Talk to me, please?

Ms. Aarona Yan

“Hebe babe, you are still as sweet as ever,” the intruder said while smirking; he walked toward Hebe as he shut the door behind him.

Hebe tried to back away from the intruder. She slid around so that she was closer to the door and he was closer to the back of the room. He followed her as he lean closer to her in a slow pace. They waltzed around each other, one dodging and one following.

Hebe’s body is now parallel with the door. She stared into the intruder’s eyes without saying a word. She was very annoyed and bothered by his action.

The intruder could not take a hint and he leaned in closer to her and Hebe’s back touched the door. He pinned her against the door leaning on it with one hand supporting his weight.

As he open his mouth to speak to her, Hebe thought of an idea. She slid her hand up the door until she found the handle. She turned it to the right as fast as she could, kicked the door open, and dodged to her right as she watched the guy lost his balance and fell forward.

“OWWW!!!” Hebe heard a voice not belonging to the intruder.

“Calvin, get up; I think you fell on someone.” Hebe pulled Calvin up and he stared at the person that broke his fall.

“I’m sorry little girl. I didn’t mean to fall on you,” Calvin apologized and helped her up.

“Aaron – a, Aarona? What are you doing here? This is a place for music students only.” Hebe looked at the poor guy still in pain from Calvin’s heaviness.

“I wanted to rent a flute and I heard a flute playing so I thought it might be near the music room,” Aaron explained.

“Mr. M takes care of new student’s instruments during class on the first day.” Hebe replied coldly.

“Oh…Sorry to bother you. Nice meeting you Calvin,” Aaron said as he turned around and left.

“Who is that?” Calvin questioned Hebe. “She’s a very cute girl although not all that attractive.”

“None of your business. Don’t you have a curfew?” Hebe walked into the practice room and unassembled her flute and packed it up neatly.

“My dad pays the school $10,000 a month. No teachers dare mess with me,” Calvin said arrogantly.

“Whatever. Just stop following me around,” Hebe finished packing her flute and walked quickly to her dorm. She turned around several times to make sure Calvin wasn’t stalking




Hebe opened the door to her dorm. She heard sounds from the bathroom and assumed that Aaron was taking a bath. Hebe sighed. Seeing Calvin is not exactly a treat for her.

The bathroom door opened and Aaron walked out !!!

Hebe’s eyes widened as she tries to force her eyes to look straight ahead. She failed. Her eyes uncontrollable swifted downwards and


“HEBE! Are you okay?”

Hebe heard a voice in panic. She realized it was just a dream.

Hebe opened her eyes to see a pair of dark, beautiful eyes in front of her. They mesmerized her even though it was filled with concern.

‘Oh god, what am I thinking? And that dream,’ Hebe thought and quickly turned away. “I’m fine.” Hebe closed her eyes again and pretended to be asleep.



“I swear if you dip your sandwich in your milk, it taste bluberries!! I think there is even a light shade of blue in the sandwich. OMG I may have invented a new way to create blueberry sandwiches….”

Hebe, Aaron, and Selina ate in silence as they listen to Rainie babbled on.

“Excited for the new school year, Aarona?” Selina asked him.

“Ya, it’s going to be completely different than all my other school years?”

Hebe laughed in her head but dare not to show it.

“Well, it is a boarding school,” Selina responded. “I heard all clubs and teams are hosting tryouts today. I have to judge the cheerleading team.”

“Ya! I would have hosted a tryout for my club if I wasn’t the only member. I don’t understand why no one else wanted to join the ILYFMH Club?? I had so much fun in there.”

“The what?” Aaron asked, confused.

“The I LOVE YOU FOREVER MIKE HE Club!!! ‘We’ collect pictures and information on Mike. There are discussions his…”

“No one is in it now except Rainie because she got really jealous of the rest of his fans and started to yell at them.” Selina whispered to Aaron. “Rainie is very possessive.”

The thought of Rainie having a crush on Mike He reminded Aaron of Calvin.

‘He must’ve been Hebe’s boyfriend.’ Aaron thought as he stared off into space.


“Breakfast is over. Let’s go to class.” Selina announced to everyone as they threw their trash away and began to walk to class.

“Peace out sister; I’ve got lalalaLAA Chorus class.” Rainie said exuberantly and cavorted to class.

“One word: WOW!” Aaron said after Rainie left.

“Ya….you’d get used to her though. I’ve got Drama. See ya Hebs, Aarona.”

“What class do you have?” Aaron asked Hebe.


“Same as me! Let’s go to class together.” Aaron smiled but Hebe just kept walking in silence alone.

Aaron followed her.

“So, Hebe how’s –”

Aaron was cut off by Hebe. “Don’t talk to me.”

Hebe didn’t want to be mean. She’s just very uncomfortable with dealing with guys; especially ones that don’t annoy the crap out of her. Being around boys were never  Hebe’s strength; that’s why she’s in a “all girl’s” school.

