Chap 18

Broken and Mended


----Next morning, Amber’s mansion----

*crack crack* “Aish.. my back…” Amber whined as she sat up from the couch but covered immediately when she remembered Krystal and yesterday’s events.

After doing some stretching, Amber went to check on Krystal who was snoring away and sleeping with her legs and arms wide open. (A/N: like a starfish.)

“ Looks like she’s knock out pretty bad and that is one awesome sleeping pose.” Amber whispered to herself as she chuckled silently while trying to imitate Krystal’s sleeping position.

Before leaving the room for breakfast, Amber pulled the blanket over Krystal which was bunched up at the legs. She knew Krystal was still weak from the tortures, and it would at least take a week for her to recover fully. During this period of time, she needed to make sure those bastards wouldn’t track her down.

Suddenly, Amber realized that was so many things on her hands right now. Nicole was still in a ‘coma’, she needed to keep Krystal safe from those sickos and lastly, to break the news that she was not human to her friends since she needed their help (that is if they accepted who she was first).

“Amber, you can do this! Nicole will be fine! If Nicole accepts who you are, I’m sure the rest will too! Krystal will definitely be safe since she has you and the rest looking at her back!” sub-Amber suddenly shouted words of encouragement in Amber’s head.

Amber knew what sub-Amber said makes sense, she had to look at the bright side! Nicole and Krystal needed her now, more than anything. She needed to gather herself together immediately.

Nodding her head with new confidence, Amber made her way to the fridge for her breakfast – blood in a glass wine. Gulping down the red liquid, Amber walked to the secret compartment for a new pack of blood and left it in the fridge.

Amber quickly prepared herself for work, she needed to get there early to know about Dr. Han’s analysis about Nicole’s condition.

Before leaving the house, Amber wrote down a note for Krystal as the house will be empty except her. Amber then left the house. However, she can’t help but worry that Krystal might wander out of the house and be captured by those sickos again.

“Hope she’s alright when I’m away.” Amber looked at her bedroom window one last time before driving off to Inton.

----TaeSooYulSic’s apartment----

----Taeyeon’s POV----

“Aish…. I’m alone in the house again.. I guess I’ll return to work tomorrow. Being alone makes me think of Sulli more…” I talked to myself sadly as I slumped into the couch.

I decided to take a walk outside to clear my mind. Getting my car key and coat, I left the house and began to drive aimlessly again.

My mind began to flashback to yesterday…

After crying tons of tears out onto Yuri’s shirt, I thanked Yuri and bid her goodnight before going back to my room. I flopped myself to my bed and took out the package Yuri passed to me earlier. I tore the package and took out a small box and a folded paper.

I opened the box and saw an exquisite sapphire ring in the middle. My eyes widen because I recognised the ring!! It was actually given from me to Sulli during our recent anniversary… The ring was a symbol to mark her being mine… I was so happy to put the ring into her slender finger during that day that I almost screamed “You’re mine, Sulli.” out loud in the restaurant.

However, looking at the ring now, makes my heart ache so much more that I forgot how happy I was then… Gripping the box tightly into my fist, I read the writings on the paper.

I know I have hurt you so deep with my decision to UK. I’m really sorry for my selfishness but I really wanted this.. I know I have apologize countless of times but I don’t know what else to say except to keep apologizing… I decided to return the ring back to you so that you’ll give it to someone much more worthy than me… I’m sorry, Taeyeon.


Crushing the paper angrily, I threw it and the box aside which caused both of them to land on my study table with a loud thud. I began to throw deadly punches into my sandbag which was hanging quietly in the corner of the room. I could cry no more as my tears were all used up earlier.

Snapping myself out of the flashback, I realized I drove to the same park again. I got out of the car and bought myself a nice cup of coffee before entering the park.

Ahhh… I so need the fresh air.. hearing the birds chirping and the leaves rustling against the wind, calmed me down greatly. I closed my eyes as I soaked myself into the nature.

“Oh hey! You’re the weird girl from the other day. Nice to see you again.” My serene atmosphere was ruined by a husky voice. I frowned as I opened my eyes at the intruder. I was ready to unleash all the bad words I knew until I saw the taller girl in front of me flashing a ridiculously beautiful eye-smile at me.

Geez… how can someone possess such beautiful eye-smile?? And she looked so cute too.. Omg she’s flashing me another eye-smile again!!! And why do I feel so weak all of a sudden???

“Hello?? You there?” the girl waved her hand in front of me with a puzzled look.

“Yes..” I replied lamely.

“Oh.. is that coffee? You just bought it?” the girl pointed her finger at my coffee.

“Yes, I just bought it from the stall over there.” I regain my composure as I turned my head behind and pointed at a shop.

