Chapter 6

This Time Around
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“Goodmorning sunshine” Louis greeted Shinhye and Grace as they entered the cafeteria at Sutherlands building.

“Grace, did you finally had that the sleep you haven’t’ had since we arrived here 3days ago? You seemed fresh, unlike Shinhye here who seemed to have not been asleep all night” asked Sean to the girls.

“I was up almost all night ‘cause Andrei has a fever, you guys know Andrei, every time season changes Andrei is like that, the worried me just stayed with him on the phone watching him play his video games, and while talking to him I was checking the Emerald City blueprints and I happen to read the blueprints of Emerald City phase 1, there seemed to be lacking on that area” Shinhye replied

“oh he is fine?” asked Louis,

“Yeah, my sister in law said his fever was gone already”

“I miss Andrei’s smiles, those dimples and his eyes when he smiles, I bet you Shinhye, you’ll have a hard time with Andrei’s girlfriends sooner or later” Grace added.

“Haha, seriously Grace, thanks but I wish he won’t give me headaches on that matter, he is too young for me to think about that, , I just miss him now, so damn much,”

“I missed him too” Stanley added while he put down the tray with brewed coffee that he ordered at the counter.

“What about the phase 1 bluprint you were talking about? Anything you noticed, we will discuss it later during our meeting with HLI right?”

“Yes 9am, they informed yesterday that they will arrive along with their construction committee” Sean explained,

“hey, Shinhye didn’t you notice how that Han and Lee looked at you during the meeting yesterday? Do you happen to know them?” asked Grace.

“No” a short reply came from Shinhye and took a sip of the brewed coffee.

Kim Woo Bin entered the cafeteria and came looking for Shinhye, “Ms.Park, here are the Phase 2 blueprints and other papers you said to look up on,”

“Kamsahamnida Woobin-ssi, come have breakfast with us” invited Shinhye.

“Aniyo, I already had breakfast Ms.Park, I’ll go ahead first, Mr.Yoon is at your office already, he said HLI representatives just called and said they are on their way already” WooBin bowed again and left them.

“We better go upstairs as well so that we can prepare too” sean said and they all stood up and headed to their office.

Shinhye’s phone rang upon coming out of the elevator “Oppa, how is Andrei? When I hanged up this morning, I mean afternoon there Lizzie said his fever is gone”

“that’s why I called, just calm ok?” Raewon said on the other line “Yah Park RaeWOn, what happened? Is Andrei ok? Tell me!” Shinhye’s worried voice startled at the hallway making Sean, Louis, Grace and Stanley look at her with questioning faces, and went on after a while to the office leaving Shinhye alone in the hallway.

“I told you to calm down, everything is fine, and we rushed him to the hospital and…” Raewon was immediately cut off by Shinhye upon hearing the word hospital “HOSPITAL? Why? Tell me Andrei is fine? What happened? Oppa I am really worried now. Shinhye’s voice is shaking.

“Listen, Andrei is fine, we needed to rush him here because his fever has shoot up again, the doctor said because of Andrei’s tonsils are swollen, but nothing serious, but we need to still check on him so that we can be sure, I called to inform you and not worry” Raewon could hear Shinhye sobs

“Oppa, where is Andrei now, let me talk to him”

“He fell asleep after medication, I will let you talk to him when he wakes up”

“Oppa please, call me anytime I want to hear Andrei when he wakes up, and thank you for looking after him”

“Stop worrying ok? I am here, nothing will happen to him”

“yes oppa, don’t forget to call me ok? I’ll ahng up now, we have a meeting”

“ok Shinhye I will call again” Shinhye hanged up with a heavy heart, knowing her son is in the hospital makes her lost her focus in the meeting.

“Is Andrei fine?”asked Stanley

“My brother said he is, but I can’t be alright until I talk to him”

“Calm yourself Shinhye, don’t worry, we will handle the meeting for you”

“Thanks Grace, I will try to focus, I can’t let you guys down” Shinhye kept he phone close to her, and started discussion with Sutherlands staff. She kept her focus again, her mind was clouded with so many stuff, apart from worrying with her son, she is thinking of her meeting up with Minho and Woojin from HLI.

“Why does it have to happen in one day?” Shinhye told herself.

“The HLI team are already here, I told the secretary to lead them to the meeting room, and we should go there now” Mr. Yoon announced and all of them rise on their seat and headed to the meeting room.

Shinhye followed everyone as she put her phone in her pocket. Sutherlands team entered the meeting room, while the HLI team were already seated, Shinhye entered the meeting room last, her eyes met with Minho’s upon entering the room, she seated infront of him, Minho’s eyes never left Shinhye, he was in awe of how elegant she is but can’t let her notice about it.

“Anneyeonghaseyo yorobun, most of us here are Koreans but my colleagues here don’t understand our language, I suppose everyone here understands English” Shinhye started, but Minho cut her off, looking straight to her eyes, he replied “Why Ms. Park? You already forgot Hangul that you can’t translate to them?”

Shinhye staring straight at him replied “Mr. Lee, I perfectly remember everything from this country, like everything”. People in the meeting was surprised at how Minho and Shinhye started the meeting,

“Ms. Park, we are grateful to have this meeting with Sutherlands team, how do we start Emerald City project?” Woojin who sensed something lighten up the situation before it gets worse.

“Mr. Han and Mr. Lee we are pleased to have this meeting with you as well, together with your team” Stanley said.

Shinhye signaled Kim Woo Bin to distribute the handouts, he stood up and gave each participant the handouts,

“You are holding the strategic plan on Emerald City, after the groundbreaking on Friday we will immediately start with the construction by Monday, this will be a 24-hour construction, which will be personally supervised by all of us, I suppose you have enough people to man the project, just let us know if there are things lacking so that…”

“We have more than enough capable workers Ms. Park, We can even start right after groundbreaking ceremony if you like” Minho cut Shinhye out and smirked.

Everyone in the room nodded and read the handouts. “Very well, no time will be wasted then” Shinhye replied without looking at Minho.

“What are these?” Minho asked while flipping the handouts

“Strategic plan!’ said Shinhye

“I know, but why are there revisions which wasn’t discussed with us?”

“That’s why we have this meeting, I have checked Phase 1 of the bluprints, as you know, the first to rise is the hotel, but the construction will take long enough before the rise of the 5-storey mall, in the middle of the hotel construction, we can start the mall too, just since you said you have capable workers, it is notright to have phase1 and phase 2 constructions at the same time, you don’t know the risk we are putting upin here, we are more on safety and quality of Emerald City. Also, in order for us to make Emerald City rise to be the finest, we need to ensure the structure per phase not to build all of those at the same time” Shinhye explained

“Ofcourse Ms.Park we…” Woojin was about to explain but Minho interrupted “I understand your point, but we have enough budget to make all phases at the same time, we n

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dreamcatcher27 #1
Chapter 19: Still waiting for your update
dreamcatcher27 #2
Chapter 19: Reread this story' again.. please make an update authornim 🙏 Inlike your story',
dreamcatcher27 #3
I wish you Will update this story again authornim 🙏
Rinawatu #4
Im waiting for your update.. autorniem please update your story.
Superloveminshin #5
Still eagerly waiting for your update!
avrylle #6
Chapter 19: please update authornim^^
reginacarlamanuel #7
Please update soon authornim.. hope there will be a family moments in the nxt chapter
sweetshy74 #8
Chapter 19: Please update soon. The story is too nice. I want it longer. ???
aaqceli #9
Chapter 19: I hope minho finds our the truth. And cancel his marriage to jiwon. Thanks for the update. Nice story
Superloveminshin #10
Thank you for the update! Pls continue your story.