
Our King Jiyong


-Jiyong pov-


After dusk, the three of us drank the potions. It makes my body felt tingly and my head spinning. I leaned against a tree for support and in a blink of an eye; I’ve turned into a vampire…


I felt cold and… pale.


I looked at both Nickhun and Wooyoung and they also turned into vampires. Bou who was standing right in front of us, widening his eyes in excitement.


“My turn!” He chirped.


His big round black orbs has turned into slits and a long white cat tail suddenly appeared from under his skirt.


“You hid your tail?” Wooyoung furrowed.


“Yeah, sometimes I would accidently stepped on it.”


Wooyoung shook it off and told us to refresh ourselves first before we leave. So we went inside Bou’s house, had some nice hot shower, hot and tasty meal and some energy drinks that Bou made for us.


“Okay then, let’s go!” Wooyoung said, making a victory pose whilst flailing his hands in the air.


That was… different…


Bou smiled widely and followed along. Nickhun chuckled lightly, flailing his arms cutely. I gave them quick glances and bit my lips… should I?


“Do it with us Ji!” Wooyoung yelled, “You’ll feel the energy and the spirit!”




Slowly, I raised both hands in the air, moving it from right to left hesitantly. In return, the three of them laughed at me.


“You’re an adorable little vampire.” Bou said in a cute tone and pinched my cheeks.


After they’re done, Bou told us to follow him as he leads the way. We went back to town but this time with no masks or cloaks, just the clothing on our bodies and the vampire disguise. As we were walking, the street was lit with dim-lighted lamp posts. Unlike yesterday, the town was empty but now, we could see some creepy creatures lurking along the street.


Skeletons, witches, vampires, a walking creature with a jack-o-lantern for a head, a rag doll and so on. There’s even the little version of them which I believe the children.


I nudged Wooyoung lightly, “Why did you turned us into vampires?”


 “Do you wanna turn into a skeleton?”


I looked at him, shaking my head.


“A walking jack-o-lantern?”


Again, I shook my head.


He smiled and shrugged. Hmm, he is right. Who wanna turned into something like that. Being a vampire is much better I guess. Anyway, we stopped in front of The Coffins. Bou flashed us a big smile which I don’t seem to get what it meant. Khun took my hand in his, dragging me inside after Bou opened the door with a bow. As we entered, a thick scent of blood wafted freely in the air. Oddly enough, we seemed to be used to the smell and walked nonchalantly to an empty table.


The place was a bit dark. It doesn’t have any attractive colors. Everything looks old, creepy, dusty and dark. Hmm, seems like being dead is indeed sad…


Suddenly, a tall, skinny and not to mention a pale vampire approached us. He fixed his bow and smiled, exposing his fangs, “So what would your orders be?”


“Four Stone Oil.” Bou ordered.


“Aah, a fine choice.” He stated and left.


“Stone Oil?” I questioned.


“It tasted like milk,” Wooyoung explained, “But kinda fizzy.”


“You mean carbonated milk?”


“Yeah, something like that.”


Wow, never heard nor taste carbonated milk before. I wonder what it’ll taste like…


“Here you go, enjoy…”


I stared at the mug filled with Stone Oil. It was yellow in color and odorless. The three of them already drank it happily. I gulped and slowly brought it to my lips, taking a few sip. Surprisingly, it does taste like milk but this one is yellow and carbonated.


As soon as Wooyoung finished with his drink, he rose from his seat and walked up to a vampire to asked about Prince Taeyang. The vampire informed him that maybe he was caged around the Spiral Hill area. He thanked him and gestured us to leave.


“That was… easy.” I said.


He glanced at me and chuckled, “It just look easy my king. But no worries though, just let me do the talking.”


We walked and a saw a sign that says ‘Spiral Hill’ not far from where we were now. But as we were about to approached it, Bou stopped and froze in his position, causing us to do the same. Wooyoung looked around, scanning the surrounding as if something went wrong.


“So, you are brave enough to wander in this town. Oh, and you brought your friends with you… how wonderful.”


I looked at the guy who was leaning on the sign post. He was a vampire, judging from his pale skin. His eyes then fixed at me. He grinned and chuckled at the same time. Wooyoung moved closer to me, and so did Bou.


“You brought that prince and let me guess, the new king along… what a brave yet foolish things to do.” He tsked.


“Shut up Chansung, he’s just a friend of mine.”Wooyoung said.


“A blonde friend?”


Wooyoung sighed heavily… which makes that vampire chuckled in amusement. He shook his head and disappeared into thin air all of the sudden.


“Come on!” Bou waved.


We started to run instead of walking. I then noticed that the end of Bou’s hair was turning slightly black, I was too occupied with it till I bumped into him.


“You’re okay?” He asked worriedly.


“Uhm yeah. I was just…” I trailed off, still staring at his hair.


He followed my gaze and smiled, “It’s natural. I don’t quite understand why my hair had this two colors separately…”


“I guess that if you’re fully blonde then you’ll be the one to marry Nickhun.”


“Hmm, I guess so…”


“Hurry up you two!” Khun hissed from afar.


Bou widen his eyes and quickly dragged me behind him. The two of them were ahead of us. They ran so fast that we were left behind.


“Don’t worry; they’re just trying to confuse Chansung. We’ll catch up with them.”


I gulped harder. Man, I thought that vampire we’re leaving us but not. Hope they’re confusing method works cause I don’t like him, especially the way he looked at me.



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snhgmgm #1
please update authornim.....
nyong_dal #3
i hope dara would be his wife here....
OMO! . update soon!
whaaa :(<br />
please update soon :d<br />
i really want to know what happenes next :D
g-dragon is scared :'(
:O Khun better find Jiyongie fast!!<br />
Hope he's gonna be okayy~ >.<
CRAP! what will happen to G-Dragon???