GANG BRAWL 19 - Two Steps Forward

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credits: tbd_07

credits: tbd_07


“I’m home”, Dara kissed her dad’s cheek and turned to him. “Hi Jiro”, she said, giving him a sweet smile. He just nodded his head in acknowledgement and then, she entered the house. He never returned her smile, but the girl never failed to give her one, which warms his heart. She has been like that ever since he first met her when they were kids – sweet, caring and sincere. And when he met her again during his darkest hours, her smile made him want to give life another chance. For once after so many years, someone looked at him without bearing judgement that he often sees in strangers’ eyes. When he learned that Dara is the same girl that he encountered during his childhood, he vowed to himself that he will protect her smile.


“I worry for her”, her father said as they sat at the porch, drinking beer after a long day. “It’s only the two of us left. If something happens to me…” He cut himself off and sighed heavily. “Sometimes, the society is not as kind as it seems. People rely on connections – family, friends, and acquaintances. Dara has no one to rely on but me. But, I’m afraid I’m not strong enough.” He gulped down his beer and looked at Jiro.


“Son, can you promise to protect my daughter if something happens to me?”


“Nothing will happen to you.”


“The future is blurry for all of us”, he said and stared at him intently, until Jiro nodded in response.


“I promise”, he mumbled. It shouldn’t be that hard, right? He planned to protect Dara anyway as a token of gratitude to his father and as his vow to himself.


“Thank you”, Mr. Ramirez said in relief. “I’ve been thinking of her future recently. Even if I’m not here anymore, I want her to lead a happy life – finish her studies, find a job that she wants, and find a good man. I want her to be married to a good family; one that will shelter her”, he said, his eyes focused elsewhere.


Jiro’s grip on the bottle that he was holding tightened. One thing is for sure, he cannot be the man that her father wanted for her. He understood where the old man is coming from, though. Having lost his job in his former company because of restructuring and almost running out of money, Jiro knew that Dara’s father only wants stability for his daughter. And stability is something that he cannot guarantee, because he has no one but himself – no family to help him in times of trouble, no money to ensure his future.


“Will you also protect my dream for my daughter, Jiro?” He asked in an almost inaudible voice.  


Jiro’s heart clenched at what he’s asking from him. Still, he answered, “I will.”


If protecting his dream for his daughter is his only chance to stay beside her, he will grit his teeth and watch her fulfill it…even if in the end, he has to swallow his own pain and fade away.


Jiro’s eyes fluttered open, his vision still a bit blurry from sleep but his dream about his conversation with Dara’s father a day before he passed away is still vivid in his mind. He tried to move, but a weight in his arm prevented him to do so. Turning his head to the side, he frowned upon seeing Dara sleeping soundly beside him.


He tried to recall what happened the night before. He was sure Picaro and Bonsai dumped him in his place after he consumed massive amount of alcohol, but why the hell is he in Dara’s house? Bit by bit, his memories forcibly registered in his brain. The two idiots dropped him in Dara’s place instead of his house after getting him drunk, those morons!


He grunted in pain when his head throbbed. ing hang over. He shut his eyes and breathed deeply before opening them again. Slowly, he shifted his gaze to Dara, feeling the familiar thump in his heart whenever the girl is near him. He brushed the loose strands of hair away from her face, savoring the rare moment of a morning beside the girl. Sliding his fingers on her cheek, he can’t help but think how time flies by so fast. It feels like yesterday when he made that promise to her father – a promise that bound him until he can’t bear the weight any longer. He thought it will be easy. He thought he will be able to endure.


He was wrong.




Dara’s POV


I yawned lazily and stretched my arms, sighing in contentment after a very relaxing sleep. I rolled over to my side and groaned as I snuggled on the soft and fluffy pillow…Pillow?!


I abruptly sat up and darted my eyes around, my system fully awake. I’m absolutely positive I was not dreaming last night. He was drunk. He was here. He was here and he told me things that made my world stop. I slumped as I realized that he probably left without saying a word, just like the normal Jiro that I know.


