
Late Nights Make Me Love You
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Winner of the plot contest: CorpulentSensiaii


"Tbh, i too want kai out of krytal's life, but where's the thrill of it if kai would be out of the way? Aslo, it would be disappointing (in my perspective) if you dispose kai's character, such an enigma. Want to know him more too, his side (ohwell, it always ends with a family neglecting storyline but still, you could always surprise us:)) And i also like how you added seulrene in the story(could be a twist lol, especially how their relationship is turning sour). And be more in detail about the business situation(?), idk it felt loose for me. You can make it a slow burn or a sh*t show (or both). Only if you want it, author.
Btw, thank you for updating! Stay safe!"




Krystal’s POV


You stare at Kai’s reflection in the polished chrome of the elevator doors as they close. The elevator begins its slow ascent to the top floor of the hospital. Overhead, tinny jazz music plays but does nothing to lessen the tension. If it were only you two in the elevator, you’re sure Kai would have tried to make a move. But now Irene’s crammed in a corner stealing glances at both of you.


You’re unsure whether she’s an enemy or an ally. Perhaps just an interested third party.


The elevator slows and stops, doors opening. Kai exits first and you follow. Irene trails behind you two. You’re standing in a long hallway. In front, the walls are just one gigantic piece of glass. You can see the entire hospital campus laid out below. If you squinted, you could just make out the faraway mountains you had climbed this morning.


“Krystal, this way!” Irene calls from the right.


You reluctantly turn and walk toward her. She’s motioning you through a set of glossy oak doors and you enter the largest conference room you’ve ever seen. Kai’s already sitting at the head of the table with his feet propped up. Twelve men sit along the sides. The two closest to Kai keep staring at his feet but neither one says anything. Irene shuts the door behind you before gently tugging you around the table to the far end. She sits at one of the empty seats and you do too.


A heavyset man sitting at the other end of the table harrumphs.


“Dr. Bae. You’re late.”


Irene bows slightly, a blush reddening her cheeks.


“I’m sorry.”


He turns and gives you a simpering smile.


“Ms. Jung. We were not expecting you today, but you are most welcome,” his sibilant whisper echoes throughout the room. “Most welcome indeed.”


From the far end Kai snorts loudly and stamps on the table with one foot.


“Jesus gentlemen, I don’t have all day! Let’s get on with it!”


You can see a muscle twitching in the heavyset man’s jaw, but he fixes a toothy smile on his face.


“Yes, Mr. Kim. We prepared a list of funding allocations in order of priority for your review,” he says while passing out a number of neatly bound packets. “With your approval, we can start—”


“Nothing starts until after I get hitched next week,” Kai interrupts while looking at the packet. He flips through each page, barely pausing for a second before ripping it out and moving to the next. The pages flutter to the floor and you think about the poor intern who probably handbound the packet before this meeting. Kai reaches the last page and crumples it up in his hand. He tosses it behind him but misses the trashcan. One of the doctors gets up to retrieve it but Kai glares at him and holds up his hand. The doctor freezes and you watch as Kai stands and picks up the paper ball. He walks backward until he’s four feet away before lobbing the ball at the trashcan again. It bounces off the lip and onto the floor.


“Damn it!” Kai screams as he runs forward again and picks up the ball.


There’s something dangerously unhinged about this new Kai. What happened to him to make him behave like this? Beside you, Irene opens to speak but the heavyset man gives her a quick shake of the head.


“YESSSS!” Kai crows when the paper ball finally finds the basket after the eighth toss.


The room remains dead silent when he turns around.


“You know, Doc, something bothered me about that report. Nowhere did I see the hospital being renamed after me. I thought I made that clear in our last meeting.”


The large man squirms in his seat.


“Well, Mr. Kim, we would gladly rename it after you. However, the naming rights were already taken by a donor decades ago.”


Kai levels him with a glare.


“So what?”


“So legally it’s impossible to change the name again.”


Kai strides around the table toward you. He reaches your seat and leans down until his face is an inch a

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Hello all, I'm writing this with the sinking feeling that the Kryber ship has sailed. Even so, I'd like to keep the pairing afloat for as long as possible. Hopefully I can turn something mundane into something beautiful. Cheers.


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snackplate #1
Chapter 42: Although I'm not in any breakup or healing process but damn this feels like I just went on one. I can feel every pain & regret in your words. Good job author!
amhar03 #2
Chapter 42: Read it while listening to super junior d&e growing pain, ugh that feel
Chapter 42: PAIN. REGRETS. PAIN.
2078 streak #4
Chapter 42: The feeling sinks into me. It hurts so much I hope this isn’t the end
Chapter 41: I love your writting style author-ssi. It's beautiful the way you describe simple things, feelings, situations, etc. It's really a pleasure to read your work. Thank you.
Appledots5 #6
Chapter 41: T.T
nancylau0301 #7
Chapter 41: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1272286/41'>Regrets</a></span>

So sad. Is it going be better soon or going worse & worse? Very scare.
Chapter 41: Damn. It hurts right in my meow meow. 😢
2078 streak #9
Chapter 41: This chapter really hurts