Chapter 3

Time will tell
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« I got fired » was the first thing Kyungsoo said at breakfast when Luhan asked him why he wasn’t in his work clothes. « What ?! »

At the same moment, Baekhyun, still a bit jet-lagged, entered the kitchen while exclaiming « I missed your cooking skills so bad Soo… Huh ? What’s going on Luhan, why do you look so surprised ? »

« He got fired » repeated a shocked Luhan. « What’s wrong with your boss ? You already told me that he is a but… »

Kyungsoo interrupted him « It’s okay Han, I’m gonna find another job in no time… »

Baekhyun grabbed his black cup of coffee and reflected on his friend’s problem for a minute. « That may work » he thought.

« After all, maybe it’s better this way » said the puppy-eyed man.

« I beg your pardon ? What did you just said ? » answered a very annoyed Luhan.

« Yeah, what do you mean by that ? » uttered Kyungsoo calmly.

« Would you consider being my secretary ? I might need a helping hand who could take care of my schedule and all that stuff in the following months, if I plan on opening my established wedding planner agency in Seoul. »

« Is that for real ? » exclaimed the two others, startled by Baekhyun’s sudden revelation.

The latter simply chuckled before his best friends’ amazed faces « Haven’t I told you last night that I wanted to settle down ? » He continued « If you accept the job Kyungsoo, today is your first day. I already have a marriage to plan and clients to meet »

« Already ? » « As expected, this is real fame ! Whose marriage is it ? »

Baekhyun smirked « Junmyeon’s and Yixing’s wedding ».

3 hours later…

« Geez… why can’t I come up with a good idea ! » cried out a frustrated Baekhyun. The successful wedding planner was now in his room, which was his temporary office for the time being, and was running out of inspiration, something that never happened to him before.

He came back to the flat after he attended the appointment he scheduled with Junmyeon the last time they talked on the phone, along with his freshly hired secretary. Yixing was also there, so the four of them catched up with each other and talked about ideas for the wedding while eating lunch. It actually felt like a happy family gathering.

However, an unpleasant surprise awaited Baekhyun at the end of their meeting. While Junmyeon was answering an urgent call, the puppy-eyed man asked Yixing « Since the two of you don’t really have any ideas for your reception venue, how about we make another appointment as soon as possible so we could find a place in no time ? »

Yixing smiled apolegetically. « Umm Hyunnie … to tell the truth, Junmyeon and I have tried really hard to clear up our schedule for this week-end and next week. But as you can see, Junmyeon is busy with all kind of work related stuff and I’m dealing with many problems concerning my upcoming exposition… So can you figure out something please ? I believe you will surely find an amazing location for us. I’ll trust you on this okay ? We are so so sooo sorry !! »

Baekhyun was still figuring out what the Chinese man just said when a very annoyed Junmyeon came back. « Sorry guys, an important emergency meeting just came up, I gotta go ! See you soon, text me if you find something ! Babe, can you drive me please ? » And before he could even say a thing, the couple was already gone.

« ! Those tards ! What are we going to do now ? » asked Kyungsoo, with an incredulous tone. Baekhyun sighed « What do you want me to say ? Let’s try to figure out something. »

And there he was, back to square one

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 22: Ok so I did not see that florist coming!! Roses have so many meanings!!
Chapter 21: I need an updateeeee! There's something that not been answered yet
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 21: I can't tell where these two stand and I don't think they know either - who is the mysterious florist??
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 20: Very angsty - Chan is in such deep denial!!
chanbaeksbaby #5
Chapter 20: Ah uni can be a pain in the especially at the beginning so good luck with everything >.<

Thank you so much for the update, I really like how this is going although it’s a bit heart-breaking haha
Chapter 20: I’m so glad youre back! I hope you like the uni life :3
jiyongisseunghyun #7
Chapter 20: Now I’m intrigued about Sehun and Luhan’s relationship before this. Can’t wait
chanbaeksbaby #8
Chapter 19: I missed thissss T___T I really hope you’re doing fine!

And omg a lot is happening Idek what to feel.. poor baekhyunee must be so lost and chanyeol is making me confused yet I understand him at the same time
Chapter 19: oh merlinnn
Chapter 19: This .... this is heartbreaking. He knows he is falling in love with Baekhyun a l over again, yet he decides it is time to announce the wedding.
That’s just so sad ಥ_ಥ