Chapter 8

Time will tell
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Baekhyun had a disturbing dream : he awakened with a jolt and, unfortunately, was unable to remember the content of that dream. « Where am I ? And why do I have such a headache ? Geez… » he asked himself, confused. He looked at his surroundings, slightly startled by the blinding ray of sunlight coming from the nearby window. His view adjusting to the light progressively, he started to recognize the familiar aspects of his room. While massaging his temples in a vain attempt to calm the incessant pounding in his head, he slowly got up and made his way to the kitchen. Shortly after, he saw Luhan emerging from his own room and heading towards him. Or rather crawling towards him.

« Heyyy. »

« What’s up ? Hungover ? »

« Not sure if hungover…or dying. What day is it today ? » asked Luhan, in a hoarse whisper. « Oh God ! Why is it so bright ? » He closed the curtains, in order to hide the bright sun already rising high in the sky.

« You literally look like a walking dead, yeah. Don’t know, but pretty sure it’s a workday. »

« Aish it ! I need some painkillers or else I won’t be able to make it. »

« Same. » Baekhyun responded weakly. « Oh ! Seems like Kyungsoo left us a note on the counter. »

« What does he say ? »

‘I already left to go to work. I made coffee and hangover soup for the two of you. Painkillers are in the storage drawer, as always. Get them yourselves, bunch of drunkards.

Also, you two really can’t stay together. I’m pretty sure that you don’t remember how drunk you were last night, or what stupid you have done, but when you’ll remember it, you’ll be too ashamed to show up in public ever again. I’ve tried to stop you guys, so I’m not sorry.

P.S : Tao took some videos of you on his phone. He’ll probably just blackmail Luhan with it in exchange of new Gucci stuff, since he can get it for free, so don’t worry Baek.’

Luhan and Baekhyun exchanged looks.

Baekhyun raised his eyebrows, a worried expression painted on his face. « Any memories of last night coming to mind ? »

« Hmm…Nope. I just know that we went to Junmyeon’s and Yixing’s wedding, that’s it. It’s okay, don’t stress too much about it, we’ll eventually remember at the end of the day » answered back a still deep in thought Luhan. He took a sip of his black coffee, while Baekhyun searched for medicine in the drawer. They had hardly started to eat their delayed breakfast when Luhan’s phone rang, signaling his owner that he had received a message.

From Tao Panda :

Where the hell are you ? I thought we had to meet up at 9:30 ? It’s 10 already ! Don’t you know that I have compromising videos of you from last night ? I won’t regret misusing it, but you don’t want something like this to happen, right ? If that’s the case, be there in 15 minutes or you’ll not going to like what’s coming your way next.

« ! I’m late. I forgot I had to meet up with Tao to help him with the launch of his new collection. He is gonna kill me, I’m so doomed ! »

Baekhyun chuckled faintly, looked at the screen of his own Iphone and gulped.

7 missed calls from Satansoo. 2 texts from Satansoo.

He quickly unlocked his cellphone and, at the same time, tried to swallow his hangover soup without choking on it.

From Satansoo :

Baekhyun, won’t you answer your damn phone ? Aren’t you coming to work ?

From Satansoo :

Byun Baekhyun. Do you think I’m fooling around right now ? If you’re not here in 30 minutes, I’ll beat the crap out of you when I’ll get home, understand ? You’re in big trouble.

« Kyungsoo tried to contact me. This time, I’m dead. For sure. »

Luhan, at the door of his

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 22: Ok so I did not see that florist coming!! Roses have so many meanings!!
Chapter 21: I need an updateeeee! There's something that not been answered yet
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 21: I can't tell where these two stand and I don't think they know either - who is the mysterious florist??
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 20: Very angsty - Chan is in such deep denial!!
chanbaeksbaby #5
Chapter 20: Ah uni can be a pain in the especially at the beginning so good luck with everything >.<

Thank you so much for the update, I really like how this is going although it’s a bit heart-breaking haha
Chapter 20: I’m so glad youre back! I hope you like the uni life :3
jiyongisseunghyun #7
Chapter 20: Now I’m intrigued about Sehun and Luhan’s relationship before this. Can’t wait
chanbaeksbaby #8
Chapter 19: I missed thissss T___T I really hope you’re doing fine!

And omg a lot is happening Idek what to feel.. poor baekhyunee must be so lost and chanyeol is making me confused yet I understand him at the same time
Chapter 19: oh merlinnn
Chapter 19: This .... this is heartbreaking. He knows he is falling in love with Baekhyun a l over again, yet he decides it is time to announce the wedding.
That’s just so sad ಥ_ಥ