“Great! I’m sorry but I’ve to borrow this coffee from you. I promise to buy you another one. Yikes!! I’m late for work!! Thanks again!” the girl flashed me another eye-smile and then took off with my coffee, leaving me feeling weak once again as I stared at her till she disappeared round the corner.

“Did I just get robbed off my coffee??” I face-palmed myself after registering my head about what just happened.

“I’m soooooo not coming here again…. Better warn Yuri and the rest about here….” I took out my mobile phone and began texting as I stomped all the way towards my car.

----End of Taeyeon’s POV----

----At Inton, infirmary----

“Morning, Dr. Han.” Amber greeted the doctor as she walked to her office.

“Morning, Amber.” Dr. Han smiled back.

“Erm… How’s Nicole’s condition? Is she going to be fine?” Amber asked worriedly.

Dr. Han picked up a brown file and flipped it open. Her brows were knitted together as her eyes scanned through the papers.

“I ran a test on the chemicals injected and found out that it was no ordinary sedatives. At least not commercially available in the market. It seems to me that it is somewhat similar to those ordinary sedatives except it is much stronger. So Nicole might not wake up till maybe two or more days later. Since this is an unknown sedative, I only have limited information, I’ll need Nicole to be conscious before I can determine if there’s any side effect. But in the meantime, Nicole’s condition is stable, she is not in any danger so don’t worry too much, alright?” Dr. Han smiled at Amber as she closed the file and put it aside.

After hearing the doctor’s explanation, Amber heaved in relief. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling after knowing Nicole wasn’t in any danger.

“Thanks Doc. Thank you so much! I’ll go see Nicole now.” Amber waved goodbye and almost ran to Nicole’s bed in excitement. 

Looking at the familiar figure lying peacefully in bed, Amber’s frustrations and stress from earlier just flew away almost magically.

“Thank god you’re okay, Nic! I miss you so much…” Amber jumped up to the bed and buried her face into unconscious girl’s neck while hugging her, careful not to crush her at the same time.

----Few minutes later----

Carrying a small pail of warm water and towel from the bathroom, Amber began to wipe Nicole’s face off from sweat and leftover makeup from yesterday.

“There… much better.. I still prefer you to wear light makeup instead of heavy ones.” Amber talked to herself as she studied Nicole’s flawless face.

“Geez… you look like some kind of ert, dude.” A voice suddenly echoed in the room, making Amber jumped in shock.

“Damn Sooyoung.. Don’t scare me like that.” Amber placed her hand on her chest as she stared at the taller girl who was giggling like crazy.

“Ignore her, Amber. How’s Nicole?” Yuri asked as she entered the room after Sooyoung with Jessica tagging behind.

“Dr. Han said that she’s in a stable condition now. But will need to stay under observation after she wakes up.” Amber explained and took the dirty pail into the bathroom.

“Where’s Taeyeon?” Amber walked out of the bathroom and noticed that Taeyeon wasn’t around.

“She’s still feeling down. Sulli dumped her to go to UK for studies.” Jessica replied as a matter of fact, forgetting that Taeyeon didn’t want anyone else to know.

Yuri and Sooyoung glared at Jessica as if she said something wrong and when Jessica was about to speak again Yuri cut her off.

“I heard that there’ll be 2 new colleagues joining us. Chief is going to introduce them at the 9am briefing. I wonder if they’ll join our team or not.”

“Wow really? It’s been ages since we have anyone new.” Amber exclaimed, forgetting the last statement Jessica said earlier.

“Let’s go now! It’s going to be 9am soon. I hope there’ll be newbie celebration later.” Sooyoung smiled widely, thinking about food again.


Happy Chinese New Year everyone!!! :D

So here's a little Taeny moments as promised ;)   (did anyone use CRT contacts? lol)

Hmmmm 2 new agents joining Inton, wanna make a quick guess who it's going to be? ^^

I might not be able to update until later next week because of chinese new year.

Anyways, stay tune to chap 19 as I'll revealed the 2 new agents' identities.

Comments away~~~~~~~

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Will update next week! Stay tune~ ^^


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Chapter 34: Update pleaseee
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 34: Lolol sorry that was hot and funny at the same time :)
Zerozz #3
Chapter 34: Hahaha so funny XD
Update more author-nim^_^
jasonds #5
Chapter 34: nice updates....hahahahahh i am laughing so hard...cant wait for another updates
redeb21 #6
Chapter 34: Hey if Krystal and Nicole are willing to cooperate then Amber should just take some B12 and a 5 hour energy and go with it.
CaesarC #7
Chapter 34: ......and I'm blinking at the screen as well....