Chapter 16

Time will tell
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There was a pregnant pause in their heated confrontation, their eyes never leaving each other’s faces.

Baekhyun was the first one to look away though, embarassed at his somehow unexpected yet bold confession. On a softer tone, he resumed. « Does it still matter ? »

Chanyeol would have wanted to say yes. He would have wanted to scream at the top of his lungs that yes, it mattered to him. But he knew it would only make this situation messier, and settled for an unconcerned shake of his head. « No. We’re just friends, anyway. Right ? »

« Right. » Baekhyun swallowed the bitter taste in his mouth. « Right. Can I hug you ? Friends hug, don’t they ? »

Chanyeol looked at him with widened eyes, and Baekhyun thought he would deny him. But the younger still engulfed him in a hug, and without realizing it, Baekhyun held him even closer.

In a perfect world, Byun Baekhyun wouldn’t have been oblivious. The embrace didn’t feel like a bro hug, but more like something intimate. However, the real Baekhyun was too kind for his own good. Even if he did see the signs before him, he would have chosen to ignore them.

But he’s also human, and it’s in human nature to be selfish, from time to time. To want something you cannot have, that you shoudn’t even think of coveting. And it’s so hard, sometimes, to act reasonable, because every rational reason holding you back from getting your way seems so insignificant in those specific moments. Baekhyun knew better than to shamelessly act on impulse, though all he wanted to do was keep Chanyeol all to himself.

His stomach growled, and, much to his regret, the taller released his hold on him. « Let’s dig in. » he said, gesturing towards the bowls in front of them, and suddenly, he seemed all too hasty. « Go ahead. Sorry there’s no soup or side dishes. I don’t usually eat breakfast. »

« It’s fine, I also skip breakfast most of the time. »

Was it his oversized tee, or did the older really looked thinner. « That’s not a very good habit, Baekhyun. »

« Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, Chanyeol. » The actor shrugged and placed a cup of hot chocolate near Baekhyun’s plate, resisting the envy to ruffle his glossy hair. Baekhyun noticed Chanyeol’s own cup had black coffee in it. « You still remember that I used to hate coffee. »

« Eat, now. »

« Jal meokeossseumnida. »

They ate in comfortable silence, Baekhyun examining the wide room with an uncontained curiosity, while Chanyeol was observing him, a certain amusement dancing in his eyes. He suddenly stopped eating and Chanyeol raised an inquiring brow at that.

There wasn’t a single surface in this flat that wasn’t covered by vases full of fresh flowers, the only personal touch given to the place. « Does Mabel like roses ? » Baekhyun didn’t mean to say those words out loud, so he continued, trying to wipe his embarassment away by taking on a lighter tone. « Where is she, by the way ? » He hoped Chanyeol didn’t notice the previous hint of jealousy in his voice.

« She doesn’t live here. We don’t live together. » Chanyeol didn’t feel the need to elaborate any further.

« Why not ? » Baekhyun said it so faintly, that he thought the question had passed through the interested party’s ears. But his closed expression made his voice die in his throat. Baekhyun had noticed there was something unusual about this place for a little while now, but couldn’t quite pinpoint what was throwing him off.

The penthouse was beautiful, without a doubt. However, looking at it closely, except for the roses, it was cold.

« Besides, Mabel had to go back to China but she’ll come back when her schedule allows her to do so. I’ll be attending all of the rendez-vous you and her have scheduled this week. She asked me to apologize on her behalf, and to postpone the wedding dress’ fitting until her return. Is that okay with you ? »

« Oh, I see… of course, it’s fine. I’ll reorganize this week’s planning in this case. » That’s when Baekhyun saw the bouquet of white roses on the kitchen island, still wrapped in its paper and instead of a ribbon as a tie, gold wire. « I’m thinking of you »

« Did you get these from your fans, then ? They are beautiful. »

« I got these from, ehrm… a florist friend. He grows them himself. »

« Really ? If he can produce so many varieties of roses, he must have a huge garden. »

« He actually lives in a house not too far from Seoul. »

« I might want to pay him a visit. »

Chanyeol tensed. « Why ? » The ever-so slightly strained tone of his voice made Baekhyun raise one of his eyebrows in surprise.

« I’d like to work with him on your wedding. Since this project will be of a higher scale, I need a bigger flower supplier. Even better if he’s located near the city. » The wedding planner picked a white rose out from a vase nearby, inhaling the sweet scent. « His flowers breeding are unique and it seems like his concept is quite refined. »


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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 22: Ok so I did not see that florist coming!! Roses have so many meanings!!
Chapter 21: I need an updateeeee! There's something that not been answered yet
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 21: I can't tell where these two stand and I don't think they know either - who is the mysterious florist??
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 20: Very angsty - Chan is in such deep denial!!
chanbaeksbaby #5
Chapter 20: Ah uni can be a pain in the especially at the beginning so good luck with everything >.<

Thank you so much for the update, I really like how this is going although it’s a bit heart-breaking haha
Chapter 20: I’m so glad youre back! I hope you like the uni life :3
jiyongisseunghyun #7
Chapter 20: Now I’m intrigued about Sehun and Luhan’s relationship before this. Can’t wait
chanbaeksbaby #8
Chapter 19: I missed thissss T___T I really hope you’re doing fine!

And omg a lot is happening Idek what to feel.. poor baekhyunee must be so lost and chanyeol is making me confused yet I understand him at the same time
Chapter 19: oh merlinnn
Chapter 19: This .... this is heartbreaking. He knows he is falling in love with Baekhyun a l over again, yet he decides it is time to announce the wedding.
That’s just so sad ಥ_ಥ