Chapter 10

The Stripper

Guys, this chapter has a more... realistic/drastic/crude reality when it comes to strippers, so... if you don't think you can handle a bit of... violence, skip the part I'm going to point out that will be a bit more brutal.

p.s. I had already planned the story out and it had a lot of intense scenes coming up, but then I realized I was going to add too much drama after such cute chapters an that would make it look forced, I completely changed the plot I had in mind xD so this will be like the only drama chapter, because without it the fluff that's coming wouldn't make sense :P

“Do you think I should call her?” Asked Yoona to her friends as they were having lunch on Monday.

“You saw her on Saturday.” Said Yuri, as if her reply was enough to make clear that she shouldn’t call her yet.

“I know, I don’t want to seem desperate, but I really want to call her.” Said Yoona while glancing at her phone, a pout forming on her face as she did so.

“You already seem desperate, so it would make no difference.” Said Hyoyeon simply as she took a sip from her drink.

“Yah! I don’t look desperate!” Exclaimed Yoona loudly, causing the other customers in the small restaurant who look at her, though she couldn’t care less, she was far too preoccupied with this new thought in mind. “Do I?”

“Just count how much money you paid her and tell if that doesn’t seem desperate.” Said Sooyoung with a teasing smile on her features.

“Stop teasing poor Yoona.” Said Jessica while glaring at the teasing trio. “She’s just in love, she can’t help it.”

When Jessica said that, Yoona wanted to deny it, she wasn’t in love, right? But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense, why else would she be paying that girl to just see her? Why else would she have such a strong effect on her? She shrugged those thoughts away.

“By the way, what did you think of her?” Asked Yoona, wanting to leave the other thoughts behind.

“She was nice, I was surprised by her politeness.” Said Jessica, earning a nod from Yuri and Sunny.

“She was very pretty too.” Said Hyoyeon honestly, Yoona nodding at that while staring into Hyoyeon’s eyes, trying to decipher if she was making fun of her, but apparently not.

“Yeah, she was very pretty, but she’s not my type.” Said Sooyoung, crumbles from her already-done-with lunch around her lips. “I’m into girls with bigger-”

And before she could finish that sentence, Sunny had slapped the back of her head, glaring at her as she did so.

“What did I do now?!” Exclaimed Sooyoung as she rubbed the back of her head.

“It’s not what you did, it’s what you were about to say.” Said Sunny who controlled the urge to slap her girlfriend’s head again.

“I was going to say bigger lips, you ert!”


As Yoona was laid alone on her bed, she stared at her phone deep in thought, was she really desperate? Was she just in love? Was she just interested but seemed to desperate?

She couldn’t figure it out. She just knew that she felt like she was going mad without hearing the younger one’s voice, so she did the only thing that made sense at the moment. She called her.

During the agonizing seconds in which no one picked up, she stood up from bed and started pacing around nervously.

“Hello?” Was heard from the other line and Yoona felt her heart beat faster just from the sound of her voice.

“Hey, Seohyun!” Exclaimed Yoona happily.

“Oh, hey Yoona.” Said the girl, although she sounded a bit rushed. “Don’t want to sound like I don’t want to talk to you but is there anything you need?”

“Not really… I just wanted to talk to you.” She said, feeling her face heat up as she did so.

“Oh then… would you mind if I call you back in about an hour? I’m heading to work, I just have one client tonight so it’ll be quick.”

Yoona frowned at this, feeling her blood boil in jealousy as she thought about Seohyun dancing for someone.

“It’s okay, I’ll be waiting.” Yoona said, although she would’ve really liked to tell her she’d pay the double that guy was in order for her to not go with that client.

Before Yoona could even mutter goodbye, Seohyun had already hung up.

  • -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -       (Warning: Here starts Seohyun's part, the start it's okay, but the main point of it may be a bit harsh to some)

As Seohyun approached the apartment in which her client lived, she couldn’t help but notice it was fairly close to Yoona’s apartment.

She shook her head, continuing to head to her client’s home, trying to divert her thoughts from Yoona, although lately it had been nearly impossible, ever since she had been hired by Yoona’s friends for the latter’s birthday, nothing in her life hasn’t been the same and there seemed to be a tad lot of Im Yoona everywhere now.

She has never been particularly fond of her job, but it was the only kind of job a person her age could work in that paid well enough for her to live from it and actually study in a good university. But ever since Im Yoona had appeared on her life, she seemed to hate it even more. It all started with the way she looked at her, so adoringly, no one had ever looked at her that way, let alone while she was performing a , most of the time she just saw lust, desire, but rather than looking at a person it felt as if they stared at an object.

