Chapter 12

The Stripper

“This is ridiculous.” Said Seohyun as she walked beside Yoona, heading to the mall.

“I don’t think it’s ridiculous.” Yoona said simply as she kept on walking, keeping an eye on Seohyun in case the latter tried to escape.

“It was your idea, of course you don’t think it’s ridiculous.” Seohyun replied. “Why am I even meeting your parents? And once again you’ll spend money on me by buying me a dress.”

Yoona sighed, when she planned this out never had it crossed her thoughts that Seohyun could be against the idea, but no matter how many puppy looks the younger sent in her direction, she was not going to cancel.

Although those puppy eyes were hard to ignore.

Once they arrived to the mall, Yoona opened the door, motioning Seohyun inside, the latter who was still in her small tantrum entered carelessly. Before Yoona could step in, she noticed a girl was going to get in too, so she chivalrously waited for her to come in, holding the door open before she went to where Seohyun was.

“So, gentlewomanly, as expected of Im Yoona.” They heard before either of them had talked. They turned around to see a girl standing there, staring at Yoona while biting her lips, that somehow irked Seohyun.

“Oh, hey.” Yoona replied nonchalantly.

“You’re always so chivalrous.” The girl said, before clinging on her arm. Yoona noticed how Seohyun diverted her gaze and clenched her fists slightly.

The older one smiled at this.

“Yeah, I just wanted to hold the door open for a beautiful girl.” She said with a smile and noticed how the other girl just smirked triumphantly. “And then I noticed you were walking to the door, so I was just being polite.” She continued and she tried to hold in the laugh that was caused by the funny shocked reaction of the flirty girl. “Now, if you excuse me, I’m on a date.”

And before the other girl could say anything, she released her arm from her hold, before offering her hand to Seohyun, whose blush accused her of hearing everything.

Seohyun didn’t even think twice and took the hand that was offered to her before intertwining her fingers with Yoona’s, the latter just smiled like an alligator as they walked to look for dresses.



After having debated which store was the best, they both came to an agreement and entered a store that had very beautiful yet simple looking dresses that weren’t so expensive or very revealing. They looked around and both of them looked for dresses that may fit into Seohyun’s liking, they picked a few ones and now Seohyun was trying them on.

Yoona’s phone started ringing while Seohyun was trying the forth dress they had picked out, the shorter one took a glance at the screen of her phone and immediately frowned as she noticed who was calling.

“Taeyeon?” She whispered as she answered the phone, not wanting the younger one to listen to this.

“Hey.” The older said, sounding anxious. “Yoona, I’m happy you’re helping Seohyun, but really, I don’t like the fact that the guy who tried to touch her is unharmed.” She sounded mad. “I know you might want to beat him up to.”

“Of course I do.” Yoona said, not allowing Taeyeon to finish talking. “But right now I’m with Seohyun.”

She heard Taeyeon hum on the other line.

“Okay, I’ll go to your place tonight, around 8 p.m., then we’ll go to beat that guy up, is that okay for you?” Taeyeon asked casually and Yoona wondered if this meant she liked her.

“Yes.” She said simply.

“Okay see you later.” And before she could reply, she heard the door of the dressing room start to open so she just hang up and placed her phone on her back pocket.

Seohyun then slipped out of the fitting room and Yoona felt how her breath got caught on .

“You look wonderful, Seohyun.” Yoona said as she stared at Seohyun with bright eyes.

“You’ve said that about every dress I’ve tried on.” Seohyun replied, a small blush appearing on her face as she fiddled with the dress.

“It’s not my fault you look good in every dress you’ve tried on.” The doe eyed girl said with a smile.

“You’re awfully good at sweet talking.” The taller one said as in a playful tone as a joyful grin appeared on her beautiful features.

“I’m just awfully good at telling the truth.” The older one said as she stood up to where she sat, approaching Seohyun. “I really think you look wonderful in anything,” She brushed some strands of hair from Seohyun’s face. “You could’ve stepped out of the dressing room wearing a trash can and I’d still think you look absolutely beautiful.” Yoona let out an amused chuckle as she noticed the small blush on Seohyun’s cheek spread all over her face.

“There’s… one more dress to try on.” And with that, the younger one fled back to the dressing room.

Yoona laughed with wide open at the younger one’s reaction, and she decided to sit down, waiting for the younger one to step out with another cute dress on.

