Chapter 14 - Part 3

Time will tell
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The photoshoot passed in a flash. Individual pictures were a success. Baekhyun even earned compliments from the staff and the photographer, praising his natural ability to perfectly enhance whatever clothes he was showcasing. And when the time slot for the couples’ shots eventually arrived, it was decided that the duos with better chemistry were Chanyeol and Baekhyun, as well as Sehun and Luhan. « How am I supposed to work with someone like him ? » the second pair protested rather loudly - Luhan had whined the loudest, actually. Sehun seemed more pleased than annoyed at the situation they were put in.

Baekhyun was on the verge of hyperventilating, when his ex-boyfriend had taken the initiative to appease him. Once again. « Hey, relax. Else, this is not gonna work. »

« I can do this by myself. I’m good. » The words were enunciated on a cold and even tone. Chanyeol was getting on his nerves. In fact, it wasn’t true. Baekhyun got annoyed at his own cowardice, to say frankly. He thought he had changed, somewhat gained maturity, since high-school. But did he really become a better person, a better version of himself, when people still thought he needed assistance from them ?

« Well, you’re not. Pushing yourself to a dead end is the syndrom of a masochist. I think you should put down the weight on your shoulders once in a while. » Chanyeol had read him like an open book. « Just… think of us as the only persons in this room. Take a deep breath. » Patiently, - which was so unlike him - Park Chanyeol tried his best to comfort him, while Baekhyun had treated him like a stranger in the first place. He should have known his actions were wrong, from the beginning. And that’s when guilt decided to start eating Baekhyun up. « Follow my lead, and it will be fine. It’s okay to seek help from time to time. » The last sentence drove the final nail into the older’s coffin. During the long hours that succeeded Chanyeol’s latest words, Baekhyun could only think about them, running unlassably in his already twisted mind. They almost managed to make him forget the tingling sensation of the actor’s skin against his. Or the warm breath in his neck, tickling the sensitive epidermis. Or even the deep masculine scent that always seemed to surround him, mixed with the surprising yet insolently intoxicating smell of tuberose. It was a given, really, that Baekhyun’s thoughts had gone out of the window. Else, he probably wouldn’t have kept his expression at bay, features still and ice-cold.



Chanyeol concentrated his attention on Baekhyun’s mole, right above his upper lip. It wasn’t a good idea, but in his defense, he had not seen something more interesting to observe at that precise moment. To tell the truth, he found that Baekhyun was the most interesting being to look at in the whole entire room, if not the whole entire city of Seoul. So, when the photographer had asked Chanyeol, persuaded the most wonderful idea on Earth had crossed his mind, to snuggle in the crook of Baekhyun’s shoulder, the younger imperceptibly tensed. Baekhyun blinked, but let the other’s settle his lips in his soft hair, tracing the line of his neck with the tip of his nose. The intimate gesture would probably have turned him into a blushing mess in normal circumstances. However, the daze that had taken over him made Baekhyun untangle gently Chanyeol’s fluffy strands of hair, pushing them back to have a better look at his features. The comma hairstyle had gone slightly disheveled, but surprisingly, the actor looked even better like that - no one in the staff had uttered a complaint. Chanyeol his lips without realising it, removing some of the dried rose tint applied on them, though further accentuating its tantalizing redness. Why not take advantage of the moment and let down all pretences ? Such an occasion wouldn’t present itself at all in a near future. He could later pretext his actions had been solely for the sake of Tao’s campaign. While Baekhyun leaned on Chanyeol, almost resting his upper body on his lap, the latter’s arms enveloped him in a comforting embrace, encircling his torso possesively. Baekhyun felt at home. He knew his gaze must have looked hazy, disturbingly carnal, accentuated by heavy eyeshadows and subdued lights. The clothes he was now wearing consisted in raw denim jeans and a cozy, chunky camel knit, whereas Chanyeol sported a similar outfit in darker, dusty grey hues. Feeling bolder by the minute, Baekhyun closed his eyes, taking it all in, a hand resting on the other’s broad shoulder. A pleased Mr Kim, who was all too satisfied by the sultry, intimate atmosphere his models were providing without restraint, hummed approvingly behind the objective of his camera. Without artifice, unvarnished stills of raw souls in their most vulnerable state.



It could pass as bromance to anyone, but not in the minds of the ones who knew better. Disapprovingly, Jongdae shook his head and went out by the back entrance to get his daily dose of caffeine. He should take a break before he got a heart attack worrying about the emergence of a possible scandal in which his idol would most probably play a huge part. « Chanyeol…don’t mess this up, please. You can’t afford it now, not after all the sacrifices you made, and made me do at the same time. »



« Where have you been ? »

« I brought coffee. How is it going so far ? »

« Hmm, well... So far, so good. » Tao said with an enigmatic smile, sitted before the screen of his computer. He was monitoring the photoshoot, and silently going through the multiple shots.

