
Late Nights Make Me Love You
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Amber’s POV


You know you’re dreaming. Because there’s no way you’re sitting in a limousine pulling up to a red carpet. Through the darkened glass, you can make out a horde of cameramen waiting outside your door. Oh well. Might as well enjoy this while it lasts.


The car stops and the chauffeur hops out to open your door. This is a vast contrast from the hotel driver who didn’t even let you get into the car. This guy practically bent over double for you as he helped you out of the deep car seat.


“You look amazing! Kill it tonight,” he says respectfully.


You glance down at the expensive tuxedo adorning your body. The tight black suit almost sticks to your flesh. You extend your arm and see a gold wristwatch peeking out from the cuff.


“Amber, over here!” someone calls.


You make your way down the red carpet and a million photographers furiously snap pictures. There’s a spot at the end where you’re supposed to pose. A crane with a camera mounted on it zooms toward your face. You put on a smirk and stick your hands into your pockets.


“Amber! Amber! Amber!” the crowd of paparazzi cheers.


This is fun. You strike pose after pose. The blinding flashes of the shutters look like tiny explosions. But all too soon the usher beckons for you to continue down the carpet. 


“Krystal! Krystal! Krystal!”


Krystal was here too?


You spin around and sure enough, the love of your life majestically floats down the carpet like a swan. She twirls for the cameras, blowing kisses over her shoulder and batting her eyelashes. You stand there watching, waiting for her to notice you. When she does, she smiles radiantly. She picks up the train of her dress and runs over to you.


“Amber! You’re stunning!”


You pull her in by the waist and give her a long kiss. In the background you can hear the paparazzi clicking away like mad. But you don’t care, deepening the kiss until you run out of breath.


“No one can look stunning next to you, Krystal.”


She blushes a beautiful pink and pulls away slightly.


“Let’s go inside. The show’s about to start!”


Krystal takes your hand and leads you up the steps of a theater. You pass by many celebrities and they all wave hello to you. Everyone is bedecked with diamonds and shiny things. Everyone looks so beautiful. The inside of the theater must resemble a fashion show.


“Your seats are this way,” another usher points.


You make your way through an opulent atrium and into the theater. It looks like it could seat five thousand. The entire room is cloaked in red and gold. The stage and walls are yellow while the seats are plushy red velvet. Krystal leads you down the stairs until you’re in the orchestra section—the best seats in the house. She pulls you through a row of seats until you’re smack dab middle in the entire theater.


“Wow, how’d we get these?” you ask.

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Hello all, I'm writing this with the sinking feeling that the Kryber ship has sailed. Even so, I'd like to keep the pairing afloat for as long as possible. Hopefully I can turn something mundane into something beautiful. Cheers.


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snackplate #1
Chapter 42: Although I'm not in any breakup or healing process but damn this feels like I just went on one. I can feel every pain & regret in your words. Good job author!
amhar03 #2
Chapter 42: Read it while listening to super junior d&e growing pain, ugh that feel
Chapter 42: PAIN. REGRETS. PAIN.
2078 streak #4
Chapter 42: The feeling sinks into me. It hurts so much I hope this isn’t the end
Chapter 41: I love your writting style author-ssi. It's beautiful the way you describe simple things, feelings, situations, etc. It's really a pleasure to read your work. Thank you.
Appledots5 #6
Chapter 41: T.T
nancylau0301 #7
Chapter 41: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1272286/41'>Regrets</a></span>

So sad. Is it going be better soon or going worse & worse? Very scare.
Chapter 41: Damn. It hurts right in my meow meow. 😢
2078 streak #9
Chapter 41: This chapter really hurts