
Ms. Aarona Yan

“Love, unspoken words and silent actions

Travel by human carriers.

The wind whispers through its soft lips

And kiss thy skin, desiring to be

A knife.


I stood with many people

With identical faces.

Their faces, hard cold and smooth,

All staring straight at me.

A light, my savior, raises above me

And I see all.

I see all.

I see you.”

(A/N: I know it is a crappy poem.)

“Wow Calvin, I didn’t know you can write poems that well,” Aaron complimented him.

“I help!” Wu Chun quickly cut in.

Calvin looked at Wu Chun weirdly with an are-you-ok-what-is-up-with-you look. Wu Chun gave his friend an assuring look signaling him to help him.

‘Wow. Chun can’t be seriously falling for her, can he? I’ve never seen her fallen for a girl,’ Calvin thought. ‘Anyway, back to my love life.’

“This poem is all dedicated to you, Hebe,” Calvin smiled.

“Oh,” Hebe said as she sat down and looked out.

“Hebe, be nice,” Selina tries to save Calvin from the awkward tension and embarrassment cause by Hebe.

Hebe continued to ignore Calvin and the love sick Calvin was unawared of Hebe’s annoyance with him.

“It expresses my love to you.”

“It was cheesy. Your first mistake was to straight out define love. The second was comparing love to a knife as though love is murderer eager for our blood and body. Your mirror metaphor to loneliness implies your egotism and I was the one thing that distracts you from admiring yourself. Not as romantic as you thought, huh?” Hebe points out the mistakes in Calvin’s poem and stated her opinions coldly.

(A/N: I know, I’m trashing my own poem. XD)

Silence surrounds them but the chattering among others is still present.

“Sit and let’s eat,” Aaron said to ease up the tension.

“What should be order?” Selina asked looking through the menu.

“Don’t order anything sweet. The sweetness in your sound had already ruined my appetite,” Jiro said as he cuddle up to Selina.

“Awww,” Selina kissed Jiro on the forehead.

Calvin pretend to throw up.

Hebe still stuck in her gloomy mood for the past week said, “You guys are as corny as that poem.”

“OKAY………,” Aaron quickly said praying that Hebe did not anger anyone especially Calvin, “So what should we order?”

No one answered.

Jiro and Selina continued to flirt and cuddled onto each other.

Calvin keep suggesting dishes to Hebe as she tries her best to ignore him. Hebe looked at Aaron to see him studying the menu very carefully. It is his first time here and he was having a hard time deciding.

“…the Alfredo salmon is really good too the white sauce really cooperate well with the fish and….”

Hebe tried her best to block out the annoying voice.

“Need help?” Hebe directed the question at Aaron.

“Huh? Ya. What do you usually order?” Aaron asked.

Hebe stood up from her seat and walked so that he is standing behind Aaron and pointed out to him her favorite dishes on the menu.

Throughout this whole time, everyone had forgotten about Wu Chun. Chun was holding his menu up pretending to be reading it. He had decided what NOT to order from the menu.

“Hello, my name is Janie and I will be your server for today,” a petite young lady greeted the group.

“Hi,” Calvin said with his best smile. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at a beauty pageant, my princess,” Calvin said in a flirtatious tone.

Janie smiled slightly. She started to feel uncomfortable. Even though Calvin was hot, having a customer flirt with you can never lead to something good. Cristiano Ronaldo had taught us all a valuable lesson.

“I want everything but this, this, and um.. wait… this,” Chun pointed out to Janie.

“Wow, is that for everyone?” Janie asked.

“You would think that,” Selina replied, “but it is barely enough for him.”

The rest ordered their food and Aaron took Hebe’s suggestion to order the seasoned chicken pasta.

“I would like the Rib-eye steak and your phone number,” Calvin flirted with Janie again.

“*cough* Corny pickup line *cough*,” Jiro commented.

Everyone laughed except Calvin and Janie.

Janie ran their orders.

“So, Aarona, where were you from? Jiro questioned him.

“I lived in the more rural area,” Aaron answered.

“Hebe and Aarona used to be neighbors,” Selina provided the information.

“Ya, Aarona used to play basketball in the neighborhood all the time,” Hebe said.
“Really?!?! I love basketball!!! My idol is Michael Jordon. I can imitate all his moves!!!” Wu Chun said excitedly. He had never met a girl that liked basketball. All other girls cared about is clothes and jewelry with the exception of Hebe who didn’t really care about anything.

“Ya, I love basketball. My idol is Kobe Bryant. Michael Jordon is my idol’s idol,” Aaron smiled. He felt superiority when talking about basketball.

“I went to see Michael Jordon right before he retired. I can show you the picture I took with him one day. We should go see a Lakers game together one day.”

“That would be awesome!” Aaron was elated.


A/N: This story is more comedic. If you wanted a romantic story, please search for my story: Royal Pain. Also, if you hated the omniscient point of view in this story, Royal Pain is in first person point of view. I know I shouldn’t be starting a new story when I just started this one but I’ve always wanted to write a princess story. 

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onehelllove #1
please update soon!
really interesting..
hope there will be an update for this story..
Happiness #3
It's cute but Hebe is really way too cool! Jiro and Selina is totally sweeeet, funny much though. Rainie is really.. wow. As well as Calvin. Chun is funny and what if he knew that Aaron is a girl? Hahahaha, that would be funny. Nice update! Jiayou!
Diana18 #5
cute Bebu story ^_~<br />
can't wait the next update! jia you