Chapter 7

The Stripper

“Are you okay, Yoona?” Said Seohyun as she tilted her head to the side. “You look a bit out of it.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I was just thinking.” Replied Yoona as she looked at the girl in front of her, who, although she was not wearing shorts or a skirt, looked incredibly hot in those skinny jeans and a slim shirt she wore.

“That’s new, right?” Answered Seohyun playfully as she sat down next to Yoona, both of them on the same side of the booth.

Yoona faked a laugh at Seohyun’s comment as she turned to her right, facing her, before she replied. “You’re so funny; you should become a comedian instead of a lawyer.”

“Eh… I think I’ll just keep my comedy skills for myself.”

“Such a waste.” Said Yoona teasingly as she smiled slyly at Seohyun. “I’m glad I was able to be a witness of your comedy skills.       Such an honor”

“You should consider yourself lucky, Im Yoona.”

“I’m here with you, of course I consider myself lucky.” Replied Yoona, her sly smile vanishing as she realized what she said.

She then noticed Seohyun had turned pink and a shy look appeared on her features, causing a smile to appear once again on her face, so cute.

“Well, I’ll go order myself a caramel frappucchino, want me to get you something?” Yoona said as she motioned Seohyun to get out of the booth, so she could get out.

“Oh no need, really, I’ll just buy myself a tea chai latte.” Said Seohyun as she stood up, shaking her head at Yoona’s statement.

“So you want a tea chai latte? I’ll get you one in just a second.” Yoona replied the girl and winked, before walking towards the counter.

“Yah! Im Yoona!” Seohyun said as she pulled Yoona’s arm. “Stop spending money on me, I’m perfectly capable of buying myself a drink.”

“I’m not saying you’re not.” Said Yoona simply. “I’m just being a gentlewoman by buying you a drink.”

“You don’t need to be a gentlewoman, you already paid a lot for me to be here, there’s no need for you to keep spending money on me like that.”

“I wouldn’t have spent that money if I didn’t want to, I keep spending money on you because I want to and I’ll keep spending money because I want to, okay?” Said Yoona. “Seriously, four dollars are not going to get me bankrupt, just let me be nice to you.”

Seohyun sighed and nodded her head as she sat down once again a pout adorning her lips; her expression was the same as a cute little kid who was doing a tantrum.

As Yoona was finally able to reach the counter, she noticed the playful smile that the cashier wore.

“Your girlfriend’s cute.” Said the guy as he smiled at Yoona.

“Oh, she’s not my girlfriend.” She said simply. “Although I’d like it very much if she was, honestly.”

“You’re very pretty, I’m sure you’ll get her soon enough.” He said while winking at her, causing Yoona to chuckle slightly.

“Well thank you.” She replied, a smile blush on her face as she did so.

“You’re welcome.” He said simply. “Now getting back to work, what would you like to order?”

Yoona laughed slightly, she liked his attitude.

“A venti caramel frapucchino and a grande Tea Chai Latte, please.” She said simply, taking out her credit card so she could pay for the drinks.

“It’ll be 8.98 dollars, please.” He replied with a smile as he had already the cups for their drinks.

After he had charged the drinks to her credit card and had handed her the card along with the ticket.

“Okay, so I’ll need your name and your future girlfriend’s name so they can call you when they’re ready.”

“Both of our names, why?” Yoona asked as she looked at the guy with a huge question mark written across her features.

“You’ll see.” He said as he once again winked at her.

“Well, I’m Yoona and she’s Joohyun.” She replied sheepishly.

“Oh, such beautiful names.” He said as he wrote something on the cup.

As Yoona walked back to her booth she couldn’t help but wonder if she had actually seen him write ‘YoonHyun’ on both cups.



 Yoona sat down once again on the booth, now sitting down on the Seohyun was just a few minutes ago.

“So…” Started Yoona. “Want to tell me a bit more about yourself?”

“Hmmm… I’d rather listen to you talk about yourself for a bit, then I’ll talk about myself.” Replied Seohyun simply, as she turned her head to the side so she could face Yoona.

“Well, okay.” Said Yoona simply. “I’m Im Yoona.” She said teasingly.

“I think I already knew that.” Replied Seohyun.

“That’s good.” Said Yoona. “Ok now seriously, I like to dance and to sing, although I’m not that good at singing.”

“Really?” Asked Seohyun and Yoona nodded. “So I’ll assume you think you’re a good dancer?”

“Of course I’m a good dancer,” Said Yoona slyly while flipping her hair dramatically. “I’d say I’m the best, but my friends are slightly better than I am.” She continued honestly.

“I have to admit, I’m the best dancer among my friends, Taeyeon and Tiffany are not the best dancers out there I tell you.” Said Seohyun with a small smirk, causing a chuckle to escape Yoona. “And I’m a fairly good singer but honestly, Taeyeon is just… wow, Tiffany is amazing too but she insists I am a bit better than she is.”

“Seriously? Taeyeon?”

“Yeah, she sings like an angel sent from heaven.” Seohyun said, a happy glint appeared on her eyes as she did so.

Those damn expressive eyes that every time they glinted, a shiver ran down Yoona’s spine and her heart beat quickened considerably.

“YoonHyun!” The guy on the counter called out. “Caramel frappucchino and Tea chai latte for the lovely YoonHyun couple!” He called out louder, making sure everyone on the place heard.

Yoona awkwardly got out of the booth, all eyes on her as she made her way to the counter to take the drinks.

As she finally took the drinks in her hands and  thanked the guy that handed her the drinks, her cheeks heating up as she did so.

“Hope you and your girlfriend enjoy your drinks!” Said the guy once again, his loud voice filling the whole place.