But not Im Yoona, she stared at her in a way she couldn’t even finish to comprehend how it was able to make her feel so warm, she had been nice, she had been understanding and the most important, she wanted Seo Joohyun, she wanted Seohyun, she didn’t want the stripper. Or maybe she did too, she couldn’t blame her, after all, she’s human.

Seohyun knocked on the door and almost immediately the door was opened, as if they had been waiting for her impatiently; which she figured they were considering they were all men in their mid-forties, probably married and this was their opportunity to ‘enjoy life’, she couldn’t care less.

Apparently, from what she understood of what they were trying to tell her, the guy sitting down on the chair was going to get married soon and this was his bachelor party.

She noticed how all the guys left the living room, apparently wanting to get drinks and collecting her money, while she was left alone with the guy. She didn’t want to waste time, she wanted to end her job fast so she could call Yoona and free herself from this world and feel like a person again, no longer being an object.

As she started to perform, she almost felt disgusted by the way the guy looked at her, many guys in the past had stared at her like that, but there was something about this particular one, that made her want to throw up.

Song after song, pieces of clothing, one falling after the other, the guy’s gaze never leaving her body while he drank his forth beer ever since she started dancing.

She couldn’t have felt more glad when everything was over. More than forty minutes dancing to such a depraved looking guy was more than what she could tolerate. Normally she could tolerate more, but Yoona with her nice doings had ruined her perspective of the world. A small smile made its way to her lips while she dressed herself once again.

Once she was done with that, she turned around, noticing that the rest of the guys hadn’t come back. This made her feel unsafe.

“Excuse me, do you think your friends will take long? I need to go.” She asked, her voice toneless yet polite.

“Ummm… maybe they are just drinking something.” He said as he stood up from his place, walking over to where she was.

“Uh… would you mind go tell them to hurry up? I really need to go.” She said, fear creeping up her spine as the man stood in front of her.

“I don’t think so.” He said with a wide smirk. “The fun’s just starting sweetie.” Seohyun’s widened and she just looked around, searching for a way she could escape from the guys reach. “What other services do you give?” It was already too late, the man had trapped her in his hold, he was too strong, although she was struggling, she couldn’t release herself.

“Sir, I don’t give other kind of services, please, let go of me.” She tried to act calm, but in a situation like this, who could?

“All of your kind always try to act all tough, playing hard to get but they always fall for the money.” He said, breathing really close to Seohyun’s face, the stench of alcohol sweeping its way into her nose, she struggled harder, feeling tears stinging on the corners of her eyes.

“Please! Let me go!” She exclaimed, hoping the other men would hear and would help her.

The man’s grip just tightened and Seohyun whimpered in pain from it. So she just did what she could, she kicked his shin and the guy released her for a second, allowing her to try to escape.

Who cared about the money, she just wanted to get away from there.

But before she could step out of the apartment, the guy had grabbed her arm and pulled her harshly, making her stumble but not fall.

“You dared to touch me!?!” He yelled, his grip so tight and expression so bloodcurdling Seohyun couldn’t help but release the tears she had tried to hold. “I’ll give you a reason to cry, !” Exclaimed the man before slapping Seohyun so hard that if wasn’t holding her so tightly by the arm she would’ve fallen to the floor.

“Help!” She yelled, tears streaming as she silently wished Yoona would appear on the front door and save her. But instead of that, the man used his free hand to try to open her button up shirt, causing most of the buttons to fall off, leaving her exposed. “Help!” She yelled louder, shutting her eyes close as he felt the man slap her again.

Suddenly, the man was pulled away from her, so she opened her eyes to see the other men looking afraid as they tried to calm the guy down.

“Are you okay?” Approached her one of the men, she just backed away from him, nodding as she hugged her body, covering up her previously exposed chest. “He’s drunk, we’re so sorry, we’ll pay you double!” The guy exclaimed, obviously scared by the fact that she could tell the guy on the police.

But an underage stripper that accuses an apparently rich guy on the police for nearly ually assaulting her? The police wouldn’t give a and she knew it.

“I just want to leave.” She said, the guys just extended his arm handing her the money, not before adding more money to it. She just took it harshly, grabbed her bag in which she had her loudspeakers and fled the place.