When my eyes caught sight of the gift on the bedside table, I almost fell off the edge as I crawled swiftly towards it. And when I read the card slipped on the ribbon, a wide grin curved on my lips.



From: Jiro


He is indeed a man of few words. I chuckled as I began to open his gift, but my giggles died down when I saw what’s inside – a set of books and a mini laptop. The words he said last night registered in my mind as I stared at his gifts. That guy even joined underground fights to earn quick money and buy me these things. Why would he go to such lengths? I covered my mouth when I saw one of the books about the guidelines on how to write a novel. Wait-… Don’t tell me-… He remembered! I only told him once that my biggest dream is to write my own book but he remembered it.


Oh my God, Jiro.


I hugged my legs and rested my chin on my knees as warmth enveloped me, utterly touched by what he did. To be honest, I thought he was not paying attention when I’m spouting some nonsense while he lounges at the balcony. I thought he was just tolerating my presence. But he listens, and he’s taking in every detail.


I tried to recall the words that he said last night, my heart squeezing at the pain I saw in his eyes for the first time. He has been cradling the guilt and torment by himself, all for my sake. And after all that he did, he still considers himself lacking and undeserving.


I want to share his burden. I want to make him feel that he’s not worthless and incapable like what he believed himself to be. If Jiro can only see himself in my eyes, he will know that no one can even be compared to him. Despite what others say and despite what others see, he will always be my safe place – the only place where I wanted to be.  




Namee’s POV


I tried to be more logical about Takizawa. Really, I tried. But logic and my feelings are not in agreement when it comes to her. There are really those people who just seem to get in your nerves and you wanted to somehow make it work and be nice to them Not working. There’s something about her that bothers me; I just can’t quite put my finger on it.


So imagine the horror in my eyes when she approached me to talk about our plan for Dara’s birthday. Huh? I think I suddenly developed a brain tumor because seriously, what is up with her? Am I missing something here? Can you hear me, universe?




“Huh? We’re going to the amusement park after class. Why?” I asked.


“Uh… Nothing”, she said and shuffled her feet restlessly while casting her gaze downwards. I stayed on my spot and watched her because I knew there’s more to it than ‘nothing’; and because awkwardness is something I enjoy seeing. “So, I guess Jiro’s coming with you guys?” She asked.


My eyebrows probably shot up to the ceiling. I am trying so hard to suppress my ‘I’m-judging-you-right-now’ face but-…URGH! This girl needs mad awakening.


“Jiro’s not coming with us.”


“I see”, she finally smiled. “Say, is Dara and Bullet a couple?”


Okay, I see what’s going on here. What she’s aiming for is getting pretty obvious. She’s attaching herself to Jiro at every chance she gets and is making sure that her potential rival will not get in her way by setting her up with someone else. And what’s more infuriating is she’s doing all that while maintaining her ‘nice girl’ image. Oh, what a BRILLIANT plan.


“No, they’re not”, I said.


“Oh. I think they look cute together! If there’s anything I could do to help Bullet out, just tell me.”


Bingo. I wish I could use LOL in real life because LOL, she wants to help Bullet out. HAH!




Dara brushed her hair with her fingers multiple times, making sure that the side of her neck is covered. When she saw the kiss mark that Jiro left, she cannot calm herself. Even the cold shower did not h

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Hi All, i'm re-posting the chaps of my other fics in line with wattpad ^_^ pls bear with me. You will be able to read it again after I posted all the chaps.


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0 points #1
Chapter 42: Such wonderful story!! I hope you write more DG stories here authornim..

Thank you so much for your undying you!!
0 points #2
Chapter 39: Go for it Jiroooo!!
Chapter 37: Awwwww this is so heartbreaking Jiro crying..I cannot!!
Chapter 33: I know he wanted her to be happy.. but his choice of ways is too selfish.
Chapter 25: Aiyoooo ahahah
Chapter 19: Jiro the fool that you are
Chapter 18: RIKOOOOOOO! I'm going to kill you.
Chapter 15: Owwww
Chapter 14: Okay ! I'm team DG jiro now
Chapter 13: Ow em geeeee!!