Chapter 18: Something new

Of Angels And Demons

Three days later some of the members of the D'Angeli and Daemonez were gathered discretely in the Summer Rain Church, saying their final goodbyes to the two leaders.

A lot of members had permanently left after the whole thing, so not many people where at the funeral, it was just Seulgi, Joy, Yeri, Jisoo, Jennie and about 30 more people.

The event between the gangs had a huge press coverage about the incident that happened at Majimak Porto, announcing that both leaders had died in the fire, the remains found at the scene were barely recognizable, but DNA didn't was them.

After the service was done and most people had left, the remaining core members sat next to each other. It didn't feel right, but part of them felt relieved that their gangs were definitely gone, unfortunately, their leaders were gone too, even though they were supposed to have a boss and employee kind of relationship, the core members and their leaders were more than just accomplices, they were a family, albeit a very unconventional one, but a family none the less.

Jennie was sitting next to Jisoo, holding her hand tightly, while Seulgi and Joy were sitting next to them, in the same position and Yeri sat next to Joy, who was patting the younger's back. Suddenly they heard someone sobbing in the pew behind them, making them turn around.

Seulgi let out a soft smile. "Long time no see, Ta~ro..." she said in a sad tone, but retaining certain animosity as to not make things gloomier than they already were.

"H-hey." he replied shyly. "Sorry for the loss...both of them." he said with tears in his eyes. He was an idiot that kept popping up out of nowhere, but he was a good kid. His teary eyes and lopsided small smile made him look even younger than he was.

Jisoo smiled back, teary eyed herself. "...thanks." she said in a small voice.

After a while they decided to exit the church, they were the only ones left, they were all still processing everything that had happened on the past 3 days.

That same day of the events at Majimak Porto both the D'Angeli and Daemonez property was burned down, both houses erased by the orange flames' rage. No one knew how it happened or who did it, but it was all gone, so the members where temporarily staying at a hotel, which, of course, they were able to afford, it wasn't much struggle for ex gang members with savings.

Jennie sighed. "What now?" she asked, kissing Jisoo's temple.

"Good question." Seulgi answered.

"Hey," Yeri chimed in. "Isn't that the delivery girl Irene hired last?" the youngest ex D'Angeli member said, pointing at a very tall and pretty girl with a sleeveless knee lenght white dress.

Said girl approached them, upon further observation the girl had two metallic suitcases. She looked very out of place dressed in white at a funeral, although it was already over and on top of that her outfit definitely didn't match the metallic suitcases in her hands.

"Hello." the girl said with a beaming smile, she was indeed very cute.

Jennie narrowed her eyes at her and then remembered the faint words Wendy had said about a suitcase. Her eyes traveled from the girl's face to one of the suitcases. 'Could it be...?' Jennie thought.

Seulgi also noticed said suitcases, remembering Irene's words.

"I bet you're wondering who I am and what I'm doing here." the girl said with a smile.

Everyone nodded, except for Yeri. "You're the delivery girl who replaced Ta~ro." the youngest said confidently. "Jung Yerin, right?"

The girl, Yerin, smiled. "Correct, you are as sharp as Irene told me."

Everyone started looking at each other confused.

"What are you doing here?" Seulgi asked perplexed.

"Well...paying my condolences." she said with a smile.

Jisoo furrowed her brows, "You weren't at the funeral though, I would've noticed the only girl dressed in white." she said.

"Hmm, it's true, I wasn't at the service, I had to retrieve these bad boys, so I couldn't make it on time." Yerin said signaling towards the suitcases.

Once again everyone was at a loss of what was going on.

"Why did you need to bring those suitcases here?" Joy asked warily.

At the question Yerin smiled even brighter than before. "Now that I want to answer!"

Without any warning she stepped forward and placed each suitcase's handles in Seulgi's and Jennie's hands.

Both girl looked at Yerin perplexed. Jennie looked like she was about to punch her, while Seulgi looked mildly reluctant, but curious.

"This is for you. The one I gave to Seulgi unnie is from Irene, obviously, and it's for you three." Yerin said pointing at Seulgi, Joy and Yeri. "The one I gave to Jennie is from Wendy, and is for you two." she said pointing towards Jennie and Jisoo.

Jisoo tilted her head confused. "How-what-?"

"I'm just gonna say..." Yerin started, cutting Jisoo off. "This was a long time coming, consider it your one way ticket to freedom." she said beaming.

Then Yerin turned around and started walking away from the group. Suddenly she stopped on her tracks. "Oh, also, it's a bit weird to go to a funeral for people who aren't really dead...just a thought." she shrugged and kept walking, until she was out of sight.

The group stayed silent, until the words registered in their heads, they all turned to look at the suitcases and then at each other's faces, eyes widened.

"Wait a minute..." Yeri said.




A blonde Yves turned around to look at a red haired Taeyeon, two plane tickets on her hand. "Here." Yves says, handing one to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon nodded her head. "Rendezvous City it is then." the newly redhead said with a smirk.

Yves shrugged as she grinned. "I was getting bored of this city either way...hope those two accomplish what they want." she added.

"...Trust me," Taeyeon laughed. "they will."


