Too Quickly

When Two Seasons Meet

"You know, you're really, really familiar. Are you sure we've never met?" Minho asks from the kitchen counter, his long legs hanging off the edges, a bowl of cereal in his hands and a spoon in the other. He stares at me with his round, beautiful eyes, seeming to be trying to remember who I might be, if we've ever met before. 

I shrug. "I don't know. You're really familiar, too," I mumble, taking in my last spoon of cereal into my mouth and delivering the dishes to the sink as I chewed. "I'm cleaning up today, so you're not allowed to wash the dishes, alright?"

He frowns at me. "You always clean up. Let me help, too," he protests, consuming all of his cereal and walking toward me next to the sink, bumping against me with his hip to gently push me away. I laugh and do the same with him, pushing him away just as he starts to wash the dishes. 

"You know, you still have to finish that painting that old man wanted for his granddaughter's birthday," I tell him, raising an eyebrow and laughing when he sputters and flails, having completely forgotten about that. He rids his hands of the soap and grabs an apple from the table, before running downstairs with merely an, "I'll see you down here!" I smile. I've been doing that quite a lot now, with him by my side. For some reason, I seem to like being with him. 

It's almost a week since I've moved in here. I'm completely settled, Minho's a fun person to be with. Well, at least most of the time he is. I help him run his shop, cleaning it up and organizing things for him, and I help clean up up here, too. It's the least I can do to repay him for having me here, for free. I finish up the dishes and run downstairs, past the storage room and toward Minho, who's sitting down next to the counter, in front of him a large canvas, as he does his magic. I watch as his eyebrows furrow, and his eyes squint in concentration, once again disturbed by that irritating familiarity. 

I shrug and decide to clean up while I wait for him, but the place was too clean and it wasn't long before I was watching him paint again. I realize that he doesn't always pull the aura and the feelings from the real thing into the canvas, he makes them himself. And that was just fascinating. 

He paints for hours, and then when he's done, he looks up and smiles at me, sitting by the stairs. I smile back at him as I call out, "Done?" As soon as he nods, I'm on my feet, walking with a quickness in my step toward him. I gaze at his new painting, a blonde girl in the center of a beautiful garden with all kinds of flowers, her dress is large, a hat upon her head, her face unclear because she's facing the other way. And the aura was captivating, so sad and lonely, it's almost as if I could feel the girl's longing. 

"It's amazing," I gasp, barely able to speak at all. He smiles up at me, his eyes brightening up in the cutest way. 

"Thank you," he mumbles, getting up from his seat so he could start cleaning up. He takes his stuff into the washroom to clean the paint off, and when he's back, his apron is removed and his stuff are in that special box of his, and I'm still staring at the painting, wondering how he made it seem so real. I look up when I hear him chuckle, only to see that he's climbing up the stairs, just as the bell on the entrance door rings, and a human walks inside. A human that had the bloated chest and the long hair and the high voice, recognizing her to be a girl, too, just like the one in the painting.

I stumble a bit as I run toward the stairs, merely giving the human a glance before I disappear. 

"Minho!" I call out. "There's a human," I tell him, finding him in his bedroom, getting a change of shirt to replace the dirty one. He laughs at me, a pleasant sound that I fail to return. "No, really. There's a human downstairs." 

"Of course, there's a human downstairs. There are humans everywhere, in case you forgot," he says, smiling as he ruffles my hair, passing by me and hopping down the stairs with quick steps. I follow after him, arriving just in time to see him having a talk with the human. They both glance at me, then turn back toward each other, continuing their discussion about what I assumed was another painting. When she left, Minho slumped down on the sofa, sighing. I sit next to him and let the silence stay for a few moments. 

"Tired?" I ask as he closes his eyes and nods. "Did that human want a painting, too?" I ask again, and he nods again. "Of what?" 

He shrugs and says, "A whale." 

I stare at him for a few moments, and then we both simultaneously begin laughing. When the rather boisterous laughter died, he sighs once more and gets up. "Well, I better get started," he says, getting into the storage room for a new canvas. I watch him go and come back, arranging and preparing his stuff, before he takes his seat once more, a paintbrush in his hand, and just stares at the canvas for a long moment. When that's done, he dips his brush into the paint, and begins. I stare at him for hours as the canvas slowly turns into a picture of deep blue hues. 

I'm unable to look away from him for a very long moment, and then finally I turn my attention to the vase on the counter, inside it delicately stood a blue flower, so beautiful and amazing that I stand up and walk toward it. It was even more beautiful up close, its aura so strong and sad that it almost brings tears to my eyes. And then I realize, I've seen this flower before. 

I'm unable to resist touching a pale blue petal, needing to know how it felt like between my fingers, intrigued by how it sparkled and glittered, as if it was coated in a thin layer of ice. But then I freeze upon touching it, paralyzed by the cold, empty feeling that surges through me, flowing along with the blood in my veins, aiming right at my mind and my heart and my soul. Leaving me gasping and wheezing, falling back onto the sofa, tears filling to the rim of my eyes. I heard more than saw Minho turn toward me, and his chair makes a dragging noise against the floor as he pushes it back.

