GANG BRAWL 28 - His Kind of Love

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credits: annejiyongi

credits: ladykika09

credits: Icicle

credits: tbd_07 (poem: I See You - Jiro's POV)


Dara’s POV


The moment we entered the InterSAT gate, I felt the force of a hundred stares judging me. The rumor has spread. Everyone probably knows that Jiro and I made out at the library. *Groans…* Goodbye reputation.


Jiro is walking gingerly beside me with his hands inside his pockets and with a stoic expression on his face, which seems to be his standard state. He’s not even slightly bothered by the gazes of the students around us, completely opposite of what I’m feeling.


I roamed my eyes to prove my suspicion and groaned inwardly. They’re judging me! WAH! What are they thinking? Oh my gosh, they’re probably thinking that we did it in the library! Or…or…that we are having everyday and everywhere! WHICH.IS.NOT.TRUEEEE!


I frowned and bit the edge of the book that I was hugging; a rebellious feeling welling up inside me. This is not fair! I haven’t even seen it and I’m being judged like this.


I whipped my head sideward, hiding half of my face behind the book, and looked at Jiro. Then, I dragged my gaze down to stare at the ‘target’. I wonder what it looks like…


“What are you looking at, Ramirez?” Jiro abruptly stopped walking and faced me. I swiftly averted my gaze and pretended to fix my hair. “Nothing”, I mumbled before stealing a glance at him.


He was staring intently at me like he was reading my thoughts, so I took a step back away from his radar. I noticed the group of students huddled at the entrance of the building watching us and it somehow made me self-conscious so I took another step back away from him.


Jiro cocked his eyebrows at me and looked at the distance between us. He stepped forward and I backed away in reflex.


“What are you doing?” He asked while frowning.




He took another step forward and my feet automatically reacted, taking a step back. I yelped when I bumped into someone; and that someone s his arm around my waist to steady my footing.


“Ooops… careful munchkin”, Bullet said and grinned at me. “Gotta run, I’m late. See you later!”


“Be careful”, I called out as he dashed towards the building’s stairs. He waved at me and I waved back while smiling.


“Munchkin?” Jiro’s stern voice entered my ears. I gazed back at him and blinked at what he’s asking. “He calls you….munchkin?”




“Oh that?”


Uh-oh. Is he pissed?




“Yes?” He narrowed his eyes at me and I immediately cowered. Why does he have to be so damn intimidating? I forgot what I was going to say!


“Let’s go. We’ll be late”, he suddenly said and proceeded walking. I kept my mouth shut and followed him, his eyes focused forward and his eyebrows deeply furrowed. We ascended the stairs and strode at the hallway, the students parting and murmuring at each other while looking at us.


“Jiro”, I called out. “Are you mad?”




HE’S MAD! What if he does his punishment again?! I tightly hugged my book and bit the edge as I recalled the ‘punishment’ he did that night. I can almost hear my heart beating hard when I pictured his mouth capturing my nipp-…ACCCKK! Did I moan that night? I did! Oh my God, what did my s taste like? Sweet? SALTY?! NOOOO!! He should not do THAT again unless I’m fully prepared and taste like…like strawberry! And…and…what if he goes downwards and me down there?


Slowly, I brought my hands on my chest and exhaled audibly, my eyes widening at the thought. Dear Lord. He should never put his mouth anywhere near my vajayjay. If he slides his tongue in there, I might pee on his face! GAAAHH!


“Ramirez”, I heard him say. I stopped walking and faced him.




“Your classroom”, he slightly tipped his chin towards the door and stared blankly at me.


“O-Okay”, I mumbled, but made no attempt of entering. I focused my eyes on his feet, not knowing what to say. To be honest, I’ve been trying to distract myself since we woke up this morning but the uneasy feeling is back once again. What he said last night haunts me. I want to say many things; I want to tell him that he can also rely on me. I want his smile. I wonder what he sees that I don’t see. I wonder what he felt when he said those words. ‘I love you.’ He finally said it…but it feels like it bore a weight that I still could not comprehend.


