The Right Price

Late Nights Make Me Love You
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Amber’s POV


“How’s the head feeling?” a short doctor with a mop of messy hair asks you as she checks the bandages around your arm.


“Pretty good, no dizziness or pain,” you reply.


The doctor straightens and flashes you a megawatt smile through gleaming red lips.


“Nice. Then, I’m going to keep you here for one more night, but tomorrow you can go home.” She signs your chart with a flourish. You can see many curlicues and swirls squeezed into the tiny space for her name. “Do you have any questions for me?”


“Actually, yes. Do you know if Dr. Bae is around?”


At the mention of Dr. Bae, her eyes tighten but her voice comes out perfectly modulated.


“Ah, she called in sick today, but I can give her a message. Do you want me to?”


You shake your head and the doctor smiles again.


“Well, if you need me, press the call button and I’ll come around. Get some rest!”


“Thanks Dr. Ahn.”


This time, her smile feels more genuine as she looks at you over her shoulder.


“No problem.”


She exits. You watch her hips sensuously sway out the door as she flips her hair to the side. Why were all the doctors in this hospital so gorgeous? Not that you were looking of course. It would be almost easier if you were blind. Then you wouldn’t have to look everywhere but the doctor’s face.




You laboriously reach with your good hand and grab your phone. It’s a text from Krystal. She was out right now with Byul, helping your parents transition into their new jobs as warehouse operators for Byul’s family brand. The pay and benefits were a massive improvement from what they had at the restaurant and laundromat, and Krystal had assured you that Byul gave them aliases in the employee database so it would be nearly impossible to find them.


Yet for some reason, a nagging fear kept dark thoughts reverberating in the back of your mind. What if Krystal’s mother somehow got the W-2 slips of all the employees? What if she had bugged Krystal’s phone? What if she had private investigators tailing your parents right now?


Krystal Jung 2:04: Parents all settled.

Krystal Jung 2:04: I’m coming over now.

Krystal Jung 2:05: Want food?


You awkwardly unlock your phone and press her contact picture. The call initiates and after two rings she picks up.


Hey babe! Everything went well. Your parents are doing orientation right now! How’re you doing?


The undiluted fondness in her voice makes your entire body feel warm and it’s with a huge grin that you respond.


“Thank you so much. Tell Byul I said thanks too. I’m okay, Dr. Ahn said I can go home tomorrow. I’m glad I don’t have Monday class.”


Yes, Byul knows how thankful you are. She says you better give her an A on her physics midterm. Anyways, is there anything you want me to get for you for today? I was thinking we could eat Thai food or something?


“Surprise me.”


There’s a slight pause on the other line and you can hear the car accelerating. You miss her so much that you’d gladly sit by her side right now, despite her Grand Theft Auto style of driving.


Oooooh all right. I have just the spot in mind! You’re going to love this restaurant!


“Sounds good. I’ll see you soon then?”


Yup! Love you.


Unhesitatingly you say, “I love you too.”


The call ends and you stare at her contact photo. She had set it herself before leaving this morning. It was a selfie of you two she had taken on top of the mountain. You were hugging her from behind, resting your chin on her shoulder while she used both hands to hold up the camera. Both of you were looking at each other. You can clearly see the small smile on her lips, how it made her eyes curve into the beautiful crescents you love. By contrast, you’re not smiling. You’re looking so seriously at her, as if you were afraid that if you blinked, she’d be gone. And that nearly happened.


Yet, she chose you.


“Man, I love you,” you whisper into the air, finger brushing her pixelated face.


Earlier, you had woken up to Krystal wrapped protectively around you. Somehow, she managed to find the places on your body that weren’t bruised, so that cuddling didn’t hurt. After a quick morning make out session, she bounced out of bed and announced that she would help your parents with their transition. You had given her the addresses of where your parents worked and also briefly explained the situation to them, albeit the truncated version. Their understanding was you found them better positions through a friend and that today would be new employee orientation. Your parents didn’t question you overmuch.


That was the thing with poor people.

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Hello all, I'm writing this with the sinking feeling that the Kryber ship has sailed. Even so, I'd like to keep the pairing afloat for as long as possible. Hopefully I can turn something mundane into something beautiful. Cheers.


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snackplate #1
Chapter 42: Although I'm not in any breakup or healing process but damn this feels like I just went on one. I can feel every pain & regret in your words. Good job author!
amhar03 #2
Chapter 42: Read it while listening to super junior d&e growing pain, ugh that feel
Chapter 42: PAIN. REGRETS. PAIN.
2078 streak #4
Chapter 42: The feeling sinks into me. It hurts so much I hope this isn’t the end
Chapter 41: I love your writting style author-ssi. It's beautiful the way you describe simple things, feelings, situations, etc. It's really a pleasure to read your work. Thank you.
Appledots5 #6
Chapter 41: T.T
nancylau0301 #7
Chapter 41: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1272286/41'>Regrets</a></span>

So sad. Is it going be better soon or going worse & worse? Very scare.
Chapter 41: Damn. It hurts right in my meow meow. 😢
2078 streak #9
Chapter 41: This chapter really hurts