
Our King Jiyong


-Jiyong pov-


I entered the small house. It was a simple house with simple interior, which reminds me pretty much of home. Prince Nickhun dragged me into a small room. He took out a brown shirt and a pair of black shorts, handing them to me. I looked at the cloth then at him.


“Wear it. It’s mine but I can wear Daesung or Wooyoung’s clothes.” He smiled.


“Prince Nickhun-”


“Now, now,” He cut me, “No need to call me prince. Just call me Nickhun.”


I nodded and took the cloth that he handed me. He told me to get change as he get out of the room. After that, I walked out of the room and saw Nickhun waiting for me.


“It’s kinda big on ya.” Daesung chuckled.


“He’s just skinny. But it looks good on him.” Nickhun said.


Well, I am kinda skinny. It’s funny how he noticed it. Nickhun took my hand and gestured me to follow him outside. Hmm, what does he have in mind now?


“You like Daesung’s unicorn right?” He asked.


“Of course!” I replied with excitement, “Who wouldn’t?”


“Well, wait till you see Hailey.”


Hailey? Who’s that?


“Hai… ley?”


Nickhun shushed me. He looked at the cloudy sky and closed his eyes. I just stared at him as murmured something. It sounds like a chant. I wonder if he was calling for Hailey.


He then opened his eyes and smiled brightly. Not long after that, something came out flying from beyond the clouds. It flew towards us and oh my god, it looks like a flying tiger!


And again, I was amazed by this magical creature called Hailey. It landed right in front of us. It was big, no; huge! Yes, it’s huge.


It has a brown fur with a pair of huge white wings. It approached us slowly. Nickhun it lovingly. Hailey seemed happy to see him.


I smiled watching them. I could see Nickhun loving and adorable side. It makes me feel somehow… warm…


I was so busy with my thoughts that I didn’t realize Hailey was brushing its head on my hand. I startled yet smiled at the same time by its adorable and cute behavior.


I sat on the ground while petting it. I chuckled, didn’t realized that I was acting like a child.




-Nickhun pov-


I stared at Jiyong who was acting like a child while playing with Hailey. I couldn’t help but smiled and I think my cheeks were turning red. Yeah, I’m kinda… blushed. But I don’t know why. It’s weird…


The more I watched him, the more I wanna pinch or hug him. He’s just so adorable. I’ve never seen anyone so adorable here but me.


“He’s so cute!” Jiyong squealed, rubbing Hailey’s tummy, “Who’s the cute little guy? You are!”


I pursed my lips, trying to hold my desire to pinch him. God, my cheeks were burning. I better leave them alone…


“Nickhun, where are you going?” He asked as I turned around to leave them.


I scratched my head, trying to find an excuse, “Um, well… I wanna…. Eat. Yeah, eat! I’m hungry…” I rubbed my tummy.


“Oh, I’m hungry too. Let’s eat together then.”


Suddenly, an idea popped out from my head. I smiled at Jiyong as I glanced at Hailey.


“Do you wanna fly?”



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snhgmgm #1
please update authornim.....
nyong_dal #3
i hope dara would be his wife here....
OMO! . update soon!
whaaa :(<br />
please update soon :d<br />
i really want to know what happenes next :D
g-dragon is scared :'(
:O Khun better find Jiyongie fast!!<br />
Hope he's gonna be okayy~ >.<
CRAP! what will happen to G-Dragon???