
Our King Jiyong

-Nickhun pov-


We walked along the dim-lighted street. Everything felt so eerie… the atmosphere, the street, the houses…


After the Ghost Queen steals Neverland from us, the town’s people were turned into creepy creatures such as the skeleton we’ve saw earlier. So, since they were creepy, their minds were also creepy. They’re mean too…


They’re the one who captured my sister’s husband. I really feel like smashing their heads, breaking their bones or burn them alive but I can’t do that… Jiyong won’t let me… I don’t even know why. Is he scared or he’s just trying to be nice?


We walked and walked and came to a stop at last. The Coffins; a bar that is owned by vampires.


“The Coffin?” Jiyong gulped.


I chuckled behind my mask, “Scared husband dear?”


‘Well… I don’t know… sorta…”


“Should we go inside?” I asked Wooyoung who was twitching his rabbit ears.


“Well crazy bunny?” I said annoyed when he didn’t reply to my question.


He simply shook his head. He said that it would be dangerous if we go in there without proper disguises cause those vamps could smell us. Hmm, guess we gotta find another place to rest or even better, some disguises.


And so we continued walking…


“Have you two met those vampires?” Jiyong asked.


Wooyoung glanced at him, “Yeah…,” He sighed, “One of those vampires are my friend. He bit me.”


“Bi…bit you?”


“His name is Chansung. We’re good friends but since he’s an evil creep now I bet he doesn’t remember me so yeah… But, good thing he didn’t released his venom or I might turn into one of them. Ugh, the horror.” He shivered.


Jiyong went silent. He then turned his attention to me, “How about you?”


Me? Hmm let’s see… I’ve seen them but never actually meet them. I took a quick glanced at him and shook my head. He nodded and went silent again.


The rest of the walk was pretty tiring, chilly and somewhat boring. Since we’re tired, we rest under a bridge. I took off my mask instantly upon reaching there. Seriously, this mask is suffocating the hell out of me.


“Can we have a better disguises?” I complained.


Wooyoung leaned against the stoned bridge, taking off his hood and mask, “Well, you can use that bush for a disguise.” He said in a sarcastic tone.


“Very funny,” I smirked, “Really…”


“Are you mad? Oh I’m sorry my prince, I was just giving you SUGGESTION since you doesn’t seem COMFORTABLE with that MASK.”


I gave him a look. Is he trying to piss me off or what?


Jiyong suddenly interrupted, telling us to cut it off. He then lectured Wooyoung to not be rude to me since I’m a prince. Hah! Take that you buffoon!


I rolled my tongue out while Wooyoung shoots daggers at me. Jiyong then spun around, dragging me a few feet away from that jerk.


“Yes husband dear?” I sang.


“You should also stop whining at him. Don’t act so bratty, you’re already married.”


Excuse me?


“Bratty? Me?” I said shockingly, “He’s the one who started it and don’t try to act like a Mr. Smarty Pants,” I said, looking around and leaned forward to his ear, “Do you wanna be executed?”


His eyes widened. He shook his head and started to stutter random words. I somehow enjoyed scaring him like this…


I chuckled softly. I patted his head and told him that I was just joking. I even told him that if he wanna lecture someone, do it on someone else. I don’t hear lectures… it’s annoying…


I sat on the grass, minding my own business. Wooyoung was still in his leaning position. It looks like he’s thinking of something and as for Jiyong, he was sitting on his own, sulking…


Oh come on…


“Ji…” I called out.


He looked at me for a moment and turned his head away. He plucked the grasses, ignoring my second called. With a sighed, I lazily got on my feet and sat beside him. I poked his cheek several times but it didn’t seem to bug him. He just kept plucking the grasses.


“Jiyong, Jiyong, Jiyong, Jiyong, Jiyong, Jiyong…” I poked his cheek again while calling his name.


Nothing’s happen. He rested his chin on his palm as he enjoyed his plucking session. Jutting out my lips, I poked both of his cheeks.


Still, nothing’s happen. Oh, do I really have to do this?


Without giving it a second thought, I cupped his face and planted a kiss on his lips. His body stiffened… his plucking stopped. I could feel his cheeks getting hotter and hotter.


“Can’t you do your romantic thing somewhere else?” Wooyoung interjected, “Seriously, under a bridge? It’s sooo not romantic!”


I pulled away slowly and turned to my right to faced Wooyoung. I gave him a ‘whatever’ look. He raised both hands up in the air, uttering ‘I’m just saying’ and leave us alone.


“Um…” Jiyong finally spoken but couldn’t seem to find a word to say.


“It’s your fault. If you didn’t ignore me I wouldn’t have to do that.”


He lowered his head, speechless…


“You don’t say,” I leaned forward, our lips almost touched, “You like me kissing you?” I teased.




“Just admit it husband dear.” I poked his tummy harder.


He turned his head away, “Don’t tease me!”


I smiled widely and hugged him. Didn’t know why but I apologized… in a low well-mannered tone.




He just nodded in response. Probably still in deep shocked from my action earlier.


How adorable, makes me wanna more.




-Wooyoung pov-


After thinking for the next move for quite a moment while those two were busy with their lovey-dovey session, which doesn’t help a lot; I finally come up with something good, or should I say, brilliant.


I forgot that I could make a potion which can turn us into one of these creeps. But unluckily, I didn’t have the apparatus or the ingredients. Darn it!


I walked back and forth, thinking and thinking and thinking when suddenly my eyes darted to an old mansion on top of a hill not far from here. If I’m not mistaken, that is where that crazy Dr. Frankenstein lives. He does lots of experiment and had lots of apparatus. But then, my eyes moved towards a small old house that was located just below the hill… the Twitches’ house.


