
ChickenKing Has Logged On

Jinki picked at the loose string of his pants, staring at the laptop that sat before him on the large desk Taemin had put together for him the year before. He was going to video chat with his best friend! While he did find it sad that his best friend was someone he had found online but he had learned to brush off the shame easily, especially when he saw the other's username appear on his phone or computer screen. 

Video call? His lips pursed as he read over the messages that the two had sent to each other, of course as long as it was just a video chat then he could control what the other would see of him. Meaning that there was no way the other would know that he was paralyzed from the waist down. After all, Jinki hated that about himself. It wasn't as though he had always been paralyzed, his legs had been as functional as anyone else until his sophomore year of high school. 

The boy shook his head to rid himself of the thought before turning his chair to grab his bag and place it on his lap, knowing that he had to force himself to go back to school. Where the people who used to be his friends avoided him, whispered about how he had changed. Not just by physical ability but also by attitude, he was no longer as outgoing as he had been. Nor as cheerful. He was quiet, reserved, with his head bowed and fingers curled tightly. 

"Ready to go?" Taemin asked as he popped his head into his brother's room, smiling at the other who jumped before laughing a bit. "I'll take that as a yes, come on, the car's on. Get in while I grab our lunches." The younger chirped, his bright face staying for a moment longer before the boy ducked out to grab their bags and meet his elder brother at the car, something that made Jinki feel rather small. He was the older brother, it was his job to take care of Taemin, not the other way around. Though there was no helping it, so the male gripped the wheels of his chair and began to steer himself out of the first-floor bedroom. 

With ease that took only two years to master Jinki was out by the car within five minutes, and inside the passenger seat within two more. It was a bit of a struggle, but it had given him upper arm strength that he had never had before, something he had only dreamed up before. "All right," he huffed, reaching for his chair and folding it before angling it into the back seat of his brother's rather large car. 

"Ah - you got out here faster!" Taemin said with a laugh as he jogged out and opened the door to his car, sliding inside and buckling in happily. "So, are you staying at the library after school like usual?" The teen asked, starting the vehicle and beginning to pull out of their driveway. 

"No, I am coming home after school, I need to be on my laptop by four." He said, smiling as he took out his phone, sliding the screen on only to feel a dull sense of disappointment in his chest when he saw that there was no message from Dibidibidis. Though they had spoken just the night before it felt like it had been days, and that was something that Jinki found to be disappointing. He was too addicted to the other, and it was only through messages. 

"Why do you need to be back by four?" The younger asked, eyes on the road as he pulled out of their driveway and began to weave through the streets of the small district they lived in. Of course, they lived in a rather poor neighborhood, as they had lost a lot of money with the medical expenses that Jinki had ramped up over the years. What with the chairs and expensive equipment needed for things that he had once done with ease, it made his already struggling parents work even harder than they had. 

Jinki didn't answer immediately, staring at his phone for a moment longer, debating if he should send a good morning message, though he had been the last of the two to say goodnight. He felt that it would be awkward if he were to send two messages in a row, and so he rolled his bottom lip between his teeth before sighing and turning the screen off. "I have plans with someone, and I need to be on my laptop," he replied simply, turning his gaze to stare out the window as they neared their school. 

"Plans with someone on your laptop?" Taemin laughed, shaking his head as he angled the car into the school parking lot. "What happened to your other friends? I actually miss Heechul- god- I take that back." The younger blurted, a small shudder going through him that even had a small chuckle slide from his brother's lips. The memories of Heechul trying to pluck Taemin's eyebrows being one that was too cheerful to be tainted by the distance that spread between the two boys. 

"Don't judge how I contact my friends," Jinki said, poking Taemin's side, causing the male to squirm before parking his car, leaving Jinki to tug his chair out and heft his body back into the vehicle. "I'll see you after class!" He called, turning to wave to the younger, smiling wide before turning to push forward. Only to freeze when he heard the familiar tone, jerking his phone out to check the message. 

From: Dibidibidis
To: ChickenKing
Sorry, I'm late, kinda forgot to set an alarm and had to rush to school.


A snort escaped the senior as he read the message, pulling up the keyboard to type a reply, the words already in mind. Yet before he could get the first word down he heard a small shout, a car horn, and suddenly his chair jerked forward, pulling a cry from his lips. 

