How to get clear skin part 2

How to get a kpop idol body

Ayo guys! So recently I made a "How to get clear skin" chapter that told you how the basics of skincare and the korean skincare routine but in this chapter I'm going to give some simple solutions for common skin problems we have such as blackheads, bags and dark circles! Let's go!

For blackheads...

I have blackheads and I know how hard it is to get rid of them, you buy nose strips that fail to deliver, scrubs that only take away 1% of the problem and cleansers that only make the problem worse, so here are some of my tips I can give you from my experience:

Use a brush: In my experience my brush helped me clean my skin better and got off some of the blackheads off the sides of my nostrils, it has really soft bristles so it doesn't irritate my sensitive skin.

-DIY masks: If you're on a budget like me you probably don't want to spend so much money on one product unless you're absolutely sure it works so on the internet I found 3 relatively cheap masks you can make for your blackheads:


Orange peels: Peel off the skin of an orange and let it dry for about 3 hours then use it to scrub off your blackheads, don't do this more than once a day and this isn't an instant solution so you'll have to do this a few weeks before removing all your blackheads.



Green tea: Green tea is well known for its health benefits but it can also help you get rid of your stubborn blackheads, first mix one teaspoon of green tea leaves with clean water to make a paste then rub the mixture onto the blackheads for 5-6 mins and rinse off with warm water.


Photo: www.diynmasks,com

Egg mask: This one is more complicated but I can promise you it works wonders to your blackheads, first separate the yolk from egg whites and apply a thin layer of egg whites onto your clean, makeup free face, before this layer dries put some toilet paper onto the whites to make the mask easier to peel off, when the mask dries apply a second layer of egg whites, when the 2 layers dry your skin should feel tight, when this happens peel the mask off, wash your face then moisterizer.

For under eye bags...

I personally don't get eye bags but a couple of my friends did and this is what they told me what worked:



Cucumbers and potatoes: A slice of cucumber on your eyes are the oldest trick in the book, cold cucumbers reduce eye puffiness, potatoes also do the same thing when left in the fridge overnight. Put cucumbers on your eyes 10-15 mins and for potatoes put them on for 5-10 mins daily, this is also not an instant results so keep this up for about 2 weeks to see results.



Tea bags: Again, a very simple method, after making tea with them put them into the fridge for 5-10 mins then place them onto your eyes for 20-30 mins, chamomile and green tea bags work best

For dark circles...

This is something I have trouble with, they make you look super tired and constantly over worked so these are some simple solutions to help you:



Potatoes: Not only are they good for under eye bags but they have high enzyme content that'll help lighten dark circles 



Lemon juice: Lemon juice have skin lightening properties which can help lighten dark circles, put some lemon juice onto a cotton ball then place it onto your eyes for 10 mins, after that rinse off and do it once daily.



Spoons: This is probably the cheapest way to remove dark circles, after leaving 2 spoons in the freezer for 10-15 mins put them onto the dark circles until the spoon becomes warm again


Anyways, that's all for today, remember to leave a comment, let me know whatyou want to see, feel free to ask me any questions, on your way out remember to click that upvote and subscribe button for a 1 new chapter every week and as always, I'll see you later and have a happy halloween!

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Chapter 17: One dance I'd totally recommend is bonamana or 미이나. Trust me, it really works you up, A LOT. Even the members those who don't exercise said they lost weight!!!
Chapter 29: Damn they really look like dolls tho :')
Chapter 74: All the best in your recovery! Eating disorders are bastards in every sense of the word and I'm glad to know you fought back. Closing this story/post/whatever is a huge milestone of how far you've come and how you're letting go of the past. I wish you nothing but the best!
singingpromises #4
Chapter 74: Thanks for being so honest :) all the best in ur recovery!
sejonglove #5
Chapter 74: I've always thought that the 'goals' to achieve those skinny af bodies we're bad enough; the kpop girls look unhealthy and clearly need help as well. It's good that you realized. Hope you recover soon.
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