A Month

ChickenKing Has Logged On

Minho frowned, his fingers thumping against his desk as his eyes locked on the screen before him, phone lying beside his hand, the screen on with the Amicus app pulled up, which had become the norm. Though Kibum had only become far more determined to find out who Minho's new friend was over the past few days he had failed repeatedly, causing him to resort to extreme measures, such as trying to steal his younger brothers phone, which he had failed to do. As Minho's room was too messy for him to sneak into in the dark. Which only gave Minho more of a reason to leave it a mess. 

The boy hummed, shaking his head as his fingers poised over the keyboard, trying in vain to start an essay on his summer reading which was to be turned in later that week. Though the only problem was, while he had read the book, it had been the worst story he had ever read, no competition, so no, he could not describe what he felt what was interesting about the story, nor could he tell the teacher about what he thought was a healthier way to solve the characters struggle and problem, because he had honestly seen no conflict within the book. 

It wasn't until his phone went off that Minho dragged his eyes away from the laptop to the smaller device, picking it up and smiling at the message. 

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
 Ah, you wake up early.
Why am I getting messages from you at 8 am on Saturday!
Sleep in!!! Gosh... 
But good morning Dibi~ 

The Choi scoffed at the message, though the usual fondness filled his chest as he began to type in his reply, turning the chair away from his laptop as he decided he could ignore his essay for another day or so. 

From: Dibidibidis
To: ChickenKing
It's not that early, really. 
If I sleep in too much I get a headache anyway. 
Morning King! Get your out of bed.

He hit send, content with his message, as he knew that the other would lay in bed all day as he had been told had happened many times before with no regret. Tsking quietly at his thoughts Minho scrolled up through the messages, smiling at the large amount that had accumulated over the weeks before humming as he tried to remember when he had met the other male, he was sure it was a while ago. More than two weeks, three possibly? 

Minho frowned, shaking his head before heading to his main profile, knowing that the other had messaged him only moments after he made the account, and sure enough when the teen found the date it was nearly a month ago that KingJin had messaged him. 

"So long..." Minho whispered, shaking his head in disbelief before jumping as the phone went off, noting once again that he should change the tone to something less shrill and sudden, maybe a song he liked. Yeah, like MyNames Message. He snorted at his idea, opening the message quickly.

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
I am, I am. Gotta eat, I'm hungry!
Anyway, since you've been up three hours, what are you up to?

From: Dibidibidis
To: ChickenKing
Of course, you know you eat a lot? 
I hope you eat more than fried chicken. Like, eggs or rice.
I was writing an essay, but eh. Oh! You know it's been a month since we met?

The boy hesitated before he sent his message, wondering if he sounded a bit weird as to why he knew it had long it had been. Though it shouldn't be that weird. Most people knew how long they've had their friends, but Minho's paranoia got to him and within seconds of sending the message he was cursing himself for thinking it was a good idea and tossing his phone onto his bed, as though it would stop ChickenKing from reading the message. Though he hoped that Amicus would malfunction and delete it from the other's inbox before he read it. Oh, how he hoped. 

But of course it didn't work out and his phone went off a few minutes later beside a face-down Minho who glared at it before lifting it and typing in his awful passcode and opening the message with a deep frown on his face. 

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
I do! And yeah yeah, my brother made me eat an omelet... 
I hate those things... 
Eh? And really? A month and we're still using usernames? Ahaha.
I know almost everything about you but your name! 
Shall we exchange them... names I mean? 

Minho blinked in shock before his face broke into a large smile and his fingers began to fly over the digital board, eager to know the others name because it was a bit weird to refer to the other as king. Though he wanted to see the other males face too and hear his voice if just to make sure that he wasn't a creep, which would crush Minho's already inherently low spirits. 

The other was right, after all, they knew so much about each other. He knew that the other was the same age as Key, had a younger brother that was around Minho's age who always drank banana milk and the soda that King bought. He knew that the other was in his senior year of high school and hating every moment of it as the kids in his class were too afraid to approach him, for reasons that he didn't want to say, and Minho assumed that wasn't odd, since it scared people, why would the other want to share? But the other would admit to asking more than once. He also knew that King was at the top of his class, wore glasses that he hated and only lived with his mother, as his father stepped out on them years ago. 

From: Dibidibidis
To: ChickenKing
What? But they're so good! I love them! 
Yeah, ha, I guess we should? 
I'm Minho! What's your name? 

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
You, my dear friend, are disgusting too. 
Minho, ah like Lee Minho! Are you as attractive? ;)
My name is Jinki, I really hate it but what's to be done. 

Minho just smiled, shaking his head at the others awful attempt at friendly flirting, which he had been attempting the past few weeks when Minho told him that the other was probably too awkward to pick up anyone with words alone. 

Quickly replying, Minho told the other that he found Jinki to be an adorably fitting name before shaking his head, trying to rid of his smile before Kibum came in and saw him. 

He knew the others name, he was getting closer to his friend! For once in his life he was bonding with someone, someone who didn't care about his money, but him. It sent a thrill through Minho that caused him to fall back on his bed, hands covering his face as he let out a small noise, not caring how it seemed. He had a friend, a friend named Jinki, who had an unhealthy obsession with fried chicken, liked to sing and adored his younger brother. 


Jinki whispered the name before covering his face, a small shy smile appearing on his face before he slowly pushed back from his desk. "His name is Minho," the boy said once again before breaking into a larger smile, resting his hands on his knees as Taemin peeked in the bedroom, arching a brow at his brother's smile. 

"Hey, Jinki, want to go with me and mom to grandmas?" He asked, walking over as the other blinked up at him before shrugging.

"Sure, just grab my phone for me?" Jinki asked, pointing at the table beside his bed, hands grasping the hands of his chair as Taemin strode across the room and grabbed the phone, tossing it onto Jinki's lap before taking the handles of his brothers chair and pushing it out of the room, joking with the other about how stupid he looked smiling that wide.

To: ChickenKing
From: Dibidibidis
Jinki sounds really cute though, suits you too! 
And really? I am much more attractive than him ;) 
Kidding, but man, step up your flirting game! 


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Chapter 14: Come baaaaaaack!!!!!
969 streak #2
Chapter 14: I just started reading this fic this morning. I didn't realize you started this in 2015. I think you can just continue instead of rewriting from the start.
I have been binge reading Onho fics because of a fic that I find so sweet yet turning into something else. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter which you said will have fun developments.
I really hope their friendship or more will encourage Jinki to strive to walk.
Thank you so much for sharing.
YukiiOnna #3
Chapter 14: Omg, yees pleaaase! 🥺🥺🙏
I adore this story!🥰
Chapter 14: 👁👁yes👁👁 I reaaalllllyyy looooooovvveeee this story hehe!! It’s so sweet and fluffy it’s just too cute uggghhhhhh 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼I would love to see that happen hahahah!!! I’ll be waiting for it!!!!!!!😼😼😼😫😫😫
SHINee5_4ever #5
Chapter 14: Yes please! 🥺🙏
Chapter 14: Yes please
rorosh #7
Chapter 14: Yes please we would love to, I’ve been waiting for u since forever
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 14: Plz do.... you cant leave me hanging like this
Chapter 14: Yes please....!