"You shouldn't stop in a parking lot like that!" A voice chided, causing Jinki to whip around, glaring up at the other, who seemed familiar for some reason. "It's dangerous." The stranger sighed, glancing back at an SUV that had almost hit the Lee. 

"Oh, well I was busy." Jinki breathed, the situation just hitting him as he slid his phone back into his pocket, eyes fluttering back up to the male before flushing red as he remembered the other from the library. Feeling a bit ashamed that someone he had interaction with prior had needed to, in a sense, save him. 

"Just be careful, ok?" The taller said, nodding his head before jogging towards the school entrance. 

Small pants slid past Minho's lips as his eyes locked on the shorter male that stood a few feet away from him, both wearing their white gym shirts and loose black shorts, allowing their bodies to cool a bit more than they would have in another pair of clothing. Though it didn't matter as they were both tense, taking off as soon as the ball rolled into their view, legs dashing to make it there first. 

Minho beat his opponent by seconds, thankful for his long legs as he took the soccer ball across the field, dribbling it between his feet as his eyes darted, skimming over the opposing teams members before calling to his own teammate, His foot swung forward, hitting the ball with the laces and sending it flying across the field to his teammate who shot it into the net easily. 

The coach blew the whistle, and Minho's chest swelled with pride that he had assisted the winning goal, though it was only in gym class the male didn't like to lose. Especially not to Kim Jonghyun, Though he didn't stay for long to celebrate, instead ducking his head to avoid the boys in his class and rushing to the locker room. It was his last class of the day, and he had to be home within thirty minutes to video chat with ChickenKing. 

His fingertips were trembling as he stripped down to his boxers, tugging on his loose jeans and plain black t-shirt, bag slung over his shoulder and a quick wave to his teacher as the bell rang. Taking off within seconds, ignoring the whispers of how high strung he was, and how weird he could be, it didn't matter, after all, he was happy. He'd get to see his best friends face, he was sure that the boy was adorable, and that he had an amazing smile, and he was anxious as to how the other would see him. Though the excitement was able to dull the nerves down to nothing as he unlocked his car and hopped inside, pushing back sweaty locks of hair as he fumbled for his keys.

Once he found them deep inside his pocket the male tugged them out and his car, his pride and joy, and pulled out of the crowded parking lot, grateful he had rushed so he wouldn't have to deal with the traffic that was over five hundred students trying to get out a cramped parking lot. Of course, he was a tad worried he might hit someone in his haste, as the near accident that morning had scared him, and he hadn't even been the almost victim. 

"Idiot-" He breathed, recalling the male in the chair, who had given him an attitude before the Choi rushed to Calc after all that teacher was much too strict. 

Minho rolled his eyes, pushing the other from his mind as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road, planning what he would do once he arrived home in order to be on his computer on time. Of course, he would shower, and probably dry his hair, then make sure his room (at least where ChickenKing would see) was clean, then have a bottle of water at hand so he didn't need to wander out and leave his computer vulnerable to Kibum. He thought it was a clear plan, as it took care of nearly everything without going too overboard, though he did feel a rush of embarrassment, and perhaps shame, as he realized that he was acting like a child with their first crush.

He shook his head, trying to rid of the thought as he managed to pass through a yellow light in time, fingers tapping against the wheel as he wondered just what the other was like. Of course, he had a face in mind, though he was particularly interested in what the male would sound like, and of course, a tad scared that ChickenKing would be nothing like he imagined. Perhaps he was masculine, with a deep voice, completely different from the delicate image he held in his mind's eye. The thought sent a shudder through his body, there was no way a boy like ChickenKing could be manly, at least not as manly as the men coming to Minho's mind. Such as the senior, Choi Siwon. No, that was impossible. 

The teen nodded, settling on perhaps a level such as his cousin, Donghae, before letting go of the idea altogether once he pulled into his usual parking space and turned off his car. He would have to be fast after all, to avoid Kibums questioning. 

Immediately he took off, grabbing his bag from the passenger seat and dashing inside the house to the bathroom. Immediately tugging off his school tee and tossing it aside, briefly wondering why he had bothered to change out of his gym clothes as he kicked off his jeans and slid into the shower. Humming a tune as he washed, taking special care of his hair which was always disgusting after gym class, wondering idly if he should get it trimmed. 