Once she was out on the streets, she crouched down on the floor, hugging her knees close while she cried hopelessly.

She took her phone out, she wanted to call Taeyeon to pick her up. But if the older one came, she knew she would get up there and beat the guy senseless and she’d probably be arrested once again for aggression in order to protect and avenge her. She couldn’t risk it.

She checked her phone, and noticed she really didn’t have anyone besides her and Tiffany, who would surely tell Taeyeon, that could help her.

All until she remembered Yoona, would she help her? She didn’t know… but it didn’t hurt to try.

She took out her work cellphone and her personal cellphone, she checked Yoona’s phone on her work cellphone and dialed it on her personal one.

Tears and sobs continued to escape her while the phone ringed, but barely three seconds passed before Yoona picked up the call.

“Hello?” She heard Yoona unsurely. “Who is this?”

“Yoona.” She struggled to get it out.

“Seohyun? Is that you? Are you okay? What happened? Do you need help?” Yoona asked all in one breath, and Seohyun felt a warm feeling fill her heart by Yoona’s concern.

“Something… something happened, can you… can you pick me up?” She said between sobs, the pain starting to feel worse as the adrenaline produced by her fear started to fade off.

“What happened?” Asked Yoona and Seohyun heard how the other girl started moving things around, probably getting up to fetch her.

Seohyun sobbed harder when she tried to tell Yoona what had happened.

“Where are you?” Asked Yoona, the sound of a door closing resounded in the background.

“Just head north three blocks away from your apartment building.” Seohyun managed to get out, although it sounded broke.

“I’ll be there in two minutes.”

And before Seohyun could even mutter a ‘thank you’ the older girl had hung up.

-        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -

Yoona headed in the direction Seohyun told her with a racing heart, what could’ve happened to have the normally very strong girl like that? She didn’t know but she had to help her.

She drove at a speed way beyond the speed limit and she was glad that these streets had no stop signs or traffic lights to stop her.

She noticed Seohyun standing on the sidewalk, hugging herself as if she was cold and Yoona immediately pulled the car to the side, when she parked the car and turned the engine off she immediately got off, running to where Seohyun was so she could find out what had happened.

“Seo, are you okay?” She asked as she stood in front of her, concern as she watched the girl who was looking down at the floor, her hair covering her face.

The younger one lifted her head and looked straight into Yoona’s eyes, the latter noticed the bruises on her cheeks and lips, sob-less tears falling down silently on her cheeks and Yoona clenched her fists at this, her knuckles turning white.

“You got here in three minutes.” Murmured Seohyun.

Yoona just went forward and wrapped her arms around the younger girl, feeling her heart skip a beat when the taller one buried her face in the crook of her neck, wetting her with her tears.

“I’m sorry, I got so scared from what might’ve happened to you that my hands were trembling really bad, I couldn’t get the car key in the keyhole.” Whispered Yoona, Seohyun just shook her head as she hugged her tighter, tears falling harder on Yoona.

“I’m glad, I’m glad you came to save me.” Seohyun said, sobs escaping her.

“It’s nothing.” Yoona said. “Hey, which number did you call me from? I thought it was from a public phone but there’s none around here.” Yoona said, trying to divert the younger one’s thoughts from whatever bad thing had happened.

“I called you from my phone.” Seohyun said, backing away slightly to look into Yoona’s eyes. “My personal number.”

Yoona’s eyes just widened but just nodded nonetheless. Seohyun’s words resounding in her head.

“The day I give you my personal number, then you’ll know I trust you completely.”

“Do you… do you want me to take you to your place?” Asked Yoona as she opened the passenger door for Seohyun, the latter got in the car and Yoona quickly went to the other side, seating on the driver’s place.

“Can we go to your apartment for a while? Taeyeon and Tiffany are working right now… and I don’t want to be alone.” Whispered Seohyun while looking at her with clear wide eyes.

Yoona just nodded and started the car. Mixed feeling swimming through her as she headed to her apartment.

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After seeing crusoe's story get featured, I was really happy!(and hopeful honestly xD) a YoonHyun story featured :o


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Soneisa #1
Chapter 16: I really like this chapter
Chapter 21: That was so funny
Chapter 18: Love it <3
Chapter 16: Finally un offical xD
Chapter 12: Yess yong you did great :')
Chapter 3: Rip yongie xD
Our seo baby is wild xD
Thanks author for this story
Plss...make more
Orangecor #9
El_thegreat #10
This story so good that i became a stripper