How to get a slim waist

How to get a kpop idol body

Ayo guys! So an hourglass figure has always been the goal for most people trying to lose weight but it can be difficult to achieve depending on our body types, some of us have a nauturally broad waist making a slim waist diffucult to achieve. So for this chapter I'm going to tell you some good tips to help you get a slim waist!

I'm somebody that naturally has a broad waist, when I first lost weight I was very confused to why my waist didn't get slimmer visibly. My stomach got flatter but my waist didn't shrink but after using these few tips I lost 2 inches off my waist. But I'm still working on it

1. Don't over work your waist.


Don't get me wrong, I encourage working out your obliques because they can help define your waist and tone it up but if you're doing them everyday you're going to end up with the exact oppisite result you wanted. Think about it, what muscle gets smaller by working it out a lot? Although you can't work your waist out so much they become bulky and musclar like when you workout out your arms or legs they do end up having a box-like shape with no curves which is probably not what you want.

2. Limit sodium intake


Sodium, as you probably know make you bloated when you eat a lot of it, like in chips. If you do eat large amount of sodium daily through unhealthy foods that bloating's going to stay longer than you think. Stick to your daily recommended amount of sodium and save chips for special occasions.

3. Exercising

As I always say remember to do cardio if you really want to burn off that fat. For oblique workouts though try workouts that make you bend at the waist but remember not to do too many. Here are some of my favourite waist workouts:

Bicycle crunches


hip twists


ski twists


Starfish crunches


4. Hula Hoops


Hula hoops are literally a god send for people trying to lose inches around their waist. It's a cardio and core workout in one movement and can give you great results by just doing 10 mins of it every day. The best thing about it is that hula hoops are cheap so they're good for people on a budget.

5. Stability balls


If you're a student who has to sit at their computer all day to finish projects and essays stability balls are the right thing for you. Just simply swap out your chair for one of these and you can be working your core by sitting around all day. Since you're balencing yourself to stay seated on the ball you're correcting your posture and engaging your core just to stay there! However stability balls can be costly depending on where you got them, try finding them at an outlet store to get them for less.

Anyways that's all for today, sorry if this chapter's a little short, I have a lot of school work to do so I might not be able to update as frequently as I like to. Remember to leave a comment, leave any suggestions for any chapter ideas you have in the comments below, feel free to ask me anything. Don't forget to click that upvote and subscribe button for new chapters weekly and as always I'll see you later!



Person: Apink's Naeun

All photo credits go to their rightful owners

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Chapter 17: One dance I'd totally recommend is bonamana or 미이나. Trust me, it really works you up, A LOT. Even the members those who don't exercise said they lost weight!!!
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singingpromises #4
Chapter 74: Thanks for being so honest :) all the best in ur recovery!
sejonglove #5
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