Chapter 13: The Shift

Of Angels And Demons

The car started making its way out of the hospital parking lot and into the street.

"Seems like the Baes fixed everything between them." Wendy stated amused.

Irene smiled, remembering the conversation she had just had with Jisoo. "Yeah, I think we're good now." the raven haired woman said content.

"Good." Wendy stated.

A comfortable silence engulfed them, but neither of the two felt awkward. Who would've thought the Daemonez leader would be giving a ride to the D'Angeli one?

"Wendy..." Irene started.

Wendy turned her head slightly to look at Irene, the woman looked deep in thought, her gaze fixed on her hands.

"What's wrong?" the younger of the two asked, her gaze back on the road, but one of her hands instinctively reaching for one of Irene's.

"It's just..." Irene trailed off, readjusting her hands so she could hold Wendy's with both. "What now?" she finally asked.

"What do you mean?" Wendy asked.

"After all of this happened, I finally got my sister back, happens now?" she asked. "This was a close call, a very close one." Irene finished.

Wendy didn't say anything for a while, she needed to collect her thoughts a bit. 'What now?'

"This isn't life..." Irene added. "Is this worth it, all the fighting and killing and...?" Irene questioned once again, trailing off.

"I don't know." Wendy finally spoke. "You asked me what now, and I honestly don't know, but maybe we should figure it out...together." Wendy said, stealing a glance to Irene's face.

The raven haired woman gave her a small smile. "I agree." she replied squeezing Wendy's hand, a gesture that the Daemonez leader reciprocated instantly.

--- ---♥--- ---

Irene stayed in the porch until Wendy's car was out of sight. She sighed and entered the house by entering the code and inserting the keys on the door.

Seulgi was the first in front of her. "Unnie, how is she!?" she asked worriedly.

Irene gave her a small smile. "She's okay, surgery went well, she needs a lot of rest though and she can't move very much, but she's safe." she finished smiling.

"Thank God." Seulgi replied hugging Irene.

Irene nodded her head, then heard footsteps from the stairs. She pulled away to check and suddenly was tackled by a giant brunette and a short haired brunette.

"Unnie we were so worried!"

"Did everything go well!?"

"How's your sister?"

"Boss unnie, no offense but you look like ."

Irene couldn't discern who was asking what, both of them were suffocating her and talking at the same time.

"Yah!" Irene heard Seulgi scream. "Stop suffocating the boss!"

Finally Joy and Yeri let go of her.

Irene cleared and rearranged her clothes. "Thankfully Jisoo is okay and is expected to make a full recovery." she said happily.

Joy and Yeri sighed in relief, clearly content about the news.

Suddenly Irene frowned and narrowed her eyes. "Yah, which one of you said I looked like ?" the leader said narrowing her eyes.

Yeri gulped and hid herself behind Joy.

Seulgi and Joy couldn't help but laugh, while Irene only shook her head.

Suddenly another set of steps was heard coming down the stairs. The 3 younger girls flinched.

Taeyeon made her way to Irene, standing a few feet before her.

Irene looked at her with a cold expression, anger clearly bubbling up.

The atmosphere in the room completely shifted, from happy to cold and silent, the tension between the two older members of the gang was palpable.

"Irene I'm so-"

"Save it." Irene replied with venom. "You clearly wanted to hurt someone right? You always do. I'm honestly tired of all this, I think we all are..."

Taeyeon remained silent, but nodded her head. "...guess that's what I always do..."

Irene sensed something shifted in Taeyeon at that moment, but before she could question her the woman was already walking past her, heading for the door.

Taeyeon halted before making her way out the house, gripping the doorknob. "I really am sorry Irene...I'll make it right..." then she left.

--- ---♥--- ---

After a while Seulgi, Joy and Yeri took Irene back to the hospital, so that Wendy and Jennie could head home for a little.

Wendy opened the door and entered the home, Jennie behind her.

The house was oddly quiet, since coming back they hadn't seen, nor heard, Yves around, only Lisa who briefly asked worriedly about Jisoo and when Wendy explained to her the situation the girl relaxed and went to pick up the ringing phone in her room.

Jennie made her way upstairs to change into something more comfortable to go back to the hospital, Wendy decided to wait for her on the couch in the living room.

The redhead's mind trailed back to the raven haired D'Angeli leader, how bright she looked talking with Jisoo, her dark coffee colored eyes softening whenever she looked at her sister. Wendy smiled at the memory.

Suddenly the door clicked and in came a disheveled looking Yves.

Wendy stood up from the couch and stood in front of her. "You." the leader said with a stern voice.

Yves looked up, she didn't look scared, but wary. "...boss." she replied in a bashful tone. "...I know I ed up." the woman admitted.

"Yeah, big time." Wendy said in a menacing tone.

Yves lowered her head, and for the first time in her years knowing the woman, Wendy saw something close to regret on her shoulders.

Wendy was about to say something when a voice from the stairs broke the brief silence.

"You!" Jennie screamed, sprinting towards Yves and punching her across the face.

Yves fell backwards, landing on her .

"This is all your fault, Jisoo almost got killed, are you ing stupid!?" Jennie screamed, trying to get a hold of Yves, but Wendy was holding her back.

"I know, you think I don't know that!?" Yves retaliated.

Jennie was furiously trying to liberate herself from Wendy's grip, but the leader, aside from being smaller than her members, was very strong, after all she needed to be, with all these knuckleheads around and all.

"I-I almost lost her..." Jennie said, an angry yet defeated tone escaping , Wendy looked at her face and found that the girl had shed a tear.

Yves looked at Jennie and lowered her head. "I can't change what I did...I know I ed up, big time...please...tell Jisoo I'm sorry..." the lean brunette said, genuinely for the first time since knowing her, looking apologetic.

Jennie sighed, composing herself. Wendy let go of her. "She's alive...that's what matters." Jennie finished, gritting her teeth. "Doesn't mean I don't want to beat you up, you deserve it."

Yves shrugged, standing up. "I know." her usual attitude coming back.

Silence engulfed the 3 of them once more, a small tension still present, but unlike before, it wasn't that bad.

Yves was holding the left side of her face, where she had been punched. "I'm gonna go put some ice on this..." she said leaving for the kitchen.

Jennie stood there with Wendy, none of them following Yves.

"Sorry...I had to." Jennie said.

"You had to punch her?" the leader asked amused.


"It's okay." Wendy said. "I think she knew that was a given." the leader said. She had a feeling Yves knew Jennie was bound to beat her up, and Wendy was pretty sure Yves let Jennie hit her cause she didn't even try to do anything to defend herself.

'Gotta give it to Yves...the girl can take a hit.' Wendy thought.

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Okay, that's it everyone!
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for reading my little story, hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.
Thank you and see you around on other stories, hopefully!


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Chapter 20: aaaahhhh i love it i love them
Chapter 20: Well at least all of them have their own happiness at the end of the story. Thank you!
1703 streak #4
Chapter 20: Awesome story! I stumbled upon this gold...
SWQ_1512 #5
Chapter 20: Loved the story, one of the best I have read :D The quotes really gave you feels <3
-WenRene15- #6
Chapter 20: I'm glad everyone got their happy ending. =) Such a great story...
Chapter 20: I liked the quote. I loved the epilogue. Everyone has their own business and partner :'))
Thank you for this sweet ending ^.^
Chapter 18: Something new ~~~
Taeyeon and Yves. Somehow unpredictable.
I love it. This is the beginning for everyone right? And where r they now btw?
garensuhanazono #9
Chapter 18: I love how everything turned out alright!
Chapter 18: Ooooh finally!! Something new - new beggining for everyone!! <3