
ChickenKing Has Logged On

Minho's eyes flickered to the screen when he heard a beep, brows creasing when the screen displayed that the call had ended. His heartbeat picking up as his fingers flew to the mouse, trying to reconnect to the other male, wondering why the connection had dropped. "What the hell-" he breathed, regretting the fact that he had bowed his head to deal with his nerves. 

Bottom lip caught between his lips the male waited, eyes locked on the three dots that took over the screen, lighting up one by one to show that the call was waiting to be accepted. Then it was red, and his call was rejected. "What..." He said, closing the video chat and moving back to the messenger, pulling up his conversation with ChickenKing. His fingers hovered over the board for a moment as he tried to think of what to say, perhaps it was a mistake? Or maybe the others sibling or parents were in the room with him? After all, why would he reject the call like that? Surely he wouldn't do it without a reason. No, he knew the other and he wouldn't do that. Or at least Minho hoped that he wouldn't. 

To: ChickenKing
From: Dibidibidis
Hey! What happened? You ended and rejected my calls?
Are you ok?

He felt as though he were to throw up, wondering why he had placed so much hope on a single call, to the point that he felt his heart breaking as his gaze kept itself locked on the message. Waiting patiently for it to show that it was read, then to read the reply from the other. Something had to of gotten in the way, there was no reason that Minho could think of that would cause their relationship to end. 

Slowly the teen pushed away from his desk, fingers threading through his hair as he strode across the room to his bed before falling face first into the pillows, willing his body to relax. Figuring they could always try again, the next day was a free day for him after all. No school or obligations, so he would have time to give to ChickenKing. 

Jinkis fingers trembled as he shook his head, there was no way that the male he had seen was Dibidibdis, the friend that he treasured. Yet he was sure that he recognized the messy locks and face from that morning and the afternoon in the library. 

His heart sunk as he tried to muster up the courage to call back, to apologize for his shock, yet he couldn't find it. How could he? After all, there would be no hiding the fact that he was bound to a chair if he were to show his face to the other male, and then the other male would act just like those at school did. He would be wary, fixing his words as though Jinki would be offended at any mention of legs. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply as the thoughts filled his mind, drowning out any other thoughts. There was no way he could call back, it was impossible, the other would no longer be his self, Jinki was sure of it. As no one ever acted the same once realizing he was in a wheelchair. Not a single person. And he didn't want to face that, he was too attached to Dibidibidis. To Minho, yet it felt wrong to use the name that the other had given him when he refused to even show the other his face. 

His eyes widened, fear settling in his stomach as he wondered if the other knew who he was. If Minho had heard his name in school, had perhaps spoken to someone who mentioned him, would he feel angry that Jinki didn't tell him? No- no, that was stupid. There was no way that he was the only person named Jinki, he could brush it off as a joke. Yes, that was what he would do. He nodded as if to affirm the thought, glancing back up at the screen when the ring began to play, tears welling in his eyes when he saw that Dibidibidis was calling again. He reached forward, watching the screen before shaking his head and pressing the reject button, not sure he could face the other male. Not sure he would ever be able to do so, too scared of the change he would see, the change that happened within all his friends. The way they seemed to forget to invite him to things, to forget to talk to him, the uneasy laughter around him and side glances. 

No, Jinki didn't want that. Not at all. Fingers grasped the hem of his shirt as he blinked away the tears that kept pooling in his eyes, trying to think of a solution, knowing that the other would be worried, possibly angry. 

Yet his mind was blank, and the familiar message tone only had his heart sinking lower in his chest. 

Was he ok? Jinki snorted, the other was worried about him when he should be angry, it made the teen feel worse as he stared at the preview of the message, too scared to open it. Unsure of what he could say, of what excuse he could make. 

He leaned forward, forehead pressing against the cool wood of his desk as he did his best to calm down. Going through the breathing exercises his mother had taught him when he was younger, counting each one as he forced Dibidibidis from his mind. 

Then the tone sounded again and he forced his head back up, glancing at the screen before letting out a small breath and opening the conversation, eyes skimming the messages from the other before he slowly began to type out a reply. 

To: Dibidibidis
From: ChickenKing
Sorry- I don't think I can video chat with you.
I'm too nervous... I'm sorry.