“Oh..” Aaron whispered feeling kind of depressed. He wanted to be friends with his roommate.



The week went by with Aaron and Hebe barely speaking to each other. Aaron attempted many times to befriend Hebe but she rejected him. They respected each other’s privacy by making rules like “always knock on the bathroom door”.

Aaron tried his best to act like a girl. He rarely talk incase someone suspect him due to interest difference. The music teacher had been absent for the first week of school so it has been a boring week for Aaron.

Hebe tried her best to avoid Aaron. She tried not to remind herself that he’s a guy, a very cute guy in fact.


Saturday arrived. Since it is the first week of school, teachers decided to give everyone a break.

“Finally, Re-lax-xi-a-shi-oon,” Selina emphasized the pronunciation of the word. She was in Hebe and Aaron’s dorm discussing to them their schedule for the day.

“I’ve already scheduled for a lunch date with the boys,” Selina said cheerfully.

“You’d love them, Aarona. Hebe and I usually meet with three boys for the weekend. One of them is my boyfriend. Yes, the perfect, handsome, talented, and athletic prince of the Prince Academy Jiro Wang is my boyfriend.”

Hebe rolled her eyes.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me. You’ve got your own boyfriend, Calvin.”

“Calvin is not my boyfriend,” Hebe stated with annoyance.

“Come on, you guys look cute together. Anyways Aarona, we meet them every weekend to hang out and I wanted you to join with us, if you don’t have any plans.”

“Sure. What about Rainie?” Aaron asked in curiously. Believed it or not, Rainie is the person that is keeping Aaron sane for the week. He would have die of boredom without her.

“Rainie usually stalk Mike the whole weekend. She calls it a project for her club but all she does is take photos of Mike and write down the exact time of each activity Mike He does and things he says. I would not want to be someone Rainie likes,” Selina said with seriousness in her tone.

“We’re meeting them soon. Hurry Hebe, wear something nice. Calvin would like that,” Selina said with a smirk.

Hebe ignored her while Aaron studied Hebe. For some reason, he didn’t want Hebe to follow Selina’s order and dress up just for Calvin.

-20 minutes later @ Lau’s Café-

“What is taking them so long. I want to see my cutie-bear Selina-bear,” Jiro whined to his friends.

“Ew!” Chun said and pretended to throw up.

“I wrote Hebe a poem!” Calvin said elatedly.

“Ya, we know. You’ve said that like ten hundred million times,” Chun complained to him.

“We need to get Chun a girlfriend so he would understand us,” Jiro said to Calvin.

“Agreed,” Calvin replied.

“No girls will ever interest me. I swear. I’d never find……………..whoa-a, who is that girl?”

Chun points to the girl walking in between Hebe and Selina.

“She looks so nice. Not girly and flirty. Not trying hard to act cool. Not weak. She’s so natural like a guy but a girl,” Chun whispered to his friend.

“You can tell all that by just looking at someone for like two seconds,” Calvin asked Chun, not believing his observation skills.

“It’s just a feeling I have,” Chun tried to defend himself.

“Love has no question,” Jiro said trying to sound smart.


“JIRO!!!” Selina ran into the arms of her lover and they gave each other a quick kiss.

“HEBE!!!” Calvin tries to imitate Selina but Hebe just rolled her eyes. If it didn’t make Selina happy, she wouldn’t be spending time with Calvin even if Jiro and Chun are nice.

“Who’s this?” Chun asked Hebe looking at Aaron.

“Her name is Ella Yan. We call her Aarona. She’s my roommate,” Hebe gave Chun all the facts.

“Hey Aarona,” Chun tries to act cool. He can feel his heart beating at an inconstant speed. He waited eagerly for Aarona to respond and prayed desperately for Aaron to be what he wanted a girl to be and hopefully not a girly . 

“Hey,” Aaron said as he smiled.

“I’mChunbytheway, (I’m Chun by the way)” Chun said nervously.

By now, Chun was as red as a tomato. He stared at the “girl” in front of him, a girl with innocent, pure eyes but with determination and intelligence.

‘I’ve never felt this way about a girl,’ Chun thought.



A/N: Chun’s gay?!?!?! Hahaha, hope no one is against homouality. Technically, he’s not gay; he just like tomboy-ish girls.

Btw, the whole “door open and stalker guy trip and fell” thing in the beginning was from Beauty and the Beast so “disclaimer: I do not own this idea”.

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onehelllove #1
please update soon!
really interesting..
hope there will be an update for this story..
Happiness #3
It's cute but Hebe is really way too cool! Jiro and Selina is totally sweeeet, funny much though. Rainie is really.. wow. As well as Calvin. Chun is funny and what if he knew that Aaron is a girl? Hahahaha, that would be funny. Nice update! Jiayou!
Diana18 #5
cute Bebu story ^_~<br />
can't wait the next update! jia you