“Jiro, are you okay?”


“Yes. Why?”


“You seemed out of it last night. Is there still something bothering you?”


“I was just tired. I’m fine, don’t worry.”


I fixed my gaze at him, my heart stinging a bit. I find it difficult to surmount his wall and it’s not helping that he wouldn’t meet me halfway. Maybe I’m just paranoid. Maybe I’m just overthinking things. But I can’t shake off the thought that aside from the issue with Riko, there’s something else that he’s keeping.


“A-Are you not happy…with us?” I asked the first thing that came to my mind in a quiet voice.


“I am”, he replied nonchalantly. “I’ll see you later”, he murmured and placed one hand on my upper arm. He stared at me momentarily and squeezed my arm gently before walking away.


I turned around and watched his retreating back, wishing that I was wrong and everything is fine. I inhaled deeply and forced a smile on my face. He said he loves me. That’s a good start.




The school bell rang, echoing all over the school. Classes have finally ended and the loud buzzing filled the hallways as the students started storming out. Another day in school has ended.


“Gosh, what a lonnnggg dayyy”, Namee complained as she met Dara outside their classroom. They both walked slowly like there’s a heavy weight on their shoulders; their eyes drooping with weariness.


“I know”, Dara breathed out deeply. “What is wrong with this day? I feel like diving into a pool of ice cream. Actually, forget that. Ice cream can’t even make me happy. Those quizzes took away my happiness.”


“Surprise quizzes should be banned from humanity”, Namee remarked.


“I completely agree.”


“I mean, what if I have a heart condition and the professor gives a surprise quiz? What if I get a shock since I was totally not expecting it and my heart fails and I die?!”


“Okay, calm down, you”, Dara said and nudged her friend.


Namee shook her head wearily and took a deep sigh. “I really had it bad today. One prof made me face the wall because I didn’t finish my homework since he came to the class early. Can you believe that?”


“The part where he made you face the wall or the part where you din’t do your homework?”


“Girl”, Namee looked at her friend pointedly. “Who even finishes their homework at home? It’s the twenty first century. There are more important things to do like twitter!”


Both of them chuckled bitterly before groaning in frustration once again. Their mood swings were unpredictable. Others might think they’ve completely lost it, but it is far from their concerns at the moment. They both flunked the quiz so they had to do an additional paper to make up for it.


“Students should have a need-a-break-from-this-bull button”, Namee suggested. “Our stress level is no joke. Do the profs think our brain can absorb all the things they’re trying to shove at us?”


“I must be really tired because what you’re saying makes sense to me”, Dara said. “Sometimes I think you’re a genius.”


“I am”, Namee said and opened her arms wide, her palms facing upwards. “But this world refuses to accept my greatness. My genius words will be my legacy, my friend.”


“And yet you flunked the quiz.”


“How dare you judge me with such miniscule mistake”, Namee clutched her chest dramatically. “It is I who will determine if my battle has been lost. Because I…”


“Here she goes”, Dara mumbled and closed her eyes firmly before opening them again as Namee started singing Katy Perry’s song.


“I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire! Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me ROAAARRR!” Namee hopped beside her, urging the other students to sing along. “Come on InterSAT! Sing with me!”


Dara just let her friend do her thing because nobody can stop her anyway when she’s in the zone – the crazy zone.


“I GOT THE EYE OF THE TIGAHHH!!” Namee roared in a deep voice, making everybody cringe. Dara caught sight of Picaro at the end of the hallway so she nudged her friend. “It’s Picaro”, she said.


As soon as she heard it, Namee abruptly stopped her impromptu performance and dashed towards the hallway at the right, leaving the flabbergasted Dara behind. Seconds later, her phone rang. Namee is calling.


“You crazy woman”, Dara hissed as soon as she pushed the answer button.


“Sorry. I’m still not emotionally prepared to face him.”


“What happened to ‘if you can’t avoid it, welcome it and be done with it’ crap that you were preaching days ago?”


