Jolly Meeting with Jolin

Ms. Aarona Yan

“So who’s your roommate, Hebe?” Rainie, one of Hebe’s friends asked while they were eating lunch.

“Just some girl,” Hebe said trying not to be sarcastic.

“Her name is Aarona. She’s very cute. Why didn’t you invite her to lunch Hebe?” Selina ask as she skimmed around the cafeteria looking for Aarona.

“I went to practice my flute before I left my dorm. She’s probably still in our dorm.”

Just as Hebe explain to Selina, the cafeteria door open and Aarona walked in. Selina waved her hand high in the air and shouted “Aarona, over here!”

Aaron walked toward Selina’s table.

“Hi,” he said trying to put on a smile.

“This is Rainie. Rainie, this is Aarona.” Selina introduced them to each other.

“Hi. Hi. Hi. You haven’t got lunch, have you? I wanted to go get more food so I’ll go with you.” Rainie said as she jumped out of her chair.

“You’d already ate half the portion of food intended for the whole school Rainie. Don’t you agree Hebe?” Selina looked up at her friend who’d been quiet for a long time.

“Ya, whatever,” Hebe said as she continues to play with her food. The poor little carrot in her plate is stabbed for the four hundredth time as it is pushed around banging its head on the broccoli.

“I just want some cookies, maybe a muffin, oohhhh chocolate sounds so good right now!!!!” Rainie started to have a food spaz attack as she walked into line with Aaron.

Rainie look at Aaron as they stand in line. “How are you? Where are you from? Oh, you’re pretty tall for a girl. Wait, I see one strand of OMG I KNOW THAT KID!!! He’s from my HOLY CRAP Mr. Mauly seriously need a haircut and COOKIES!!! Fresh baked cookies, I can smell IS THAT KID WEARING PURPLE!!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL HER PURPLE PLAID PANTS DOES NOT LOOK GOOD ON HER!!! UGH! People annoy me sometimes.”

Aaron looked at Rainie in shock. He’s usually good dealing with other people but Rainie…well….

“MOVE!” An angry girl with light brown curly hair pushed Aaron out of the way of the line. She grabbed a plate and cut in line right in front of Aaron and Rainie with two girls following her.

Rainie turned around to Aaron and whisper, “Watch out for that girl.”

“Who is she?”

“Her name is Jolin and the other two girls are Xiao Xun and Ariel.” Rainie pointed at them and the three girls turn around.

“Gossiping about me because you’re jealous?”  Jolin directed the question at Rainie with an evil smirk.

Rainie ignored the question and Xiao Xun spoke up.

“Who dis? U freend? She no pretty like I.  She look no is like girls.”

“Are you sure you’re a girl? Next time, try checking the mirror before you try covering your mustache with lipstick.” Jolin spat the insult at Aaron.

“You need razors to shave your leg hairs yourself, Jolin,” Rainie yelled the comeback.

“Shut up your mentally retarded head. You know the only reason Show dumped you was because you can’t keep a decent conversation for more than five seconds.”

“Don’t Judge Her!” Aaron yelled back at Jolin. Aaron can take any insult against himself but he could never stand and watch a friend get hurt.

“You don’t know what I can do to you, new kid,” Jolin said as she raised her arm ready to slap Aaron. Just as her hands waved down, another hand blocks it. Someone pushed Jolin’s arm strongly out of the way and yank her to the side causing Jolin to fall sideways onto the floor.

The girl turned and walked away waving her long wavy black hair behind her.

“Ya, keep walking Hebe Tien. I don’t know why you tried to protect this new girl but you better watch it.” Jolin screamed as she tries to balance herself up from the floor.


“Why did you have to mess with Jolin, Hebe?” Selina asked her best friend.

“Aarona and Rainie needed help.”

“HELP!?!?!?! I’ve never seen HEBE TIEN HELP others.” Selina looked at Hebe with shocked as she sat on Aaron’s bed in Hebe’s dorm. “What happened to the cold and unloving Hebe?”

Hebe ignored Selina and leaned back on her back with her hands crossed behind her head.

“Guess she is still here,” whispered Selina.


“That was not a fun encounter,” Aaron said as he walked around campus with Rainie.

“They’ve always been like that. What’s your schedule for tomorrow? Are you ready for school? I’ve always love buying supplies and,” Rainie cut off and grabbed Aaron’s schedule that had just been taken out.

Rainie scanned through the list.

“You’re taking so many music classes. We only have oneMIKE!!! OMG HIDE ME!!!!” Rainie jumped and ran around Aaron in circles and finally crouch behind him.

Aaron ignored Rainie’s craziness and took his schedule back.

Aaron’s Schedule:

  1. Pre-Calculus
  2. American History
  3. Chemistry
  4. Literature
  5. Chamber Ensemble
  6. Gym

“Do you know where the music room is? I wanted to see the teacher to see if I can rent a flute?” Aaron turned around to Rainie.

“AHHHHH!!! TURN AROUND!!! Mike will see me!! He is so hot that his hotness diminishes my dignity and any beauty left in this fragile body. My outer appearance is now crumbled while my inner soul is split in half conflicting my love for this god-like creature. My moral soul is..”

Aaron rolled his eyes and walked away. He decided to find the music teacher on his own.

Xin Shen was a large school with buildings stationed at odd angles. Aaron walked around again and again but he just couldn’t spot a place with “Music” titled on it.

It was late in the evening already when Aaron decided to give up. He tried walking back to a familiar place when he heard the sound of a flute playing.

The beautiful melody echoed in Aaron’s mind as he walked slowly toward the sound of music.


Hebe glanced over at measure 80 and took in a big breathe. She left out a constant well-measured amount of air across the top of the flute’s mouthpiece. The song continued with the melodious tune. Music from the tiny silver instrument filled the room.

Hebe closed her eyes and imagined herself in a peaceful place without terror. School is starting tomorrow and Hebe needed a little dose of happiness in her life.

Suddenly, an intruder bang opened the door loudly. Hebe turned around, opened her eyes, and starred at the guy in front of her. Swear words would’ve come out of if she hadn’t known that it wouldn’t make a difference in the world.

“What are you doing here? Go away.”

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onehelllove #1
please update soon!
really interesting..
hope there will be an update for this story..
Happiness #3
It's cute but Hebe is really way too cool! Jiro and Selina is totally sweeeet, funny much though. Rainie is really.. wow. As well as Calvin. Chun is funny and what if he knew that Aaron is a girl? Hahahaha, that would be funny. Nice update! Jiayou!
Diana18 #5
cute Bebu story ^_~<br />
can't wait the next update! jia you