Minho scoffed, rinsing his hair free of shampoo before stepping out and wrapping a towel around his waist. He would never cut his hair, he was much too fond of it after all. A small curse slid from his lips as he realized that he hadn't grabbed any clothes, breathing slowly through his nose as he forced himself to slow down. He was acting idiotic, and it irritated him. He finished school at three, so there was a definite probability that he had at least thirty minutes left before ChickenKing would be on the computer. 

Slowly the teen gathered his things and dragged himself back to his bedroom, the towel wrapped tightly around his waist. He'd get dressed and grab a snack, hoping that he would calm down before presenting himself before the other. 

Jinki felt his fingers shaking, his laptop on the desk before him Amicus loaded and the browser on his profile. 

His eyes darted to the digital clock that sat beside his computer, 3:51, there was still so much time! Jinki felt butterflies in his stomach, bouncing around uncontrollably as he began to worry. What if the other found him much too awkward, after all, he could always edit himself over messages but it was much different when the other would hear him and see him, there was no chance to delete what he had been thinking to say. 

"I shouldn't have said yes." The Lee breathed, his head falling against the front of his desk, fingers curling around the hem of his shirt, eyes closing tightly. He would see his best friend in only moments, and he was nervous. Hell- he was terrified. Of course, he knew the basics of having friends. He had been rather popular years ago, though it was different to meet the other online. With the risks that were presented, it was only right to be wary, Dibidibidis had no way to assure Jinki that he wasn't a creepy old man until ChickenKing saw his face, the other had no such guarantee of Jinki either. 

He peeked an eye open, glancing at the clock and letting out a loud groan as he time blinked at him, taunting him, 3:52. He reached forward, grabbing the side of the clock loosely as his gaze stayed locked on the red numbers. Lips curling into a small frown as he willed time to go faster, not wanting to wait, as he was sure that his nerves would only grow stronger.

He jumped as his computer went off, notifying him of a new message. 

From: Dibidibidis
To: ChickenKing
Hey, it's a bit early, but I'm ready when you are!
Just let me know and I'll start the call.

Jinki couldn't breathe, body freezing for an instant before he shot back a reply. Eyes closed tightly, fingers poised over the board to accept the call immediately, no longer caring if he seemed a bit desperate. 

It wasn't long before the tune began to play and the icon that Dibidibidis had for his profile appeared, taking over a large portion of Jinkis screen. 

For a moment it felt as though Jinki's body had stopped, lungs staying still, heart forgetting to beat and eyes to blink, then his finger pressed down and the screen brightened. Slowly coming in to focus on a male whos hands were over his face. And it was then that Jinki's heart did stop, a rush of recognition taking over as the male from that morning appeared before him. The same underclassman who had recited Macbeth with ease and had saved Jinki's life.

And in an instant, the connection was cut, and his screen reverted back to ChickenKings profile. 

Literally, I am the worst Fanfic author ever
Yet you guys stay subscribed. FFF I love you all
Every single one of you have a special place in my heart
(And you all have a right to smack me for taking so long)
BUT AYE I have chapters backed up so it should be updated as I am ahead
Just have to update other fics too :') 
Hope you guys liked this chapter! Thank you for reading!
Feel free to comment and I'll reply <3 

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Chapter 14: Come baaaaaaack!!!!!
969 streak #2
Chapter 14: I just started reading this fic this morning. I didn't realize you started this in 2015. I think you can just continue instead of rewriting from the start.
I have been binge reading Onho fics because of a fic that I find so sweet yet turning into something else. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter which you said will have fun developments.
I really hope their friendship or more will encourage Jinki to strive to walk.
Thank you so much for sharing.
YukiiOnna #3
Chapter 14: Omg, yees pleaaase! 🥺🥺🙏
I adore this story!🥰
Chapter 14: 👁👁yes👁👁 I reaaalllllyyy looooooovvveeee this story hehe!! It’s so sweet and fluffy it’s just too cute uggghhhhhh 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼I would love to see that happen hahahah!!! I’ll be waiting for it!!!!!!!😼😼😼😫😫😫
SHINee5_4ever #5
Chapter 14: Yes please! 🥺🙏
Chapter 14: Yes please
rorosh #7
Chapter 14: Yes please we would love to, I’ve been waiting for u since forever
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 14: Plz do.... you cant leave me hanging like this
Chapter 14: Yes please....!