Jongdae avidly replied, taking a seat next to his friend. « Spill the tea. »

« My two high-school sweethearts cough cough chingus over there… » He pointed at Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s pictures. « Are giving me the photoshoot of the year, I must say. Baekhyun looked a bit out of it, but isn’t he all well now ? How about we review those together, so we can choose the ones which will be advertised on the billboards ? »

The manager stared bleakly, and waved an indifferent hand. « Later, okay ? Later… » He then passed a cup of vanilla latte to Tao. The designer raised a brow, but didn’t utter a word at the lack of excitement as he received the fuming paper cup.

« How about them ? They’re suspiciously quiet. » Jongdae directed his chin in Luhan and Sehun’s direction.

« Some harsh words have been exchanged while you were out. They look like they’re about to rip each other’s throats. But… »

« But Sehun wants to get in Luhan’s pants, and Luhan doesn’t seem to completely loathe the idea - more like he pretends to. » Jongdae looked even more bored, if that was humanely possible.

« That pretty much sums it all up. »

« Good, we’re done here ! » The photographer shouted in the background.

« Our Lu deer is simply in denial. I bet twenty bucks that by the beginning of next year they’ll be the hottest new couple. »

« I bet my brand-new Gucci bag Luhan got me as a gift that they’ll be together before this year ends. »

Jongdae sipped on his iced cappuccino pensively, seemingly intrigued by the challenge. « Call. »

« Who are you talking about ? » Luhan had come to check on his snapshots, and was now frowning disapprovingly at them. Tao and Jongdae innocently looked away, confirming the stylist’s doubts.

« Do you really have that much time in your hands to make such stupid bets ? And hmm… ‘Gifted’ you ? No ing way. I gave that bag to you as a ransom. »

« A ransom ? For what ? »

« For him to keep his big useless mouth shut. »

« No need to be so harsh. Can’t blame me for the unspeakable things you did, Luhan dear. You have such a dark past. »

« You’re unbelievable, Tao Panda. »

« When will you ever get tired of using this ridiculous nickname ? »

« The day you’ll stop blackmailing me in exchange of branded goods. »

« But it’s not my fault you keep giving me material for blackmail at any occasions that occured, is it ? » Luhan pointed his middle finger in Tao’s direction, moving away from him and Jongdae wordlessly. The latter sneered « Someone is triggered. »

« Chill Lu… You know you love me. » Tao said, a smile in his voice.

« Keep dreaming. As they say, while there is life there is hope. » finally exclaimed the stylist, upon entering the dressing room for his umpteenth outfit change of the day.



When they eventually wrapped up the shoot, it was already late afternoon, and the night started to take its toll. Everyone in the team was busy packing up their own stuff, tired faces rushing to go home. Tao, once more glued to his phone, still decided to reward his close friends for the hard work. « Are we partying tonight, guys ? »

« Aren’t we ? It's been a while since we all got together. I'm not paying for the drinks tonight though. » Jongdae replied.

Luhan hummed in agreement. « Boys night out for good old times’ sake. It's okay, Jongdae, we all know you have no loyalty. »

« Yah ! Didn't we all go out for drinks because I invited everyone last time ? I even paid for everything ! » The manager whined, before focusing his attention on Tao. « Tao, did your sugar daddy dump yo

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 22: Ok so I did not see that florist coming!! Roses have so many meanings!!
Chapter 21: I need an updateeeee! There's something that not been answered yet
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 21: I can't tell where these two stand and I don't think they know either - who is the mysterious florist??
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 20: Very angsty - Chan is in such deep denial!!
chanbaeksbaby #5
Chapter 20: Ah uni can be a pain in the especially at the beginning so good luck with everything >.<

Thank you so much for the update, I really like how this is going although it’s a bit heart-breaking haha
Chapter 20: I’m so glad youre back! I hope you like the uni life :3
jiyongisseunghyun #7
Chapter 20: Now I’m intrigued about Sehun and Luhan’s relationship before this. Can’t wait
chanbaeksbaby #8
Chapter 19: I missed thissss T___T I really hope you’re doing fine!

And omg a lot is happening Idek what to feel.. poor baekhyunee must be so lost and chanyeol is making me confused yet I understand him at the same time
Chapter 19: oh merlinnn
Chapter 19: This .... this is heartbreaking. He knows he is falling in love with Baekhyun a l over again, yet he decides it is time to announce the wedding.
That’s just so sad ಥ_ಥ