
ChickenKing Has Logged On

Minho sighed, hitting the side of his desk and sending his chair spinning as his head tilted back, eyes focused on the ceiling and his lips curved into a small smile. 

It had barely been an hour since he had joined Amicus and yet he had gotten close to this boy, ChickenKing, which he still found to be the most ridiculous name that anyone could have picked. Even his name, Dibidibidis, was better than that!

But in that one hour he had learned that no, the male in the picture was not the boy he was talking to, but some actor that he didn't know. That he was the ChickenKing because no one loved Chicken more than him, something that the male had an odd amount of pride in, that they were the same age and grade and that they both weren't very popular offline. Not that Minho was popular online either but it didn't matter to him, he loved the place already, the few people he had spoken to being very nice and raising his spirits, though ChickenKing was his favorite of all, not that he would admit it. 

Even though a large smile spread on his face when he heard the personalized tone he had set for the male's messages.

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
Haha, you sound so mean! Maybe that's why people don't approach you at school! Lighten up!
And no, I can't play sports. I'm waaaaaaay to clumsy!

Minho snorted at the message, a smile still on his lips as he began to type his reply, ignoring the sound of his brother calling to him from downstairs and the other message that popped up from some girl who was much too flirty for his taste. 

Somehow the fact that the other was clumsy didn't surprise him, as he started most of his stories with I fell or when I slipped, it would have been more surprising if he had told Minho that he was graceful or something of the like. 

From: Dibidibidis
To: ChickenKing
Hey, it's their fault I'm mean! All the kids in my school are annoying.
And that's not surprising at all. Seriously. Apparently, you're always falling.

He smiled as he hit send, his eyes glued to the green dot above the chat to tell him that the other was online before groaning when his brother called to him again causing him to slowly stand and drag his self to the door. "What do you want?" He called, voice tense as he listened to the heavy steps that led to the stairs across from his room. 

"Mom asked me to go to the store, let me borrow your car," Kibum said, causing Minho to groan as he tugged open the door to narrow his eyes at his older brother who stared back with a raised brow. "Oh my, showing your face to the world. Shocking." The male purred.

"Shut up. You're not driving my car." He said lowly, fingers twitching a bit when he heard the tone from his computer 

"Why not? Mom asked me to go and my car is in the shop." Kibum whined, watching as Minho retreated back into his room, the male's jaw clenched as he typed a quick reply to the other, feeling rather down that he had to go. But his mother would kill him if he didn't let Kibum do as asked, and there was no way Kibum was driving his car. So the easiest solution was to drive the older male there and back. 

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
How annoying are they? Maybe I'll agree.
SHUT UP! I'm not always falling! Just... more often than not....

From: Dibidibidis
To: ChickenKing
Very. Always yelling and throwing stuff.
Course not... I fail to believe that.
Anyway, I have to go. I'll be back on later! Bye!

Minho sighed as he hit the send button before standing up and jumping when he bumped into Kibum who was reading over his shoulder, a sly grin on his lips. 

"Is little Min making friends~?" He cooed before laughing as Minho shoved him back, his catlike eyes curved with his smile as the Choi gathered his wallet and phone. 

"Shut up. Let's go." He muttered, ignoring the message that popped up as he grabbed Kibums arm and dragged him out of the room. "We're just going to the store around the corner, right?" Minho asked as Key freed his self and shut the door behind them. 

"Sure, sure, but who was that? Are you on that weird chat site everyone is talking about? Friend me on it!" Kibum chirped as Minho walked down the stairs, taking his keys from the coffee table before walking out, ignoring his brother's questions as he unlocked his phone and tapped the app store icon, wondering if there was an app for the website. It was a bit sad to him, but he finally had someone his age to talk to that wasn't his annoying brother. Not that he didn't enjoy Kibums company, but he got irritated when he would nag about how Minho dressed or acted. That and the fact that he wasn't around all the time, spending every other weekend at his dad's house, as he had a different father than Minho. 

Yet he knew others would find it a bit weird how attached he had become, so he wanted to make sure no one found out. Least of all Kibum, who wouldn't shut up when Minho was just talking to someone. "Shut up Kibum." He sighed out before setting his phone down and starting the car. 

"I'm just happy for you." He whined out, playing with the radio as soon as Minho pulled out of the driveway. "So, who are they? Is it a boy? Or a girl? Not a girl, you don't usually talk to them." Kibum mumbled as Minho groaned, weaving through the streets on the way to the store, barely listening to his brother who had changed the subject onto what they needed from the store. 

He only smiled when he saw that the parking lot was unusually empty, allowing him to park closer to the entrance. "Why do we need so much?" Minho asked as he got out of the car, shoving his keys into his pocket and grabbing his phone. Kibum only shrugging and beginning to walk towards the store. 

