and pink decorating the outside walls of the establishment, drawing people to the place and on the inside discreet gray and whites, made it look very pristine and clean, it was quite a spacious gym.

Jennie taught Krav-maga, kickboxing and boxing classes on 3 different days and Jisso administrated mostly everything in the gym, from their hired instructors to machinery and fees.

"Babe, I think we should buy more mats for the yoga classes." Jennie said as she finished closing up the gym for the day.

"Sure." Jisoo replied, wrapping her arms around Jennie's waist.

Just then the purple haired Jisoo's phone started ringing, she freed one arm to grab it, but kept the other firmly wrapped around her brunette girlfriend.

"Hello~" she sing sang. "Hey sis! What's up?" Jisoo said brightly.

Jennie smiled at that, mouthing a quick "Hello." for the purple haired girl to give to her sister.

"Jennie says hi too!" Jisoo beamed.


Lisa opened her eyes and snuggled closer to the body she was currently half laying on, it was one of those lazy mornings, she felt someone stir underneath her. The blonde lifted her head from her brunette girlfriend's chest to see Chaeyoung scrunching her nose and squinting her eyes.

"Lisa...it's early, go back to sleep." she mumbled, hugging Lisa tightly while kissing the top of her head.

Lisa smiled. "Chaeng, I have to go to work." Lisa replied. "You too."

"Ugh." Chaeyoung replied. "5 more minutes..."

"5 more minutes and we won't be able to make breakfast and be ready on time." Lisa replied, although a huge part of her wanted to stay here snuggled up to Chaeyoung all day, just then little paws made their way up to their bed.

Chaeyoung smiled as little Raven started rubbing herself against her side.

"Okay, okay, my two girls need me to get up, I get it." the brunette said with a bright smile, Raven's head and pecking Lisa's cheek. "Morning." she said smiling.

"Morning." Lisa replied with a smile just as bright.

The redhead turned to grab her phone from the nightstand and saw she had two missed calls, she smiled as soon as she saw the caller ID.

"Babe, remind me to call Seungwan Unnie after work." the redhead asked her girlfriend.

"Sure." Chaeyoung replied squeezing Lisa's hand still smiling.


After the long day they had Seungwan and Joohyun finally were back home. They had flown over to Velvet City for only two reasons, visit Yeri and pickup a special order of sunflowers they needed for the shop.

After all that happened at Majimak they arranged everything to fly out of there with new names, passports and documents...they knew a someone who helped them, and so they found themselves in another state, living in the beautiful Decalcomanie Town in a beautiful house, 15 minutes away from Memory City where their flower shop Moonlight Melody was located, yes, it had the same name as the precious bar Joohyun had to leave behind...and sell...she really loved that place, but, alas, this flower shop was even better, it always smelled of fresh flowery scents and not alcohol, it also felt peaceful and not chaotic and most of all it felt like true freedom being in there.

The flower shop had two stories and was divided, the upper floor was a nice little café and the lower part was the flower shop, it was a pretty cool concept, a flower shop café. The upper part, was wooden and decorated with various vintage stuff, from chairs to posters, to memorabilia from the 50s through 70s decades, with giant glass windows that gave view to the city's park. While the upper part café was a success the flower shop was no exception, the first floor was decorated as if you were on a field on the inside, pastel green walls with lilac and baby blue decorations on the walls adorned the place, while rows of flowers around the shop arranged as bushes gave it the final touch it needed. The outside of the building was painted a colorful light purple and a light blue blending to make the division where the café started visible. It was perfect, their dream come true. And the business had been amazing in Memory City, people simply loved the picturesque place, it almost seemed out of a fairytale and Seungwan and Joohyun couldn't be more proud.

While Joohyun mostly took care of everything flower related, Seungwan was in charge of the café part of Moonlight Melody, of course it's still the same business, but it was easier if they divided the workload. Seungwan even made some original pastries and recipes she had created at the café, while Joohyun finally got the chance to submerge herself in the world of flowers that she loved so much, it was perfect.

They had left everything in order at the shop after bringing back the sunflowers and decided to call it a day, it was 7:31pm, they deserved this small break.

