How to grow taller

How to get a kpop idol body

Ayo guys! So recently I've been starting to worry about my height because even though I would be considered average according to the national average, my family has never had a girl that's not over 5 foot 6 (168cm) so I'm trying to reach that height before I become a full grown adult. also I want to have longer legs since my legs are short af. So after some research I found 4 tips to help you grow taller, let's go!

1. Get enough sleep



An average adult needs atleast 8 hours of sleep however the amount of sleep YOU need depends on your age (Check this chart to see how much sleep you need).

Why you need sleep:

The reason you need sleep is because your pituitary glands (which are responsible for your growth) work harder when you sleep so when you sleep longer it gives your pituitary glands a longer time to work which will lead to you growing taller. So get your sleep!

2. Get enough calcium



We all know that calcium plays an important role in your growth but many of us don't get enough. Our bones need 1000 mg of calcium daily to keep strong and healthy, to put that into a different light 1 cup of milk contains 300 mg of calcium meaning you would need about 3 1/3 cups milk daily to meet up the requirements. Then again you do eat other foods that have calcium so you don't need to drink so much in one day.

Other foods with lots of calcium you can eat if you're vegan or lactoce intolerant:



Sardines (If you're not vegan)

Soy beans/milk

Sesame seeds


Dried figs 



3. Exercise (especially jumping)



GET SET READY GO! Exercise stregthens bones which help your bones grow. The most effective exercises you can do to grow taller are jumping based exercises such as jump rope which help stimulate bone growth and swimming since it helps lengthen your spine. Another exercise you can do is hanging from a bar for one minute every day, according to this article following this routine for a few weeks can help you grow taller even after puberty.

4. Stretching



I'm going to tell you this right now; stretching doesn't actually make you taller, there's just no scientific evidence to support this. However, I put this on the list because stretching can make your legs look skinnier which creates the illusion of you being taller than you actually are. For example: snsd's Taeyeon, the kid leader is only 157 cm tall (5 foot 2 inches) but doesn't look like it because her legs are undoubtedly skinny.With that being said don't starve yourself otherwise you're going to stunt your growth and be physically unable to grow to your desired height. 

Anyways, that's all for today, remember to leave a comment, let me know what you want to see, feel free to ask me anything. Don't forget to click that upvote and subcribe button for one new story weekly and as always I'll see you later!



Person: SECRET's Hyosung


Sources and more info:

Update: Well apparently according to sung_rinrin's comment drinking too much milk is actually really unhealthy so remember not to make milk your only source of calcium. I don't want to be responsible for any deaths over here


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Chapter 17: One dance I'd totally recommend is bonamana or 미이나. Trust me, it really works you up, A LOT. Even the members those who don't exercise said they lost weight!!!
Chapter 29: Damn they really look like dolls tho :')
Chapter 74: All the best in your recovery! Eating disorders are bastards in every sense of the word and I'm glad to know you fought back. Closing this story/post/whatever is a huge milestone of how far you've come and how you're letting go of the past. I wish you nothing but the best!
singingpromises #4
Chapter 74: Thanks for being so honest :) all the best in ur recovery!
sejonglove #5
Chapter 74: I've always thought that the 'goals' to achieve those skinny af bodies we're bad enough; the kpop girls look unhealthy and clearly need help as well. It's good that you realized. Hope you recover soon.
Chapter 74: I wish you the best in your recovery, Annie and thank you for being honest with us
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