As she walked back to the booth she could feel the stares stronger than ever and murmurs started to fill the room. For moment she wished she hadn’t told him both of their names.

When Yoona sat down, she felt a particular gaze bore holes in the side of her face. Seohyun was staring intensely at her.

“You told him I was your girlfriend?!” She whisper-shouted, although a bright red color appeared on her face.

“No! Of course not!” Exclaimed Yoona. “He asked me and I told him we weren’t, you know, a couple.”

“So why did he say that?” Seohyun said as a frown crossed her features.

“Because I told him I wouldn’t mind being one.” Yoona muttered quietly but loud enough for Seohyun to hear.

The younger of the two widened her eyes the already present blush deepened at Yoona’s words.

“Oh.” Said Seohyun simply, she took her drink from the table and started drinking in hopes of changing the subject.

Yoona gladly changed the subject.

“Well… shall I continue telling you stuff about me?” Asked Yoona as she awkwardly scratched the back of her neck, earning an all too eager nod from Seohyun.

“Great, well, my birthday is on May thirty, my parents own IK enterprises along with my aunt and uncle, my cousin Yuri is my best friend, my friends call me alligator Yoong or Yoong choding, since I laugh with my mouth wide open and I am very childish, I am currently studying ‘International Business’ since one day I’ll be the owner of my family’s company and… I,” Yoona stopped for a second and wondered what else was there to offer. “I am incredibly beautiful as you can see and I’m fairly popular with both guys and girls.” Yoona finished as she looked at Seohyun.

“You should add the fact that you love wasting your money.”

“I’m not wasting money, you know, I normally don’t spend much in fact.”

“Well, you don’t act like it.”

“I have the money and when I want to, I spend it, but most of the time I’m actually a bit tacky about it.”

“That’s something I wouldn’t have ever ever imagined.”

“Haha so funny.” Said Yoona mockingly as she crossed her arms and pouted. “Now it’s your turn.”

“Well, someone’s impatient.” Said Seohyun teasingly before taking a sip of her drink.

“Well now you know one more thing about me, now go on.” Replied Yoona, obviously impatient for the girl to keep on talking.

“I already knew it, you were impatient on our phone call too.” Yoona groaned at Seohyun comment and the latter just laughed at the scene. “Well okay, I’m Seo Joohyun, I’m 19 years old, although, I turn 20 on June twenty-eight, I have been working as an… entertainer for adults ever since I was 16, I am usually very awkward and I love music, if I wasn’t studying to become a lawyer and if my circumstances were different, I’d probably be studying music.”

“Your birthday’s close.” Said Yoona with a smile.

“Yes it is, although I don’t really celebrate my birthday, if you think thoroughly about it… you’re just one day older than the day before, just a year less for you to live, what’s in it to be so thrilled about?” Seohyun said bitterly.

“Wow, would’ve never imagined you’d have such thoughts.” Said Yoona.

“I’m sorry, I can’t help but think that way.”

“No, it’s okay, it’s actually really, really interesting.” Replied Yoona, causing Seohyun to laugh. “What’s so funny?”

Seohyun just shook her head.

“You’re so weird Im Yoona.”

“Am I good weird or bad weird?” Asked Yoona playfully as she wriggled her eyebrows at Seohyun.

“Good weird,” Replied Seohyun with a cute smile. “Surprisingly you’re a very very good weird.”




“Want me to take you home?” Asked Yoona as they both made their way out of Starbucks.

“Oh, thank you, but no, I’m going to the library that’s one block away from here to study for a while and then Taeyeon’s picking me up.”

“Oh, well, have a nice study session then.” Said Yoona as she waved at Seohyun.

“Wait. Take this.” Said Seohyun as she handed her a piece of paper.

“What’s this?”

“That’s the number I use for work.” Said Seohyun simply.

“Oh, no personal number for me then?” Asked Yoona playfully.

“The day I give you my personal number, then you’ll know I trust you completely.” Said Seohyun as she started to walk. “Bye, Yoona, see you next Friday!” She said as she waved to the older girl and then walked away from her.

“Goodbye, Seohyun.” Said Yoona when the girl was out of her eye sight.

She then walked to her car; determined to be able to get Seohyun’s personal number soon.

 Ta dah! I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, I'll try to update more often, but you have to understand that now that I'm on vacation my moms wants me to stay away from the computer and when I'm there I have to be discrete, because she doesn't know I write gay fanfiction so... yeah, hope you understand xD

I was able to update because I'm so happy (that means inspiration came back to me) because the "rankings" of the ones who got into medicine are out, and about 1500 people applied to medicine and only 174 got in, out of those only 87 get to start this semester on August (the other 87 start next year on february), and I got in this semester! Although I'm kind of dissapointed that I'm just place 33, I wanted to be on the top ten... but well, I'm in, so that's the important part xD

So... well, yeah, sorry for the long author note, I just wanted to let this out since some of my friends didn't get into medicine so I don't want to upset them by telling them this xD

And yeah, I promise I'll try harder to update, even more now that I'm just a month away from starting medicine school...I'm nervous xD And I normally 

But well, comment, upvote and subscribe if you like the story !

Until Next Time !

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After seeing crusoe's story get featured, I was really happy!(and hopeful honestly xD) a YoonHyun story featured :o


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Soneisa #1
Chapter 16: I really like this chapter
Chapter 21: That was so funny
Chapter 18: Love it <3
Chapter 16: Finally un offical xD
Chapter 12: Yess yong you did great :')
Chapter 3: Rip yongie xD
Our seo baby is wild xD
Thanks author for this story
Plss...make more
Orangecor #9
El_thegreat #10
This story so good that i became a stripper