The sofa sinks next to me, and I feel him hold me by the shoulders and softly shake me as he panickly recites, "Taemin? Are you okay?"

I pant for a moment, trying to get rid of the dryness in my throat, the tears disapearring and my vision returning to normal, Minho's ever-beautiful face the first thing that graces my sight. I take another moment to regain my voice, finally but barely able to say, "I'm okay."

But I wasn't. My brain was itching and scrambling and turning upside-down to remember where I had seen that flower, knowing it was something important, something I shouldn't forget about, trying to discover what could be a buried memory like pirates surching for buried treasure.  

Minho sighed and gazed back at his unfinished painting, and immediatley I feel guilty for interrupting him, knowing he didn't like it when that happened. Because if he paused for even just a moment, when he'd continue, the feeling would be the same, and the painting wouldn't be as amazing, but still wonderful nonetheless. I look down at my hands, nervously fidgeting with my over sized shirt that he let me borrow. "I'm sorry," I mumble shyly. 

He looks at me and smiles, yet it doesn't reach his eyes. "It's alright. I would've stopped either way. I'm running out of water and paint, and I was just gonna go over to the storage room to get some, so don't feel bad," he says softly, his smile getting a little more genuine now. 

I nod as I mumble an, "Oh, okay." And then I raise my head, my voice louder when I say, "I'll go get it for you." He nods as I get up, trying to return the smile he was, with a little difficulty, flashing at me. 

"What color do you need?" I ask him as I walk toward the storage room, hearing him say, "blue," as a reply. 

I gaze up at the shelves, searching for the small jar that had the 'blue' marking on it, finally finding it but frowning when I realize it's way too high for my reach. I wonder why it's so high up, but then I figured it would've been effortless to take it from up there with Minho's height. I take the wooden stool that I found behind some large canvases, then step on it to take the jar, also taking the galon of water, surprised by how heavy it was, stumbling over and feeling something scratch my wrist as I fell off the stool. I frown and sigh, relieved that both the jar and the galon of water were both unharmed, vaguely aware of the rectangular canvas next to me. 

Its edge had scratched my wrist, and I frowned because it was stinging. I take the canvas to get a look at it, turning it over only to have my breath taken away. Gazing at the most beautiful painting yet, feeling all the warmth and love in it, the aura so comfortable, almost heavenly. My eyes studying the blonde boy in the painting, his skin so pale yet there's a certain glow in it, his dark eyes just the perfect contrast, so distant and soft. His hair wasn't yellow, it was golden, and the blue, almost ice-like crown on his hair fit him just perfectly, his body graced in an all white, silk-like outfit. He was gazing out a window, and outside I could vaguely recognize it to be snowing. 

I feel myself falling in love with the person in the painting, despite the irritating itch in my brain again, struggling to find out who he was because he was so familliar. And then I realize, it's not me who's falling in love with this beautiful boy, it's the painter. So deep in love. And just as the thought crosses my mind, Minho appears from the door and he crouches down next to me, voice panicked again. "You fell off?" 

But I brush off that question, just a little guilty for ignoring his concern, softly shoving the canvas at him and looking at him straight in the eye. "Did you paint this?" 

He takes a short moment to look back into my eyes, before slowly he directs his attention to the painting. "I think so," he says, his voice indicating that he's just as amazed by it as I am. "You know, he looks kind of like you," he adds, looking between me and the boy in the painting back and forth a few times. And then it's as if he realizes something in his head. "That's why you're so familiar!" 

I just stare at the painting, not at all believing that this boy was me, seeing how beautiful he was. But then I look back at Minho, my voice hoarse and weak as I ask, "Then how come you're so familiar? Have we ever met?" 

He doesn't say anything for a moment, he just stares at me as he thinks, a single eyebrow arched in what I would've appreciated as a cute way if not for all the confusion that's building up inside of me. He shrugs though and stands up as he says, "We'll figure it out later. Come on, I see you got yourself hurt." He extends a hand toward me and I take it, our skin brushing ever so slightly but just enough to send me jolting back against the wall, once again surprised by not only the cold, lonely, empty, overwhelmingly painful feeling, but all the memories returning, all flashing before my eyes way too quickly for me to even shape out, but knowing what's happening in each of them, and that's what made my head hurt so bad. 

I pant, just as the flashing images slow down, and finally almost completely disappear, but knowing it's still there because I can very vaguely see it. I wipe off the tears in my eyes, and gaze at Minho, who's also against the other wall just like I was, his expression pained and his eyes blank, looking right through me like I'm not there. And I know it's happening to him, too, all the memories coming back. 

I smile, finally complete again, the irritating itch in my brain completely gone. Happy that I'm with Minho again, my winter boy. The love of my life. The one that meant everything to me. My best friend. 

His expression fades and I can see him coming back, taking a moment to just breathe before he looks at me, for the first time in such a long time, and his smile is so pure and genuine it almost hurt to look at it. He crawls toward me and embraces me, wraps me in his arms, returns me in the place where I knew I belonged. I inhale his scent, feeling myself taken away by the comfort of his presence until I fall asleep in the arms of Minho. 



