GANG BRAWL 17 - Her Shield

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credits: DemigodXXIII

credits: Sakura4191




Dara’s heart crumbled with the mention of that name. She fixed herself and sat at the edge of the bed, her gaze casted downwards. Her skin is still tingling with the sensation that Jiro left; her lips a bit swollen with the aftermath of their kiss. She clenched her fists tightly, her chest constricting as a wave of emotions flooded her. She will never be the same again. Even though she promised to, how can she forget what transcended between them?


“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I have to hang up, I’m in the middle of something”, she heard him say.


Dara felt him staring at her, but she kept her head down. His footsteps entered her ears and she felt the bed bounce a little when he occupied the space near her.


“Are you okay?” He asked.


She honestly wanted to disappear at that very moment. His taste still lingers in and her nerves ached for his touch. But their brief freedom and momentary insanity has already ended, and she now has to face the sad truth.


“Ramirez”, he said. Ramirez again. Dara wanted to scream. She wanted to say many things; yet her lips remained sealed. She wanted to tell him that the uncertainty brought about by his actions suffocates her. That the fact that he is protecting her and is always around her because of a promise draws a border between them which she does not know if she’s allowed to cross. That it pains her because she knew, she’s already stepping on that line and she is uncertain if she will be pushed away. Yet, those words did not find their way in , for she does not have the courage to risk what they currently have.


“Yes, I’m fine”, she mumbled and tried to stand up, but her knees wobbled. Jiro was quick to support her, holding her by the arm and helping her regain her footing. She turned her head towards him and their gazes locked, his stare melting her and leaving her breathless. He reached for her, cupping her face with his palm and caressing her cheek with his thumb. She felt his roughness against her skin; his touch giving her both pain and happiness.


“Forget about what happened”, he said quietly and withdrew his hand. What he said stabbed her heart. Why is it that when he takes one bold step closer to him, he takes two steps back; making sure that she’s aware of the distance that separates them?


“Why?” She asked, exerting tremendous effort to prevent her tears from falling.


“Because it was a mistake.”


A mistake. Dara swallowed hard and averted her gaze, too weak to even utter a word. Does he really feel that way? Is it really impossible for him to like her? Or is it because of his promise to her father?


“You will graduate, find a stable job and find a good husband. You will lead a happy life – a life your father wanted for you.”


A life her father wanted for her. Does he think he is not capable of providing her that kind of happy life? Or perhaps, just like what he’s been telling her, he just sees her as someone he has to protect? Was she blinded by her own feelings that she failed to see that Jiro has no plans of reciprocating it and that she has been imposing herself on him?


So many questions are swimming in her mind. Sadly, they will remain unanswered.


“I’ll walk you home”, he turned around and walked towards his closet, grabbing a shirt. Dara stared at him somberly, watching his back, her heart tearing into pieces.




It was no ordinary Monday. The school was buzzing with excitement as students loitered in the hallway while talking about the recent InterSAT bonfire. Nobody expected that Ice Lord is going to raise the white flag. What’s odd is that he seemed to purposely abandon the fight midway. Everyone is in agreement that the winner between the Fire 39 leader and Black Dragon leader cannot be determined by that duel.


Dara, on the other hand, is not even remotely interested with the commotion that the students are causing. She went straight to her classroom and occupied her seat, still drained from the ordeal that she went through during the night of the InterSAT bonfire. The noise outside grew louder as minutes passed; the students huddled up in groups endlessly discussing about what happened.


Namee stepped inside with a solemn face. There is no doubt that she already heard what happened since it’s the topic of conversation in the entire school. Dara eyed her friend as she approached her and gave her a weak smile.


“You were able to stop him”, Namee started as she sat beside her. “But I’m worried about Bullet. I wonder how he’s taking it. The students are saying that the fight should be invalid because Ice Lord obviously gave up halfway.”


Her friend continued talking but nothing seems to register in her brain. Dara focused her gaze elsewhere, lost in her own thoughts. She didn’t even realize that Namee already stopped and is now staring at her curiously.


“Are you okay?” Namee touched her hand, startling her.


“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll talk to Bullet later and see how he is”, she said reassuringly, forcing another smile on her lips. She didn’t want her friend to worry about her when they should be worrying about Bullet. What she feels for Jiro is her own problem and something she has to deal with on her own.


“I’m just here. You know that, right?” Namee squeezed her hand, making her smile falter a bit, but she was quick to regain it.


“Drama queen”, she teased and reached for her bag to avoid Namee’s scrutinizing gaze. If they continue their conversation, she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to keep the act. Because the truth is, it aches too much to pretend to be fine.




The Black Dragon’s turf is in chaos; all because of the small guy who refuses to accept that their leader lost to InterSAT’s biggest flirt. He knew Jiro could have easily won the duel. He knew it. He has seen him in one of his underground fights before. What the students saw when he beat the leader of The Claws and when he was fighting with Bullet cannot even compare to what he witnessed in the underground arena.


“Will you ing let me go? I’ll talk to that Fire 39 leader and demand a rematch!” Bonsai yelled and pushed his gang mates who were blocking his way. He has been yammering about how stupid it is to even call it a duel when it was obvious that Jiro was holding himself back.


When Picaro entered the turf, the rest of the Black Dragons exhaled in relief. Only Picaro is capable of talking some sense to Bonsai.


“What’s this ruckus, Bonsai?” Picaro asked. 


“I’m going to the Fire 39’s turf and demand a rematch”, he said and headed towards the door, but Picaro blocked him.


“Get out of the way!” He hissed.


“Don’t you understand why Jiro did that?”


Bonsai shut his eyes firmly and sighed before looking at Picaro. “I know. That’s why I can’t accept this. If Ice Lord is not going to fight that Fire 39 bastard seriously, then I will. Now, move aside.”


“I don’t think t

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Hi All, i'm re-posting the chaps of my other fics in line with wattpad ^_^ pls bear with me. You will be able to read it again after I posted all the chaps.


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0 points #1
Chapter 42: Such wonderful story!! I hope you write more DG stories here authornim..

Thank you so much for your undying you!!
0 points #2
Chapter 39: Go for it Jiroooo!!
Chapter 37: Awwwww this is so heartbreaking Jiro crying..I cannot!!
Chapter 33: I know he wanted her to be happy.. but his choice of ways is too selfish.
Chapter 25: Aiyoooo ahahah
Chapter 19: Jiro the fool that you are
Chapter 18: RIKOOOOOOO! I'm going to kill you.
Chapter 15: Owwww
Chapter 14: Okay ! I'm team DG jiro now
Chapter 13: Ow em geeeee!!