GANG BRAWL 30 - Changes

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credits: iKONGASM

credits: jikachuus

credits: tbd_07

credits: trpplr_c


Their eyebrows are deeply furrowed, their unsatisfied gazes settled on the pathetic-looking cake that Dara tried to bake.


“It’s charcoal”, Jiro stated flatly.


“It’s chocolate”, Dara said defensively.




“It’s just crunchy.”


“No, it’s not. You can kill someone if you throw this at his face”, he stabbed the cake with a fork and let it fall on the pan again to demonstrate how hard the alleged cake is.


“Hey, it’s not that bad.”


“Ramirez, are we looking at the same thing?”


“It’s the first cake I baked. Of course, it’s to be expected that it will not be perfect. It may be a bit…hard but-…”


“I’m not going to eat it.”


Dara scowled at him and grabbed a fork briskly, cutting a slice of cake with it. She winced when a hard, crunchy sound emanated from it as she sliced.


“I heard that”, Jiro informed her.


“I told you, it’s just crunchy”, she reasoned. “Here. Try it.”




“Open up”, Dara hovered the fork on his mouth but Jiro just stared at it with obvious disgust. “Jirooo”, she whined.


He sighed in resignation and bit the slice of cake…then he spat it out unceremoniously on the sink.


“Hey!” Dara exclaimed in protest. “You didn’t even taste it”, she mumbled somberly.


“I did. It’s charcoal.”


“Is it that bad?”


“Try it. I dare you.”


“Fine. I’ll just bake another one after consulting with Namee”, Dara said, abandoning the cake and marching towards the living room. She plopped herself on the couch and the TV. A few seconds later, Jiro followed her with cans of beer in his hand. He placed it on the table and sat on the other side of the couch, spreading his legs and opening a can of beer with one hand. Dara glanced at him, following his every movement with her gaze. It fascinates her that after a heartfelt talk with him, they’re doing such mundane tasks as bickering over a cake, lounging in the couch, and watching TV. This is the kind of reality that is seldom shown in the drama shows. When she watches a movie, she often wonders what the girl and guy do after they exchange dramatic dialogues or after an intense scene; but the answer is simple – they go on with their lives.


“What?” He suddenly asked without glancing at her, sensing her scrutinizing gaze.


“Are you going to sleep here?”


“Yeah”, he answered lazily.


A smile crossed her lips that she wasn’t able to hide.


“Why are you smiling?” He asked as he looked at her.


“Nothing”, she replied and gnawed her lips, her mind wandering back to what he did to her as her ‘punishment’ for hugging and kissing Bullet. She can feel her cheeks burning with the thought of him doing it again…and maybe more. Accckkk!!


“I’ll sleep at the guest room”, his voice mercilessly slashed through her consciousness.


“What?!” She exclaimed, her pitch higher than her normal voice. She cleared to cover her embarrassment and faced him again.


“The guest room has no balcony”, she said in a calm tone. “I mean, I thought you like lounging at the balcony to breathe some fresh air before you sleep”, she reasoned. She knew it’s a lame excuse but ISN’T HE SUPPOSED TO SLEEP BESIDE HER?! Sometimes, Jiro is so unpredictable that makes her want to pull her hair in frustration. One moment, he’s all over her. Then, he suddenly acts detached and uncaring. UGH! The stress…


“Why? You want me to sleep beside you?”


“I did not say that!” She shot back.


“Okay”, he said nonchalantly and focused his eyes on the TV.


Dara crossed her arms over her chest, pouting a bit with his stoic attitude.


“Come here”, Jiro said, putting the can of beer on the table.


“I’m fine here.”


“Stop sulking and come here”, he leaned towards her and grabbed her arm, pulling her to him. Dara complied without uttering a word and scooted near Jiro, extending her legs on the couch, her back facing him. Jiro sat sidewards and wrapped one arm around her from behind, letting her lean her back against him.


“I’m not sulking”, she mumbled when they both settled on their positions.


“Yes, you are”, Jiro said, his right hand splayed on her stomach.


“I’m not.”


“Fine”, he said and kissed the side of her head. There was a brief pause between them as they focused their eyes on the TV, not really watching whatever show it is that’s airing.


“I didn’t know you and Stone met each other when you were kids”, Dara mumbled after a while.


“It was a long time ago.”


“Were you two friends?”


“He was like my brother.”


Dara paused, surprised with the piece of information that Jiro shared. “What happened?” She asked.






“I ran away and left him in the orphanage.”


“You were young then. Have you talked to him? I’m sure you two can patch things up if you talk.”


Jiro grew quiet for a moment before he spoke again, “Can we just drop this topic?”


“Fine”, she said, noticing his discomfort. “You should talk more, Jiro. It’s easier when you talk. I get to know things that you’re keeping. It helps me understand what you feel.”


“I hate talking”, he replied. “It takes the meaning away.”


Dara turned her head sideward to gaze at his face. “It doesn’t. Words confirm things.”


“You girls want everything confirmed, don’t you?”


“Because you guys confuse us”, she retorted. She then tore her gaze from him and focused her eyes forward while resting her head against his chest.


“Alright, enough”, he said, squeezing her waist with his hand. “When you want to know something, just ask. I’ll try to talk.”


Dara smiled at what he said. “I’ll hold you to that.”




“Uhm…Anyway, are you sure you’re fine sleeping in the guest room?”


“Why do you keep bringing that up? Mmhhmm?” He murmured and dipped down, kissing the crook of her neck, making her flinch.