[A/N: Once again, please forgive any grammar/spelling mistakes. Same goes for the next few chapters.]

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Chapter 12: wow this was so beautiful and amazing, you made me cry so many times ;u;;
your imagination is great, you described all so amazingly <3
they're so romantic and their love is sooo precious and I'm so happy that they found each other again :')
even if just little there, JongKey were cute ^^ and I was so happy Taemin got to see Kibum and Minho JJong, that was touching, many parts were really touching..aww I just don't know what to write because i'm so bad with words but loved everything about this story ^^b and with perfect beautiful ending too :'))) yaaay
remember when we wrote about shinee
I don't know if I should hate you or love you... It's really weird for me to have too many emotions at once. For starters I'm deeply touched, I loved their love story. It's so beautiful that it hurts (You used that phrase a lot, right?)
I had fun trying to figure out some things, that Minho was human for example. Oh, and the side story of Kibum and Jonghyun was cute too.
I feel bad for Onew, the whole thing wasn't his fault and he only wanted to be Taemin's friend. At first I thought that Onew was the voice, but when Taemin talked about Minho's replacement I knew it had to be him.
I found your fanfic a while ago, but I hadn't read it until now. I guess I wasn't ready xD I started it today and I couldn't stop until I finished it.
You're amazing :3 Looking forward to more. Fighting!
Beautiful story. So... sad at first, but so romantic. It has this aura :). When you read it, it's like you are there, in their world I seriously want to say more but I am too much touched. I will check your other fanfics. Again, amazing peace of work
(ugh, seriously? eue; It had to say I reached the limit when I only had one more thing to say? XD;)

Your Grade: 5 ♥
;_______________________________; You'll have to give me a moment, I just, I can't...augh. I'm. Speechless. /le cries ;u;
I had so much I wanted to say, but as I read more and more, it all just floated from my mind. I don't remember most of it now. T.T But I'll try to leave you a good comment nonetheless. ♥
I love fantasy stories. ;_; And I love the feel of the story, the whole atmosphere of it. It's kind of mystical, and wonderful. And I'll admit I was a little confused about what Taemin had forgotten and what he could remember, but that works because it just made me understand his feelings better, because he was confused too. :3
I realized quite a bit before it was actually said that Minho was a human...but it wasn't really until Taemin was on Earth as a human as well hit me and suddenly made SO MUCH SENSE why Minho knew so much about humans. Because I'd been wondering, if they can't see humans, how the heck could Minho possibly know all that? XD So when I realized, it was super cool. OuO
I was so sad that they couldn't all meet. ;_; And when Taemin hated Onew. To be honest I was suspecting the voice was Onew maybe, but I was wrong. XD Obviously. That fits so well though, him replacing Minho as winter, seeing as their birthdays are both in December! ^-^ I wonder what the person who replaced Taemin is like. ^-^
I cried when they remembered everything again. ;__; ♥ And I was so happy when they saw JongKey together. If only it had been two-way. ;^; *sigh*
This fic is SO beautiful. ;__; It amazed me. I love it so much.
As for the actual writing...I love your style. In some ways it actually reminds me of my own, but that's beside the point. XD There were some grammatical errors, but nothing I can't overlook, except for one thing. As a grammar nazi, I'm really bothered by the way you switch back and forth between past and present tense. >u<
However, despite inconsistent tense, this story is so amazing that I'm just going to have to give you top marks. ^-^
FFiolet #7
Sweetie. I have no idea what to say. *opens mouth, though*
You, once again, made me stop looking at the reality and live in the fantasy world again.
The world with Taemin and Minho in it, depressing and happy...
My god, I feel like going all insane for having the story an end like that.
Positive, of course! I think that I wouldn't imagined it better. *spazzing* :D
Before I have to go (again), I want to say some things.
First, if this story isn't going to win this contest, than I'll eat my shoes.
Because WAUW, O_O I've never read something good in my life so far.
Second, I love you for being the writer of this story. Nobody could've described those things better than you.
Third, I did my best to make this comment long. I read my front page and sorry, but I'm off on AFF. Yet, I think this story DESERVES a long comment. (and more comments and subscribers :P)
Fourth, my last sentences for you; Stay focusing on what your goal is, and I'm sure your other stories will end up great and BEAUTIFUL! *shifting on her chair*
Oh! *dances around*. :D Kamsahamnida!
Byoleta #8
Wow. This is so good! I kept reading and reading and my imagination lived along side the storyline. This is my favorite contest story, and I know that will not change so soon. Because what you have written, is a beautiful, amazing, lovely, incredible, awesome, pretty and breathtaken story, and I'm glad I've read it. It has opened my fantasy, it has opened my desire and opened a way of looking different to life. Minho's story is so sad. You can almost feel he really has gone through it. That is what life is. Thank you, for writing and show us your skills of blooming and warming our hearts. You are my hero! :) I sure hope that this story is going to win. Nicely and amazingly done! Thank you.
Out of all the entries for the contest, this is my favorite, if you win or not either way, know that you did an amazing job (but I hope you win! <3 )