Chapter 11: Listen, listen

Of Angels And Demons

Jisoo had to be taken into surgery. She had internal bleeding, 3 broken ribs and a punctured lung. It looked bad.

Irene, Wendy and Jennie stayed patiently in the waiting room. Silence engulfed the three of them.

Irene was too lost in thoughts of her sister, until she decided to speak.

"Did she leave because of me?" Irene asked, her voice steady, but Wendy noticed her hands were shaking a bit.

"Is that what you've been thinking, that she left because of you?" Wendy asked, her hands itched to reach out and grab Irene's.

"...maybe. Was I a bad sister?" she asked, her voice lower than before.

Wendy was about to say something when Jennie, who was sitting across them, decided to speak up.

"She never stopped caring about you, she respects you a lot, so I don't think you were a bad sister to her." Jennie said, her eyes never leaving the sign on the surgery room door.

Irene nodded, her eyes getting teary again. "...I never stopped caring either, I pretended I didn't, but...that wasn't true, she's my sister, will always be..."

Wendy sighed and stood up stretching her arms over her head. "I think it was the same for her, and I'm not just saying that. When she first came to me to join, I asked if it was a trap, she said no, then I asked her if it was because she wanted to kill her sister 'The Great Bae Irene', she immediately denied it and she just told me she wanted to walk her own path, and I respected that. I don't think it was ever about you, it was more so about her growing as her own person." Wendy finished.

Irene looked at her as if she had just given her an answer to one of the hardest questions in the world.

Wendy turned around towards the entrance. "I'm gonna buy some food, what do you guys want?" she asked nonchalantly.

Jennie looked conflicted between accompanying Wendy or staying in case something happened, in truth she didn't want to leave.

Irene looked at her. "You care about her a lot huh?" she asked in a light tone.

Jennie turned to look at her, but didn't say anything, just nodded her head slowly looking towards the floor.

'There she is,' Wendy thought. 'The real Jennie, a shy girl too high on playing the role of the dealer, the badass, reduced to a flustered mess in front of her...person's older sister.'

Irene nodded her head once. "I'll go with you Wendy." she announced.

Wendy nodded. "If anything happens call me." she said towards Jennie, who nodded in response.

Wendy and Irene left soon after, making their way to a café across the hospital.


Chaeyoung was busy arranging some records on a shelf, she worked at a music store, they sold CD's, Vynils, instruments, merch, basically anything that had to do with music.

She loved it here, after running away from the gang, she had ended up in a beautiful town called Cliff's Edge, three states away from Velvet City, the town was nice, lots of green but modern, it reminded her a bit of Vancouver, she had once visited when she was little, also the people were really nice a lot of them were very free spirited.

Honestly she felt at home in there, she had found a nice little apartment and bought it off with money she had saved up from her gang days, which helped pay up the apartment fully and still have a bit left, of course now that she had a job, well, her income was alright, she wasn't making that much money, but it was enough for her and her munchkin cat, Raven.

Two hours later and she was done for the day, she said goodbye to her boss Amber, who was her very first friend (and only true friend) in town and headed back home.

She was lounging on her sofa cuddling with Raven, when her thoughts traveled back to a familiar blonde that usually never left her mind. Lisa.

Chaeyoung and Lisa had met when they were 9 years old at a foster home. Since then they were inseparable, but things went south when said foster home started having financial issues, and with pain in their heart they decided to let the kids go back into the system, Chaeyoung and Lisa were going to be separated, so they ran away, they were only 11, of course they didn't make it very far, but the people taking care of them decided to try and keep them together, so they went in and out of foster homes together, some were good, others were not, but they always protected each other no matter what.

When they turned 16, they decided they were tired of the foster care system, nobody had wanted them when they were kids, so why would they want two teenagers now? They thought, so they devised a plan to really runaways for good this time, and they did, they were constantly moving from place to place, surviving on the streets for almost a year.

That's how they ended up stumbling upon Son Wendy when they were 17. Chaeyoung didn't like it one bit, being in a gang sounded like a bad idea, but they were homeless, runaways and on top of that poor and hungry, still it took three days and a very insisting Lisa to convince Chaeyoung to join in with her, since Lisa had said yes to the offer as soon as she was asked.

Chaeyoung worked for the gang for 4 years before having enough, truth be told she lasted those four years only because of Lisa, if it had been up to her she would've quit the first week, but was always about Lisa. She hadn't realized back then, but after leaving she finally understood why she would always put Lisa first, she had always been in love with her, ever since that first shy hello between them when they were 9.

Chaeyeong sighed. "Maybe I should call her..." she said Raven's head.


"Didn't peg you for a tea kinda girl." Wendy said looking at Irene sipping her cup of chai tea.

"Well, I never imagined I would be in a cafeteria with an enemy gang leader eating, and also buying food for one of the enemy's gang member because her...whatever they are, is my sister, who is also part of the enemy gang, and being operated on after a shoot out between said gang and, anything is possible." Irene said, a hint of worry behind her voice.

Wendy looked down at her black coffee, her face reflected in it. "I realized I never apologized." she suddenly said.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry about Jisoo, she's my member, my responsibility." she gripped her coffee cup. "I should've-"

Irene cut her off by putting her hand on top of Wendy's. "It's not your fault, this is our world..." she said sadly. "Any of us is bound to get hurt." Irene added, sadness and regret behind her voice.

Wendy turned her hand so that she could finally hold Irene's. "I'm...tired." the redhead confessed in a small voice.

Irene smiled sadly at Wendy, her hands warms thanks to Wendy's grip. "Me too."

A comfortable silence engulfed the two of them in the café. They were still holding each other's hands.

When they got back to the hospital they found Jennie half asleep, curled up in the hospital chair, at that moment both leaders realized something they already knew deep down, that maybe they weren't the only ones who probably wanted a normal life too.

Irene turned her palm up looking at Wendy, Wendy took it in hers and squeezed it, a silent agreement on something between the two.


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Okay, that's it everyone!
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for reading my little story, hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.
Thank you and see you around on other stories, hopefully!


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Chapter 20: aaaahhhh i love it i love them
Chapter 20: Well at least all of them have their own happiness at the end of the story. Thank you!
1703 streak #4
Chapter 20: Awesome story! I stumbled upon this gold...
SWQ_1512 #5
Chapter 20: Loved the story, one of the best I have read :D The quotes really gave you feels <3
-WenRene15- #6
Chapter 20: I'm glad everyone got their happy ending. =) Such a great story...
Chapter 20: I liked the quote. I loved the epilogue. Everyone has their own business and partner :'))
Thank you for this sweet ending ^.^
Chapter 18: Something new ~~~
Taeyeon and Yves. Somehow unpredictable.
I love it. This is the beginning for everyone right? And where r they now btw?
garensuhanazono #9
Chapter 18: I love how everything turned out alright!
Chapter 18: Ooooh finally!! Something new - new beggining for everyone!! <3