Once they entered his eyes were glued to his phone once again, a small happy noise escaping him when he saw that there was an app for Amicus, downloading it immediately and following Key through the store as the male gathered what their mother had asked them to get, not paying attention until he heard Key ask him a question, his eyes darting in the direction that the male was pointing. 

"Isn't that boy in the same grade as you?" He asked, Minho's brow creasing before he groaned and nodded. "His brother is in my class," Kibum mumbled as Minho logged into the Amicus app, a happy tune being hummed as the other rambled on and checked the different brands of rice. "I feel so bad for him, he's in a wheelchair and everything. Never talks. Kids make fun of him, but I don't see why." 

Minho only shrugged, tapping the envelope icon in the corner of the screen and smiling when he saw the message, though the gray dot must mean that ChickenKing was offline, and Minho's mood sank quickly. 

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
Well, kids are like that everywhere.
You better believe me! I'm an honest boy! 
Awe, I'll miss ya Dibi! Come back fast! 

From: Dibidibidis
To: ChickenKing
Yeah, makes me wish I was from an older generation...
Of course you are King, of course.
I got the app, didn't know they had one but I'm happy they do!

"I mean, I heard he used to be able to walk but not anymore. Shame right?" Kibum said, finally picking a brand and tossing it into the cart he had been pushing around.

"I guess," Minho said quietly as he put his phone away before following the other, his fingers tapping against his thigh as they found the last of the stuff they needed and got into line. "Why can't he walk anymore." He finally asked, finding Kibums silence awkward.

The other jumped, surprised before sighing and shrugging, setting their things on the conveyor. "Some car accident I heard, he could walk freshman year. Not well, but you know, he could. I would try to talk to him but I don't deal well with people like that." Kibum explained as the cashier rung up their stuff and told them the amount due, Minho handing over his debit card silently and taking it back when everything was paid for. 

"That's sad." He muttered as he helped Key place the bags into the cart, pushing it out to the car as the other began to talk about how it could have been a spinal injury only to be cut off by a phone alert, checking his own quickly and blinking in shock when he saw that it wasn't his. 

"Check your phone Min, maybe it's your online lover~" He cooed before laughing as Minho slapped his arm, putting the bags into the trunk and watching Minho check his phone, a fond smile appearing on his face when he unlocked it to find a message from KingJin. 

From: ChickenKing
To: Dibidibidis
Me too, but I'm pretty sure I would have hated the kids back then too.
I can feel the sarcasm in that message. Feel it!
And oh yeah, I have it but I mute it because the noise gets on my nerves. 
But I'll unmute it now, so I get your notifications!

From: Dibidibidis
To: ChickenKing
I guess, maybe it's just a teenage thing? Hating other teenagers haha.
Really? Dammit, I'll be less obvious about my sarcasm then. 
Oh- no! You don't have to do that. I can be patient!

Minho sighed as he sent the message, knowing the last sentence was a lie but he didn't want the other to do that just for him, though it made him happy to think that he possibly was as interesting to KingJin as the other was to him. 

"You're so weird," Kibum said, laughing a bit before closing the trunk as Minho scoffed and unlocked the doors, climbing into the driver's seat. A small thrill going through him when his phone went off again. 

"Drive. You can answer later." Kibum said with an amused tone, grinning as Minho began to drive. 

And there is chapter 2! 
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And thank you for subscribing and for all the comments!
Oh my gosh, it makes me so happy guys <3 

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Chapter 14: Come baaaaaaack!!!!!
969 streak #2
Chapter 14: I just started reading this fic this morning. I didn't realize you started this in 2015. I think you can just continue instead of rewriting from the start.
I have been binge reading Onho fics because of a fic that I find so sweet yet turning into something else. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter which you said will have fun developments.
I really hope their friendship or more will encourage Jinki to strive to walk.
Thank you so much for sharing.
YukiiOnna #3
Chapter 14: Omg, yees pleaaase! 🥺🥺🙏
I adore this story!🥰
Chapter 14: 👁👁yes👁👁 I reaaalllllyyy looooooovvveeee this story hehe!! It’s so sweet and fluffy it’s just too cute uggghhhhhh 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼I would love to see that happen hahahah!!! I’ll be waiting for it!!!!!!!😼😼😼😫😫😫
SHINee5_4ever #5
Chapter 14: Yes please! 🥺🙏
Chapter 14: Yes please
rorosh #7
Chapter 14: Yes please we would love to, I’ve been waiting for u since forever
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 14: Plz do.... you cant leave me hanging like this
Chapter 14: Yes please....!