“Well, I can still avoid him for now. I will welcome the heartbreak later. Anyway, talk to him! Ask him about me, please.”


“What? I don’t want to do that. He’ll think I’m friends with you. Eeww.”


“Ha ha. You’re so funny, Dara. TALK TO HIM!”


“What do you want me to say?” Dara grumbled and approached Picaro, her phone still pressed on her ear.


“Hey”, Picaro greeted. “Is that Namee on the other line?” He asked.


“He’s asking if it’s Namee on the other line”, Dara reported.


“Oh my God, you’re so obvious! I’m going to kill you!” Namee screeched and immediately hung up.


Dara shifted her gaze at the tall guy in front of her while pocketing her phone. “Sorry about that. You know how Namee is.”


“She still won’t talk to me”, Picaro said somberly.


“You know how she feels about you, Picaro. Namee may look like she can just shrug her shoulders at everything that comes her way but that’s not true…especially when it comes to you.”


Picaro lets out a frustrated sigh. “That’s why we need to talk”, he said. “Can you help me, Dara? She needs to hear what I have to say.”


There was a slight pause between them as Dara studied the guy who has her friend’s heart. “I can try”, she replied after a while and pulled out her phone, dialing Namee’s number. “Picaro wants to talk to you. Where are you?” She asked as soon as her friend picked up.


“What? DARA!” Namee whined.


Dara glanced at Picaro who was standing rigidly in front of her. “This has been dragging too long, Namee. You can’t avoid this anymore.”


“But…” Namee sighed on the other line. “It’s jus that… Dara, I’m scared”, she admitted in a tiny voice. “H-He will make me cry.”


Dara turned around and whispered, “Avoiding it won’t make it any less painful. Your Mommy Old is right. You should welcome it and get it done.”


“You said you don’t want to see me sad”, Namee mumbled.


“Yes”, Dara said softly. “But I also don’t want to see this kind of you, Namee. You should give Picaro a chance to say what he wants to say.”




“I’m ready when you cry.”


She heard a sharp intake of breath before she heard her friend say, “Alright. I can do this.”


“That’s my girl”, Dara said. A beeping sound interrupted their conversation, which indicates that Dara’s battery is running out. “Where are you? My battery is drained.”


“I’m at one of the round tables in front of the Arts Building.”


“Okay. Wait for Picaro.” With that, Dara’s phone ran out of battery and turned off. She looked at Picaro and smiled. “She’s in front of Arts Building. Go talk to her.”


“Thanks Dara”, Picaro said, relief flooding his face. “Are you heading home? Jiro will probably drop by the turf before he heads to the main gate. Do you want to borrow my phone to contact him?”


“No, it’s okay. I just need to buy something near the east gate and I’ll go to the main gate afterwards to wait for him.”


“Okay. Thanks again”, Picaro strode away, nervousness engulfing him with the thought of facing Namee. His steps slowed down a bit and he glanced back while frowning when something that Dara said registered in his mind.


‘East gate?’ He thought.




Stone flicked the lid of his lighter and lit it before closing the lid again. He repeated the movement a few times while pondering over something as he rested his arms on the steel railing, his eyes staring blankly at nothing in particular. He was at the second floor of The Claws’ turf – an abandoned storage room located near the east gate.


He lifted his hand and

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Hi All, i'm re-posting the chaps of my other fics in line with wattpad ^_^ pls bear with me. You will be able to read it again after I posted all the chaps.


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Chapter 42: Such wonderful story!! I hope you write more DG stories here authornim..

Thank you so much for your undying you!!
Chapter 39: Go for it Jiroooo!!
Chapter 37: Awwwww this is so heartbreaking Jiro crying..I cannot!!
Chapter 33: I know he wanted her to be happy.. but his choice of ways is too selfish.
Chapter 25: Aiyoooo ahahah
Chapter 19: Jiro the fool that you are
Chapter 18: RIKOOOOOOO! I'm going to kill you.
Chapter 15: Owwww
Chapter 14: Okay ! I'm team DG jiro now
Chapter 13: Ow em geeeee!!