“I was just asking because...uh…I thought the bed in the guest room is uncomfortable”, she reasoned, her back becoming stiff as Jiro continued showering her neck with soft kisses.


“Relax. Nobody’s going to see us. We’re not in the library anymore, Ramirez”, he whispered on her ear. GAH! What does he mean by that? Oh my God, is he going to do what she thinks he’s going to do which is the thing that she ‘thinks’ she’s ready for? *Gasp!* What underwear is she wearing?! This is an emergency!


Dara’s eyes fluttered to a close when he skid the tip of his nose at the side of her face before planting a soft, warm kiss on her cheek. “The rumor in school is that we did it. We both know it’s not true”, he drawled huskily. Her heart thundered inside her chest as she opens her eyes again and waits for what he’s going to do next.


“Are you sleepy?” He asked out of nowhere. “Do you want to go upstairs?”


“H-Huh? Y-Yes”, she responded and swallowed hard. THIS IS IT! Oh God. Oh God! They’re going to do it! GAHH! She was hyperventilating when Jiro ushered her upstairs and walked her to her room. OH MY GOSH! It’s going to happennnn!!


She stepped inside her room and turned around to face him. ‘Please be gentle’, she thought, sending him telepathic messages about her worries, her eyebrows furrowed deeply in anxiety. His face remained impassive as he stood by the door while staring intently at her, making her nervous than she already is.


“Good night”, he said and leaned forward, holding the door knob.


What? She parted to speak, but she was too flabbergasted to even utter a word.


“You said you’re sleepy”, he reasoned.


WHAT?! THAT’S IT?? Dara cannot believe her ears. Is he seriously doing this? She wanted to stomp her feet and throw every possible objects within her reach, preferably at his face, but she chose to just glare at him sharply.


“What?” He asked.


“Nothing”, she muttered with dismay. “Good night.”


With that, Jiro slowly closed the door. But with the small space that’s left before he can finally shut it, Dara saw the corner of his lips tugging in an amused smirk.


He got her. Damn it.


As soon as the door closed, Dara shook her head and smiled. Fine. She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the door. She’ll win next time. Definitely.




A nervous air surrounds the students of InterSAT, the news about Dara Ramirez being marked discussed in hushed tones. Not only the Black Dragons but the Fire 39 as well is mobilized, going from turf to turf to talk to the other gangs if they have a clue who the culprit is behind Locker X.


The two of the strongest gangsters in InterSAT are pushed on the edge and they are not the type to sit idly when provoked. Whoever is behind the Locker X mark better be somewhere far away unless he is prepared to face the immeasurable pain that will surely be inflicted by either Ice Lord or Bullet.


“You started World War 3”, Namee remarked as they watched the hurried movements of Jiro and Bullet’s gang members who were dispersed all around the school. They slumped on the grass at the university garden behind the Arts Building and sighed simultaneously.


“I’m worried about you”, Namee said after a while.


“I’m worried about Jiro and Bullet. Look at what they’re doing. I heard they’re even disrupting classes to question some students”, Dara exclaimed exasperatedly. Jiro has been following her around the entire day except when he has classes, in which case she is instructed to stay at her classroom or the Black Dragon’s turf. “They need to stop this.”


“Oh, speaking of Bullet. Here he comes”, Namee said, tipping her chin at the direction of the guy who is charging towards them, clearly mad about something.


“I told you two not to roam aimlessly and to stay at places with a lot of people, didn’t I?!” He snarled at them, stunning the two in silence.


“Hey, relax-…”


“Relax?!” Bullet exclaimed incredulously. “You’re marked, Dara! Have you seen those guys who were marked and were attacked? Do you want to end up like them?”


“I told you to stay inside Arts Building”, Namee told Dara in a motherly tone.


“And you, Namee”, Bullet turned to her.


“I didn’t do anything!”


“Don’t be complacent because you’re not marked. You’re dating Picaro so expect that the Black Dragon’s enemies might also come at you. God, you two will be the death of me!” He raked his hair in frustration, his face drawn with worry and exhaustion. He then slumped on the grass, taking the spot between them, bending one knee and resting his arm on it.


“Hey”, Dara his back to soothe him. “We’re sorry. We didn’t mean to get you worried.”


“Yeah, don’t get worked up. We’ll try to be more careful”, Namee said.


“Sorry. It’s just that-…” He sighed heavily before continuing, “We never expected that a girl will also be targeted by this Locker X bull.”


Both girls fell silent. Bullet is right. Dara is the first girl who received the mark. Who knows what the culprit is planning.


“God, this is giving me a migraine”, Namee complained, massaging her temples. “Who could possibly be doing this?”


Bullet did not respond and stared at Dara, uneasiness and worry eating him up inside. “Does Montecillo always walk you home?”


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Hi All, i'm re-posting the chaps of my other fics in line with wattpad ^_^ pls bear with me. You will be able to read it again after I posted all the chaps.


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Chapter 42: Such wonderful story!! I hope you write more DG stories here authornim..

Thank you so much for your undying you!!
Chapter 39: Go for it Jiroooo!!
Chapter 37: Awwwww this is so heartbreaking Jiro crying..I cannot!!
Chapter 33: I know he wanted her to be happy.. but his choice of ways is too selfish.
Chapter 25: Aiyoooo ahahah
Chapter 19: Jiro the fool that you are
Chapter 18: RIKOOOOOOO! I'm going to kill you.
Chapter 15: Owwww
Chapter 14: Okay ! I'm team DG jiro now
Chapter 13: Ow em geeeee!!