Jinki hit send, staring at the screen before letting out a small sigh. He had told the truth, he hadn't lied to the other male, which sent a flood of relief through his body. There was only the wait that left the uneasiness within the pit of his stomach, wondering what the other would say, wondering if he would be mad that the other had chickened out last minute after all Jinki was mad at himself. 

His eyes flickered up again when he heard the tone that signaled a reply, his eyes growing wide for a moment before his lips cracked into a smile.

To: ChickenKing
From: Dibidibidis
That's all? I was worried! Look-
If you don't want to show your face that's fine.
Maybe you can turn off your camera and even mic if you want and I can be on video-
Maybe you'll feel more at ease after that?
You just have to promise that you're not a stalker or some kind of creep!

He couldn't help that laugh that escaped him, unsure if it was amusement or relief that caused it, but he was sure that he was much too happy that the other was nicer than he. That Dibidibidis would be willing to sit and talk to a blank monitor was more than anything Jinki could have imagined, though he was quick to jump on the chance to see the other without having to shy away or roll away to class. Sure, it may seem a bit odd but it as something that Jinki was sure that he would love, and maybe Minho was right, perhaps it would make Jinki feel at ease when it came to showing his face. 

The response didn't take long as the video call started again, and Jinki hesitated before shutting down his video and mic, opening the chat box on the side as he accepted the call. His hand flying forward to cover the small dot that sat atop his screen, just in case it was still on.


His eyes darted down to the screen and immediately he felt his breath stop. The other male was attractive after all, especially when Jinki wasn't worried about the shame of being in a chair, or almost getting hit by a car. 

Slowly Jinki let his thumb slide from the camera, head ducking so that the only thing shown would be the back of his room, yet Minho's eyes seemed just as unfocused as they had been before. The others lips pursing before he rolled his eyes. "You can still type a response you know- so I don't feel crazy..." 

Jinki let out a small laugh at this, reaching forward to type out a message, eyes observing each of Dibidibidis' features as he wrote. "You are still a bit crazy, in the end, you're still talking to yourself." He sent, head tilting as he waited for the others reaction.

It felt awkward and had Minho shifting in his seat as his eyes locked on the screen before him, feeling disappointed that his eyes were met with a message box rather than a face, yet it was enough for him. He didn't feel right to push the other after all, he was sure that there was a reason, and he would wait for ChickenKing to feel comfortable showing his face. 

His hands were on his knees, fingers curled tightly as he waited for a response, only to scoff at what the other had sent. "You should be grateful, I am only seeming crazy for you." He said, pointing into the camera before laughing and shaking his head, fingers turning back to smooth back his hair, something that had become a nervous habit years ago. "God this feels weird... you better appreciate it alright?" He said, smiling up into the camera before sending a playful wink. 

As long as Key didn't figure out, then Minho was pretty sure he could live with it. 

Woah- the ty author posting another chapter??? WOW
Yeah! It happened! 
Well- I hope you guys like it <3 Even though it's kinda lame
I figured the story needed fluff

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Chapter 14: Come baaaaaaack!!!!!
969 streak #2
Chapter 14: I just started reading this fic this morning. I didn't realize you started this in 2015. I think you can just continue instead of rewriting from the start.
I have been binge reading Onho fics because of a fic that I find so sweet yet turning into something else. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter which you said will have fun developments.
I really hope their friendship or more will encourage Jinki to strive to walk.
Thank you so much for sharing.
YukiiOnna #3
Chapter 14: Omg, yees pleaaase! 🥺🥺🙏
I adore this story!🥰
Chapter 14: 👁👁yes👁👁 I reaaalllllyyy looooooovvveeee this story hehe!! It’s so sweet and fluffy it’s just too cute uggghhhhhh 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼I would love to see that happen hahahah!!! I’ll be waiting for it!!!!!!!😼😼😼😫😫😫
SHINee5_4ever #5
Chapter 14: Yes please! 🥺🙏
Chapter 14: Yes please
rorosh #7
Chapter 14: Yes please we would love to, I’ve been waiting for u since forever
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 14: Plz do.... you cant leave me hanging like this
Chapter 14: Yes please....!