Why the Twitches? Well, there’re three sisters who happened to be witches lives there. They’re pretty though they’re looney sometimes. Hmm, let’s see… they also have apparatus and the ingredients for brewing potions since they’re witches.


Okay then, ingredients and potions checked! Now we just gotta find a way to sneak in there…


I turned around and approached those two lovebirds. I interrupted their talking or whatever they do moment. I informed them my idea and they just nodded. Nickhun said the potion thing is a good idea but sneaking in the Twitches’ house to steal their stuff is a crazy idea.


“Are you out of your mind?” He folded his arms, “Going in there is a no-no.”


“We can always give it a try. Besides, it’s the only way dim-dim.”


Upon seeing Jiyong nodded in agreement, Nickhun sighed and agreed as well.


The moon was full and bright, the clouds were darker like usual. We quickly put on our disguises back and headed towards the Twitches’ house. We crossed the bridge, increasing our paces as we gets near the old house. We hid behind a huge oak tree. I used my rabbit ears to find out whether they’re inside or not. I listened carefully and I could hear inaudible noises, which means they’re inside…


Great, another thinking session…


“They’re in there.” I stated.


Nickhun who was standing behind me, smacked my head lightly in annoyance.


“What now?” He asked.


“I’m working on it.” I rolled my eyes.


Now, now Wooyoung… those sisters aren’t that dangerous but they are if they went looney. So all we gotta do is to keep their sanity meter at a normal rate. But then again, they know us… and if they see us, their sanity meter would go down which eventually, will turn them into a bunch of looney heads.


“I wonder…” Nickhun rolled his eyes to Jiyong.


Jiyong noticed Nickhun’s stares. He gave a questioning looks as Khun’s stares were accompanied by a smile.


He snapped, “How about we use Jiyong instead?”


“Huh? Use me?”


Oh yes! Why didn’t I think of that? You know, sometimes I love him for having such a smart brains.


I brought my hands up and put em on Jiyong’s shoulders. Before telling him that he’s gonna be a decoy, I gave him a smile while giving his shoulders a massage.


“Here’s the plan,” I started, “You’re gonna be a decoy since those Twitches doesn’t know you. It’s simple really… just work on your charm BUT not too much or they’ll go all y and crazy.”


“Okay… and then?”


“Just keep them busy while we do the sneaking.”


A short sigh escaped his lips. He took off his mask and with a nod, he made his way to the front door but before that, I reminded him again to not overuse his charm.


When Jiyong arrived at the front door, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door a couple of times. From afar, we could hear their laughter... which reminds me of the girls back in the human world.


“How noisy.” Nickhun said boringly.


The door finally opened, revealing one of those Twitches sisters. Her hair was long, straight and black in color. She wore a black gown, with a bowtie ribbon behind it.


A smile crept on her lips. She started to tidy her gown and her not-so-messy hair.


“Who’s that Yoona?”


Another one showed up. This one had a long, wavy brownish hair. She also wore the same gown as her sister. Jiyong smiled lovingly at them which makes them… well, I don’t know… flirty? In love maybe?


“I am Yoona. This is Jiyeon, my second younger sister and Hara!” She yelled, linking her arm around her sister’s arm when she dashed outside, standing right next to her, “And this is the youngest, Hara.”


“Now’s our chance.” Nickhun nudged me.


I followed him from behind as I kept glancing at Jiyong and those Twitches. We went inside the house through an opened window in the living room. We sneaked in the kitchen and saw a huge blackish purple cauldron.


“It smells like an unwashed feet.” Khun scrunched his nose.


It wasn’t pleasing at all. But, since I’m used to any odors it didn’t give me any trouble.


I rummaged through the cupboards quietly and managed to find some bottles, a dropper, a medium-sized bowl and a small wooden spoon. Whew, that’s a lot of stuff, good thing I brought this sack along.


Nickhun managed to grab some frog feet and a death flower. We fit it all in the sack and now we just need to get out of here.


We headed back to the window but stopped the moment we saw the Twitches forcefully dragged Jiyong inside. Oh no, plan B…


I looked around the kitchen for an escape route and luckily I’ve found one. It was a window that was located up high on the wall. I stood on a chair and jumped, holding on the ledge with one hand as the other made its way to open the clutch. After succeeding in the attempt, I lifted myself, looking at Nickhun before jumping. He was sending signals to Jiyong and not long after that, he came with a relieved sigh.


I turned my attention to the ground below me. It’s not that high though. I positioned myself and do a back flip. As always, I landed perfectly on both feet without a scratch. The next to jump was Nickhun. Jiyong stood on the chair, watching his wife attempted a successful back flip.


“You expect me to do that?” He asked in whispers.


“You don’t have to, just jump.” Nickhun hissed.


He doesn’t look confident. He hesitated for a while and panicked when one of the Twitches called his name. Swiftly, Nikchun ran towards the wall and snatched his arm. He fell flat on his stomach, an awful landing… a very awful landing.


“That’s… hurt.”


Khun grabbed his hand, lifting him up, “You should be thankful. Let’s go!”


We sprinted for our lives back to the bridge. Seconds after that, we could hear them wailing. It sounds scary and horrible to the point that it gave me goose bumps all over my body.



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snhgmgm #1
please update authornim.....
nyong_dal #3
i hope dara would be his wife here....
OMO! . update soon!
whaaa :(<br />
please update soon :d<br />
i really want to know what happenes next :D
g-dragon is scared :'(
:O Khun better find Jiyongie fast!!<br />
Hope he's gonna be okayy~ >.<
CRAP! what will happen to G-Dragon???