[Three days ago]


Irene and Wendy entered the warehouse, leaving all their members behind and with the doors closed behind them they looked at each other.

"Ready?" Irene said with a sad smile.

"For you? Always." Wendy said, leaning in to give the raven haired woman a gentle kiss.

Both leaders took out their guns aiming at each other, then at the ceiling, they shot once each until reaching the number 7, at different places, being careful of not shooting each other or at a place that could make the bullet bounce back to either of them.

After the shoot out, they both ran out the back of the warehouse, and proceeded to shoot once more at the lined gasoline tanks around the place.

Soon everything began to be engulfed by flames, they both knew that the flames weren't close enough were they left the other members, but a big part of them was hoping none of the girls would try to look for them, or rather stay too close to the fire or explosions that were still going.

Irene grabbed Wendy's hand and they ran towards the other side of the port, Wendy shielding Irene from stray flames.

Both women ran until they reached a small boat docked to a side where it wasn't easily spotted. The two of them hopped on it, Wendy bringing the engine to life and driving off.

Irene looked back at the scene they had just fled. The port was now mostly engulfed in hues of red, as if the port was bleeding from the inside.

This was it, the big ending of the D'Angeli and Daemonez, nobody could try and reclaim something gone, no one could come back to them to try and coax them to bring back the gang, after all, dead people can't really conduct business.

After a while they arrived at another port closer to their properties.

"Let's go fetch our stuff." Irene declared.

Wendy nodded. They both ran to a discreet black Honda civic parked nearby and took off to their respective properties. Wendy leaving Irene briefly and the D'Angeli house to go to the Daemonez one.

Upon entering everything was quiet, no one had come back, for obvious reasons, yet, but she still had to be quick, the members would probably be here in about an hour.

Irene made her way upstairs rapidly, fetching a big bag she had prepared for their plan, she started making her way downstairs when suddenly a voice stopped her.

"Huh, I thought there was a "meeting" at Majimak Porto, you must be a bit disoriented."

Irene looked up to find Taeyeon smirking.

"Taeyeon...move." Taeyeon was blocking the main door, standing right in the middle.

"What are you doing boss, bailing?" Taeyeon continued, steeping closer to Irene.

"What do you want?" the raven haired leader asked trying to remain calm, but internally panicking, she needed to get out of here.

"I know you're planning to end the gang, the "meeting" is a ruse."

"Good, you figured it out, but it's done, the gang's over. Move." Irene rebuked with more force, she tried pushing past her, but before she could Taeyeon pulled out a gun.

"Not so fast...leader." Taeyeon said with an unreadable expression.

" you." Irene said chuckling bitterly before throwing her bag behind her and lunging forward.

Irene managed to hit Taeyeon before she could pull the trigger, she wasn't expecting for Irene to boldly go against someone pointing a gun at her head, she definitely underestimated the small leader.

The gun flew across the room, both women looking at each other before trying to reach it.

Irene punched Taeyeon once again, the blonde was pushed back by the impact on her face, yet again, but regained balance and managed to kick Irene on her right side. Irene groaned bending down before dodging Taeyeon from punching her on the left side of her face. Irene regained composure and once again lunged toward Taeyeon, nailing an uppercut to her jaw, but Taeyeon was quick enough to land a hook on Irene's left side, close to her ribs.

At the Daemonez house things weren't looking much great either, Wendy was currently being jabbed on her right side, thankfully she had blocked on time before the fist connected with her temple.

"Yves, stop this!" the redhead leader screamed with anger.

Yves hadn't said a word since she had started attacking, before that the only thing she had said was, "It's over...isn't it?", then proceeded to attack with no apparent reason.

Wendy was perplexed as to what the young woman had on her head, suddenly everything started making sense.

"Yves, you knew didn't you?" the leader asked while still blocking the different attacks the brunette was trying to inflict on the older woman.

At that Yves stopped. "I can't do anything other than betrayed betrayed me." she said solemnly.

Wendy looked at her, Yves suddenly looked smaller than she was, the mask finally slipping a little, letting Wendy see the truly disturbed inside.

"Yves..." she started, but was cut off by the swan like girl landing a hook to her face.
Wendy stumbled backwards, tripping over.

As soon as the leader landed on the floor Yves jumped on top, pinning her to the floor.

". What is it, what do you want?" Wendy asked angrily.

"I need this Wendy, I can't do anything else, get it?" Yves said with a hint of pain a twisted mix between a smile and a frown on her face.

"So what, you're gonna kill me? Then what? It's still over, it's done, the Daemonez and D'Angeli are gone." Wendy spat back.

"Not if you leave me in charge or something, it can't be ov-" before finishing Yves was pushed back by the leader, making her fall to the floor.

This time Wendy stood over her, punching her square in the face.

Wendy grabbed her by the collar of her shirt, pulling her up.

Although Yves was taller than Wendy, the redhead seemed much more taller at this moment.

Yves stared at her. 'This is probably the last time we'll see each other, huh Unnie?' she thought quietly to herself.

Wendy stared back, they were both bruised and bleeding.

"Yves...I'm sorry." Wendy said quietly.