Joohyun made her way to the couch, their dog Lexa, a reddish chocolate husky, trailing behind her, she patted her head and proceeded to sit down at the living room couch, snuggling unto Seungwan's side, while Lexa hopped on snuggling on the couch and placing her head on Joohyun's lap.

The ash blonde woman smiled turning around to kiss Joohyun's temple and extending her hand to Lexa's head.

Joohyun used to be terrified of any kind of animals, still kind of is, but the day seungwan came in with the small fluff ball on her hands, she just couldn't resist the mismatched blue and brown eyes and the whining little thing, and now here she is, the small fluff ball grew into a big dog that she absolutely adores and is not terrified of at all, then again, Lexa was pretty lovable.

Seungwan grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels, stopping on the news channel, since there was really nothing to watch.

"Lisa called me, I talked to her for a while, then I talked to Chaeyoung." she said pausing. "They're so happy." Seungwan smiled brightly.

At the statement Joohyun smiled too. "You know, I'm happy too, very happy." she said, leaning in to kiss her girlfriend.

Seungwan returned the smile, she was about to say she was very happy too when the woman on the news caught her attention.

"And now on to general news, one of our most requested stories is about a gang that's being gaining a lot of attention in Rendezvous City, not much is known about them, but they're quite powerful, nobody knows when they started their endeavors, but please do be careful if you're around the West and South downtown side of Rendevouz City." the woman on the TV said.

"Yes, Mónica you are absolutely right, not much is know about this new powerful gang, rumor has it two women are behind it's origin, but it certainly reminds people a bit of the famous D'Angeli and Daemonez from Velvet City, don't you thin-?" Seungwan turned off the TV before the man could finish speaking.

She looked at her girlfriend, lifting her eyebrows. "Well," Seungwan started. "guess Yves and Taeyeon are doing well?" she said with a sheepish smile, a hint of sadness  behind it.

Joohyun gave her a sad smile. "It's what they chose...if they're okay with that..." she trailed off. "At least they're alive, they're strong, they'll be fine. Also look at how happy everyone else is, everyone's doing good now." she finished kissing Seungwan.

"Yeah..." the ash blonde woman replied feeling better already.

"I love you Seungwannie." Joohyun said, a bright smile on her face.

At that Seungwan smiled even brighter. "I love you too Hyun, I guess, in one way or the other, we all did have our happy endings."






Well...this is it haha. the culmination of a story I started last year, I know I wasn't as diligent with the updates as I wanted to be, but you know that's life, sometimes you plan something and suddenly things change and you have to hold off for a bit, but I'm glad the story has finally come full circle.

Thank you so SO so much to everybody who read this little story of mine and gave it the love and attention I never thought it would receive!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who read my story, the ones that commented and everyone that enjoyed my story, I really hope you liked it!!

I truly did have a lot of fun writing it and it will always hold a special place since it was the first story I wrote and finished.

Thank you sis for forcing me into writing a story haha, didn't regret it at all. You my friend were right.

Anyways, once again, thank you everyone and see you around on another story, my sister and I have more things planned *cue evil laugh*, but I promise it's all good things.

Thank you everyone for sticking around, this has been Of Angels and Demons!!!

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Okay, that's it everyone!
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for reading my little story, hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.
Thank you and see you around on other stories, hopefully!


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Chapter 20: aaaahhhh i love it i love them
Chapter 20: Well at least all of them have their own happiness at the end of the story. Thank you!
1703 streak #4
Chapter 20: Awesome story! I stumbled upon this gold...
SWQ_1512 #5
Chapter 20: Loved the story, one of the best I have read :D The quotes really gave you feels <3
-WenRene15- #6
Chapter 20: I'm glad everyone got their happy ending. =) Such a great story...
Chapter 20: I liked the quote. I loved the epilogue. Everyone has their own business and partner :'))
Thank you for this sweet ending ^.^
Chapter 18: Something new ~~~
Taeyeon and Yves. Somehow unpredictable.
I love it. This is the beginning for everyone right? And where r they now btw?
garensuhanazono #9
Chapter 18: I love how everything turned out alright!
Chapter 18: Ooooh finally!! Something new - new beggining for everyone!! <3