Chap 4

Broken and Mended


Amber’s POV:

I was still standing in front of Nic’s door, trying to comprehend what the just happened. Is this for real? One minute she was seducing me and the next minute I was standing outside her apartment looking like a complete idiot.

Shaking my head, I gathered my stuff which was lying around the ground (apparently I was too shocked about the sudden change in Nic’s attitude to take notice of other matters). Sighing, I dragged myself to the lift while turning my head several times at Nic’s door in case she changed her mind. But the door remained tightly shut as ever. Sighing in defeat, I walked into the lift to the lobby, before getting into a cab back home.

“I so need a cold shower now.” I muttered as I kicked away my clothing and prepared a tub full of cold water.

When I need to think or to have a clear mind, cold showers always worked wonders for me.

“Ahhhh…. Damn cold!” I soaked myself completely in the water. As my mind started to clear, I began to analyse what just happened in Nic’s house.

Why did she do that? Is she seducing me? “Well… she was nearly so obviously she is seducing you.. duh..” my subconscious replied me. Wait! Now my subconscious is talking to me?? Great… I hope I am not going crazy soon!

Hmmm… but why is she seducing me? “Well you only seduce people under a few circumstances. One, she’s going to cheat all your money. Two, she’s interested in you and is making a move on you. Three, she’s out of her mind.” sub-Amber was answering my question again. Yes my subconscious which I just named her sub-Amber for simplicity sake.

Wait a minute, point two which sub-Amber mentioned makes more sense! Is this why she’s acting weirdly around me recently? Oh well.. seriously I have never thought of Nicole in any other way except as my good working partner, best buddy up till this moment. I admit that Nicole is really a smoking hot and intelligent girl. Every time we went out together, I noticed that most guys will stared at her with lustful eyes and girls will looked at her with envy.

Suddenly, I began to feel ashamed about my actions earlier. I’ve never lost control of my emotions before. I could feel that my mind was in a state of chaos, and I was feeling too much mixed emotions and feelings.

“Arghhh!” I slammed my fist onto the toilet counter in frustration. “Calm down Amber!! You missed asking yourself one important point – Do you LIKE her?? Do you have any FEELINGS for her??” sub-Amber was practically shouting in my head. But she’s right. What do I really feel about Nicole? Do I have any feelings for her? Am I just blinded by lust? Is she just a good friend or something more? Do I WANT something more?? My hand automatically went to feel my heartbeat as I asked myself again.

As I fell onto my bed, these questions kept repeating itself in my mind. In my twenty-three years of life, I have never ever felt what I did tonight. The desire to want a person in a ual manner, to feel her body next to mine. But is this just lust or something more?

I couldn’t sleep after I lay myself on the bed…. I kept tossing left and right. My mind was fully occupied and working non-stop. Scenes between me and Nicole kept flashing. I was searching for answers to all my burning questions. Trying to reach to my most inner emotions, to seek what I truly felt about Nicole. Trying again and again. And Finally………… I managed to fall asleep but without finding those answers. But one thing I was clear about was that Nicole is very important to me. So important that I was willing to sacrifice my life for hers. Period.

----End of Amber’s POV----

Nicole’s POV:

I had to force all my will power to close the door on Amber like this. Walking away from the door, I fought down the urge to open the door and call out to Amber. I knew I was doing the right thing (based on my plan) but I just couldn’t bear to see Amber’s confused and disappointed face. But if things continued, I’m sure Amber and I will get into bed and have . But the important question is  ‘and then what’? It would just be a normal one night stand. That’s it. A fling.. No emotions involved. Just purely physical satisfaction.

Or worse, maybe Amber might even think that it’s a mistake to begin with and jeopardize our friendship.

THAT’S NOT WHAT I WANTED! I want more than just a physical satisfaction with Amber. I want her heart to belong to me. I want her love. I want her to only think of me, to miss me when I am not around her, to be able to make her smile because it is me, to be her… girlfriend, her soulmate. Someone who she can rely on, to talk to, and to grow old with…

Since I’ve been too scared to confess to Amber directly, I began hinting Amber about my feelings to her for the past two months.. Dropping obvious hints every now and then.. Even Taeyeon and the rest knew about my feelings. But Amber’s just too dense to get it.. I couldn’t take it anymore, I had enough. This feeling of secretly in love with someone is too torturous for me (after bearing for 2 years!!).

 Since I still don’t have the courage to confess up front, I decided to confess using action instead. That’s how and why I came up with this plan. To seduce her and then stopped halfway and send her home. To make her realize her true feelings towards me, be it friendship or something more. Even if I got rejected, I don’t mind anymore. I’ll just move on from here.

I NEED to know if she felt the same way as me.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to know how you truly feel about me, Am...” 

----End of Nicole’s POV----


Hello my readers!! How're you guys doing??

Here's chap 4 for you. :)))

Amber is really confused about her feelings for Nicole.

Anyway, I've done up an image for this fic!!

What do you think??

As usual~~ Stay tune to chap 5~~!!!




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Will update next week! Stay tune~ ^^


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Chapter 34: Update pleaseee
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 34: Lolol sorry that was hot and funny at the same time :)
Zerozz #3
Chapter 34: Hahaha so funny XD
Update more author-nim^_^
jasonds #5
Chapter 34: nice updates....hahahahahh i am laughing so hard...cant wait for another updates
redeb21 #6
Chapter 34: Hey if Krystal and Nicole are willing to cooperate then Amber should just take some B12 and a 5 hour energy and go with it.
CaesarC #7
Chapter 34: ......and I'm blinking at the screen as well....