
Late Nights Make Me Love You
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You don’t really know how you wake up in your own bed.


One minute you and Krystal were almost cuddling together on the edge of that cliff. She didn’t let go of you after that hug, instead shifting her body to your side and resting her arms around your neck. You let your arm settle around her warm waist. Together you two sat and watched the celestial show overhead.  


“I’ve never seen something so beautiful before,” she had marveled.


With the way her eyes reflected the heavens, neither had you.


The meteor shower didn’t end (later you learned you watched the Perseid storm which lasts for weeks during the summer). You remember your eyes closing as you leaned into Krystal. You weren’t a night owl anymore. You never were, actually. It was the stress of exams and applications and your multiple jobs that had kept you awake. Not to mention the multiple jugs of coffee Victoria had brewed for you.


Yet somehow, you made it to your dorm. The thought of Krystal dragging your half-asleep body back before walking a mile to her room makes your heart ache. You roll over on your scratchy twin mattress and check your phone. Three messages light up the screen.


Krystal Jung 4:53: Made it back

Krystal Jung 5:01: Thanks for everything 

Krystal Jung 5:16 Good night!!! <3


You touch the heart next to her last message. Did she send that to all her friends? You open your messenger app and quickly type out a reply.


np thx for bringin me back


Immediately you see the three bubbles populate on the screen. They stay there for a long time and you realize you’re holding your breath. But suddenly the bubbles disappear. No message pops up. You angrily exhale and chuck your phone across the room into your clothing hamper.    




The phone rings shrilly and you jump out of bed and fall onto the floor. Scrambling back up you run over to the hamper and dig through your clothes. Where was the phone? You frantically toss dirty gym shorts over your head. The phone kept on ringing in the bowels the hamper, probably under your socks. You pick up the whole thing and dump its contents on the floor. There! You swoop down and snatch up the phone just as it falls silent. Pushing your sweaty hair out of your eyes you hurriedly redial the number.


Did you really just let your fiancé’s call go to voicemail?




We’re engaged now, right?


You rapidly pace around the room trying to quiet the bass drum that’s your heart.


“Well, sure I guess, but like I just didn’t think you were my fiancé.”


You hear her pause on the other line.


Sorry. I won’t call you that anymore.


You want to tell her that you’re flustered because you liked it, not the other way around.


So, you free to go to the marriage office now? It’s in downtown right?


“So soon?”


Yeah, I mean what if my parents and Kai change their minds and I get married tomorrow?


“Okay. Where should we meet?”


I’ll come to you in thirty.


“Sweet. See you.”


You hang up and survey the clothes strewn floor. Did you even have a suit to get married in?




Twenty-nine minutes later, you’re sitting on a stone bench outside our dorm. You did not have a suit. But hopefully the black cardigan and jeans with your white collared shirt will work. A neon green car pulls up to the curb and the window rolls down.


“Get in,” Krystal orders.


You walk up to the car and pull open the door. Krystal’s leaning back in the driver’s seat, wearing a white button down and blue jeans. She catches you eyeing her and gives you a roguish win

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Hello all, I'm writing this with the sinking feeling that the Kryber ship has sailed. Even so, I'd like to keep the pairing afloat for as long as possible. Hopefully I can turn something mundane into something beautiful. Cheers.


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snackplate #1
Chapter 42: Although I'm not in any breakup or healing process but damn this feels like I just went on one. I can feel every pain & regret in your words. Good job author!
amhar03 #2
Chapter 42: Read it while listening to super junior d&e growing pain, ugh that feel
Chapter 42: PAIN. REGRETS. PAIN.
2078 streak #4
Chapter 42: The feeling sinks into me. It hurts so much I hope this isn’t the end
Chapter 41: I love your writting style author-ssi. It's beautiful the way you describe simple things, feelings, situations, etc. It's really a pleasure to read your work. Thank you.
Appledots5 #6
Chapter 41: T.T
nancylau0301 #7
Chapter 41: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1272286/41'>Regrets</a></span>

So sad. Is it going be better soon or going worse & worse? Very scare.
Chapter 41: Damn. It hurts right in my meow meow. 😢
2078 streak #9
Chapter 41: This chapter really hurts