" too." Yves said back just as quiet.

Then Wendy smelled it, smoke, she looked around as the house started getting engulfed by flames, she turned to look at Yves, but the younger woman pushed her and took off towards the backdoor. Wendy took that as her cue. She ran back for her bag and went for the main door as fast as she could, avoiding the flames.

As she made it to the car she looked back, the house she had lived in and planned so many crimes in for years was now burning to pieces, but she didn't feel a single ounce of remorse.

"...goodbye Daemonez...goodbye Yves." the ex leader mumbled before speeding off towards Irene.

Both Taeyeon and Irene were bleeding, bruised and cut. It had been quite the struggle. They were currently staring at each other, tired.

"Why are you doing this?" Irene asked tired and angry.

"They should've made me the leader." Taeyeon started.

"You think I asked for this !?" Irene replied, anger and pain laced on her voice. "I never wanted any of this!" she shouted. "You think I love seeing the people I love suffer, people risking their life's? And for what? Money?" she kept on screaming angrily. "Money doesn't bring back the dead, or buy love or peace. I'm tired." she finished with tears in her eyes.

Taeyeon looked at her and suddenly she lunged forward again.

Irene blocked her attack, then pulled her by the arm, making Taeyeon loose her footing crashing against the wall behind Irene.

"You want to kill me that bad huh?" Irene asked, a pained chuckle escaping her lips.

Taeyeon held the shoulder where the impact had hit the most.

"We're...never gonna see eye to eye." Taeyeon finally spoke.

Irene turned her gaze form the floor to the older woman.

"...It's not that you're a bad leader...your just too good..." Taeyeon said. "I didn't want to be the leader because I envied you or because I thought you were lousy, you're just...good. You never belonged here...none of you did..." the blonde woman finished.

Irene tilted her head confused "What are you-?"

"I'm not trying to kill you." she chuckled. "I guess this is my twisted way of apologizing without my pride getting hurt." Taeyeon finished before chuckling and grabbing on to the left side of her torso.

Irene was about to speak up when the blonde reached for the gun that had been long forgotten in the floor, before Irene could react she pulled the trigger.

Irene closed her eyes.

"You're free now...don't say I never did anything for you." she heard Taeyeon say, when she finally opened her eyes she saw a flash of the blondes hair heading towards the back, but before she was able to follow felt the heat behind her and the smell of smoke.

Irene widened her eyes, she ran towards the main door, grabbing the bag she had thrown nearby, a bit of the fire got to her, burning her hands slightly, she hissed.

Suddenly she heard the front door open.

"Irene, Irene, come on!" Wendy ran through the door grabbing Irene's hand, they both ran outside, finally reaching the car.

"What happened to you?" Irene said, cradling Wendy's frame softly.

Wendy chuckled. "I'm guessing the same that happened to you." she replied.

Irene smiled, then turned to look at her house, it was slowly being eaten away by the fire. A lone tear rolled down her cheek, which Wendy was quick to gently catch with her thumb.

"It's over." Irene whispered, still looking at the house, her eyes reflecting the reds and oranges of the flames engulfing the former house.

"It is...we're all free now." Wendy whispered back.

Irene squeezed Wendy's hand in a reassuring manner. "Bye..." she mumbled to no one in particular, or maybe perhaps to a certain psychotic blonde...who knows.

Finally they entered the car and took off.




Taeyeon was standing by the backwoods behind the former D'Angeli house when a red BMW 3 halted in front of the dirt patch in front of her.

"Let's go." Yves said as she rolled down the window.

Taeyeon hopped in the car. "Did you make your peace?" she asked nonchalantly.

Yves shrugged. "...maybe...did you?"

"Yup." she replied pointedly, looking at her nails.

Yves started driving. "So...what now?" she asked.

Taeyeon smirked. "I have plans my dear"

"Hm...and so...what does that make us?" Yves asked genuinely curious.

"Are you asking me out Yves?" Taeyeon asked playfully.

"Ew, no way grandma." Yves said smirking.

Taeyeon laughed. "Your loss."

They stayed quiet for a while until Taeyeon spoke up again. "Have you ever heard of Rendezvous City?" she finished asking with a grin.

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Okay, that's it everyone!
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for reading my little story, hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.
Thank you and see you around on other stories, hopefully!


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Chapter 20: aaaahhhh i love it i love them
Chapter 20: Well at least all of them have their own happiness at the end of the story. Thank you!
1693 streak #4
Chapter 20: Awesome story! I stumbled upon this gold...
SWQ_1512 #5
Chapter 20: Loved the story, one of the best I have read :D The quotes really gave you feels <3
-WenRene15- #6
Chapter 20: I'm glad everyone got their happy ending. =) Such a great story...
Chapter 20: I liked the quote. I loved the epilogue. Everyone has their own business and partner :'))
Thank you for this sweet ending ^.^
Chapter 18: Something new ~~~
Taeyeon and Yves. Somehow unpredictable.
I love it. This is the beginning for everyone right? And where r they now btw?
garensuhanazono #9
Chapter 18: I love how everything turned out alright!
Chapter 18: Ooooh finally!! Something new - new beggining for everyone!! <3