“Yoona,” Someone called her, causing the deer-like girl to look up, only to encounter Seohyun, well, more like Seohyun’s head peeking out of the fitting room.

“Yes, Hyun?” She replied, not noticing she used a nickname.

“Umm… I can’t… I can’t zip up the dress all the way, can you help me?”

Yoona nodded immediately, standing up from her seat and heading to the fitting room, the door already opened by Seohyun who was hiding behind the door.

Once the door was closed again, Yoona’s hands didn’t take long before placing themselves on the zipper of the dress, before she zipped it up ever so slowly, staring at the exposed skin of the younger one’s back with greedy eyes. When she was done, she turned around.

“What do you think of this one?” Seohyun asked, her eyes glued on Yoona’s.

Yoona’s eyes diverted themselves from Seohyun’s for a second, checking how the other girl looked.

“You look beautiful.”

Unconsciously, the two of them started leaning closer their noses brushing, their lips just one breath away and their scent intoxicating each other, Yoona looked at Seohyun’s eyes and then she looked down at her lips before looking back up, silently requesting the younger girl for a kiss.

Seohyun normally wide open eyes started closing after Yoona did that, the latter smiled to herself, knowing that was her cue, this was it. She could kiss her.

Their lips barely brushed one another when a knock was heard, causing them to back away from each other abruptly. Yoona then, with a big blush on her face, decided to open the door to check who had interrupted them in such an important moment.

“I’m sorry to bother miss,” Said one of the employees of the store. “But we only allow one person at a time in the fitting rooms.”

“Oh, sorry.” Yoona said, looking back at Seohyun before returning her gaze to the attendant. “I’ll just help her her dress and then I’ll get out of here.” She finished and before the employee could even say ‘okay’ she had already shut the door.

She turned to look at Seohyun who looked embarrassed to say the least.

“I really like this one.” Murmured Yoona, placing her hands on Seohyun’s shoulders as she looked down, checking the dress.

“I like this one too.” Seohyun replied, her eyes firmly placed on Yoona as a special spark made her ever shining eyes to shine even brighter, the older one smiled to herself as she heard that.

She knew Seohyun wasn’t just talking about the dress.



“Here we are.” Said Yoona as she arrived to Seohyun’s place to drop her off.

“Thank you very much.” Seohyun said, not moving an inch from her place, her hands holding strongly on the bag that contained the dress they had bought.

“I’ll pick you up on Friday at 6 p.m., is that okay?” Yoona asked, wondering why had the girl been so silent throughout their ride and why did she look so nervous right now.

“It’s perfect.” Seohyun said turning on her seat to face Yoona, the latter turned too to face the younger one, slightly confused.

But before she could even ask the taller girl what was going on, Seohyun had leaned in, enveloping Yoona’s lips with her own in a sweet kiss. Yoona responded immediately, loving the feel of Seohyun’s lips on her. She started moving her lips slowly.

The kiss was soft, was sweet, was alluring, was controlling, was causing both of them to feel like they were floating, their minds completely focused on each other as fireworks could be spotted in the back of their eyes as they were closed, their stomach doing flips while feeling all sort of butterflies to dance around.

The kiss was suddenly cut off by Seohyun.

Yoona opened her eyes and unconsciously widened them as she did so. The only thing that roamed her mind at the moment was the kiss and how this was the perfect moment to confess.

“I-” Or so she thought, because Seohyun had placed her index finger on her lips as she tried to speak up, a small smile gracing her eyes as she did so.

“I know.” Seohyun replied, removing her finger from Yoona’s lips. “Me too.”

The latter just stared at the younger one with a dumbfounded expression. What does this mean? What should she do? What must she do? Does she actually have to do anything?

“See you on Friday.” The younger one said with chapped lips, blushed cheeks and a bright smile, before she pecked Yoona’s lips and stepping out of the car, leaving a clueless Yoona behind.

This is a rather short chapter, hope you enjoyed it xD

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See you until next time ;)

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After seeing crusoe's story get featured, I was really happy!(and hopeful honestly xD) a YoonHyun story featured :o


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Soneisa #1
Chapter 16: I really like this chapter
Chapter 21: That was so funny
Chapter 18: Love it <3
Chapter 16: Finally un offical xD
Chapter 12: Yess yong you did great :')
Chapter 3: Rip yongie xD
Our seo baby is wild xD
Thanks author for this story
Plss...make more
Orangecor #9
El_thegreat #10
This story so good that i became a stripper