
Our King Jiyong


-Nickhun pov-


I raised my eyebrow upon hearing his sudden proposal. Is he serious?


“What makes you change your mind?” I folded my arms.


“Well,” He scratched his head, “I agree because I wanna help you. Wooyoung told me about it and, he also told me that he’ll help me cure my dad.”


Cure his dad?


“He’s sick.” He sighed.


I nodded. So he’s doing all this because he wanna help us and his dad.


“Okay,” I smiled, “I’ll marry you.”




-3rd person pov-


After getting to know each other, the three of them brought Jiyong deep into the woods. He was fascinated by the beautiful nature that surrounds him. He’d never seen anything like this before.


Soon, they arrived at a small house. A guy could be seen sitting on a rock not far from the house. The guy eyed them till his gaze fell on the blonde boy next to the prince.


“Aah, so this is the blonde… And Wooyoung is finally back.” He said to himself.


“Daesung,” Bom called out, “Look who’s with us.”


Daesung stood up and approached them. He scanned the boy, circling him while rubbing his chin.


“You got a blonde boy I see,” He said and stopped right in front of him, “Hmm…”


“Well?” The prince asked.


“If the blonde is a boy, he… must be your husband and of course, the king of our land…” He said seriously.


The prince dropped his jaw. He can’t believe what Daesung said.


“Father told you that? He is sooo unbelievable!” He said in disbelieve.


Oh is that a pony?” The blonde boy pointed out.


He quickly approached the white creature with a long and pointy horn. His eyes widened upon seeing the beautiful creature. It was busy grazing the green grass but stopped when it sees the fascinated boy approaching it.


Jiyong slowly brought his index finger to touch the magical animal. He it slowly with a big smile plastered on his face.


“That’s a unicorn.” Wooyoung chuckled.


“Oh,” He giggled, “I didn't know that.”




-Jiyong pov-


Wow, I can’t believe that everything I read in a book really happened to me!


Words can’t describe how much excited I am.


“Seems like you like it here.” A guy named Daesung smiled.


Yeah, I like it here. In fact, I love it!


I turned to look at Prince Nickhun who looked kinda annoyed. Hmm, I wonder why… Is it because of me?


“Fine, I won’t complaint no more!” He shouted.


Wooyoung sighed. He smiled at me and told me not to worry about Nickhun. But, I just can’t. Somehow… I have a feeling that he doesn’t like me and only wanted to marry me because I’m the only one who can help them.


Well, I wanted to marry him because of that and also for my dad. But I didn’t hate him. Huh, maybe I think too much. Maybe he didn’t hate me… But-


“Jiyong.” Princess Bom called out.


“Yes princess?”


She chuckled, “You don’t have to call me princess. Just call me noona.”


Prince Nickhun approached me and stood in front of me, “My dear future husband,” He smiled, “Our wedding will be held tomorrow and-”


“Tomorrow?” I cut him.




What does he mean by tomorrow? In that case, I have to go back home and tell mom about this!


“Well, I have to go back home and tell my mom about this,” I bit my lips, unsure of what I should tell her, “Can’t you-”


“About that, I’m sorry to say that you can’t go back.” Wooyoung said.


What? Can’t go back?


“What’s that suppose to mean?”


“Once you get in, you can’t get out.” Bom noona sang.




Okay, I’m started to get panic here!


“But don’t worry. I cloned you so that everything will go just like always.” Wooyoung assured me.


Cloned me?


“You what?”


He sighed, “Look, I explained everything to your mom. She understands and I gave her another you so that she won’t felt your ‘disappearance’.”


All the explanation makes me go blur again. I still can’t believe that all of this happens to me. And I’m still not sure whether I’m dreaming or not.


This is just too much for me.


But then again, I decided to agree with everything since Wooyoung told me that he can cure my dad.


“But don’t worry; the old wizard can help you go back to your world.” Wooyoung said again.


The very words relieve me. At least, I can go back home.


“Come on, let’s go inside.” Prince Nickhun dragged me towards the small house.


I stared at his back and sighed. I think I should apologize for the husband and king business.


“I’m sorry,” I said, “You must felt annoyed and mad cause you have to be the wife and… I um, I…”


He stopped, “Nah, it’s okay. I’m just overreacted,” He smiled, “I’m a brat so yeah.”


So he didn’t hate me then…


“Beside, father knows what’s best for me. So I guess you’re the best for me and our kingdom.”


I couldn’t help but smiled. It was the nicest yet sweet words he ever said to me.



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snhgmgm #1
please update authornim.....
nyong_dal #3
i hope dara would be his wife here....
OMO! . update soon!
whaaa :(<br />
please update soon :d<br />
i really want to know what happenes next :D
g-dragon is scared :'(
:O Khun better find Jiyongie fast!!<br />
Hope he's gonna be okayy~ >.<
CRAP! what will happen to G-Dragon???