Final chapter

What is your choice?

Ok... Jjong is dating? True? Not? I don’t care :D I’m finishing this thing… But I had to write it earlier (I guess you could figure I tried to keep the real life in the story a little) So… I’m making a few changes and thanks to all the theories around the net I’ll do my version :D (Sorry to the Jongkyung? was it couple if they’re real, but I need to finish this up!)

 Enjoy reading ^^




Two months passed by and the relationship between me and Key didn’t move an inch! Yea – he would cuddle me, or kiss my cheek or forehead, or neck… Oh how I loved when he would do that, but that is only when we’re all alone. When we are around the rest of SHINee, he’s like always, and that’s pissing me off like hell! … And it’s not like I can do something… When I think about it it’s strange to turn from Jonghyun to Key out of the blue… But he can talk to me about this!

My phone started buzzing all of a sudden and I got up to pick it. I had a message from Key.

“Hey, gorgeous, what’cha doin’?”

“Thinking about you.”

“Something nice?”

“For me – yea.”

“What is it? ^^”

“I imagine myself hitting you with a bat. ^^”

“… I forgot something?”

I stared at the message, wanting to type something like ”Yea, you never told me I love you, idiot!” but then I thought I was too cruel… I never told it to him too. And I wanted to hear it from him, not from the recorded message on my phone.

“I’m just moody ‘coz I haven’t seen ya.”

“Wanna come to the dorm 2night? We’re having a little party.”

“…I have plans… Promised to go out with Sheryl and Shin Hye >.< … Can’t turn them down again.”

After sending this I didn’t get a reply for quite some time… enough for me to make a cup of coffee and drink it.

“Bring them along then, the guys don’t mind. We can’t have Jjong’s “girl” alone, can we?”

After reading this I couldn’t keep on writing. I dialed the number and waited for Key to answer.

“What is it?”

“Are you crazy?! Letting outsiders know?!” I shouted at him for even thinking of me inviting other people.

“So what? The fans are doubtful about it anyway. And no one minds… Come on!”

“Those two are fans. That’s why I never introduced you.” And he asked a few times for me to do so.

“They’re guardians too, they can keep quiet.”His voice was low, but was it enough if he was around people?

“Tell me you’re alone.”

“I locked myself in the room a few minutes ago; I’m not so stupid, Olivia.”

“Ok… and honey – guardians only fight monsters, everything else is just human.”

 “Just come…”his voice was begging… longing…

“I’ll try… I miss ya…”

“I miss you too.”

With that our conversation ended… If Jonghyun really dated Shin Se Kyung – then ok, I was gonna bring those two blabbers with me, but he wasn’t. Just ‘coz someone snapped a picture of him kissing Seunghyun’s neck SMent thought all this up, so even if the blackmailer mailed the photo to the press it could be labeled as fake or posed. And those two had no relationships known to the world. Stupid skinship prince… He could’ve waited a little!


I told Sheryl over the phone that she has to meet me earlier with Shin Hye ‘coz I wanted to talk to them. And here I’m waiting 30min for those two to come… Why are they always late?

“Olivia~” I turned around to face the shorter girl with Asian features and bright smile. “Sorry we missed the bus.” She pouted cutely and I knew Sheryl made her do it, only because I can’t get mad at this cutie over anything.

“Never mind.”

“You wanted to talk about?” Sheryl was standing behind Shin Hye, with her tall figure and long honey-brown hair… I looked at her, then at Shin Hye… I’m so glad those two are 2min fans.

“I’ll take you somewhere nice, I mean really nice, if you promise me that whatever you see there will stay a secret.” – my tone was sharp, enough for them to know I was serious.

“You have our world.” Replied the older girl and the other only nodded. “Where are we going?”

“Oh, you’ll see. But we’ll need to sneak around a little.”

“Girl, you’re suspicious.”

“Don’t look at me like this. You’ll know the reason why I always turn you down.” I smirked at her, knowing that she’ll be more than glad to know this. She threw a suspicious glare at me, but that didn’t forbid her to start walking after me. Those two were my colleagues and friends. We were a team, with one more guy, but I can bet that he’s having fun with some girl. I and the idiot are the fighters in the team, and those two behind me are the spell casters. I heard them talking about the rumor around Jonghyun, but I kept quiet. They thought I’m not into that stuff, so they didn’t even bug asking me what I think. And since they were so into their conversation they didn’t notice us arriving at the building… more likely behind it.

It wasn’t usual for here to be guarded, ‘coz not a lot of people could come here, or find the back door to the building, but with all the paparazzi I guess SMent just wanted to make sure. Gladly I knew the guard, last month he was guarding the apartment.

“Hi there!” I smiled and that stone looking gorilla only moved, so I can enter. “Thank you, stony.”

“Ok, girl – where are we?” Shin Hye finally took notice and decided to ask when we entered the elevator.

“Oh, you’ll know soon enough.” I smirked at them and when the elevator stopped I stepped out facing the wooden door right in front of the elevator. “We’re here.” I said while ringing the bell.

The door open and a cute blond boy smiled at me and hugged me by the neck.

“Noona, you came! I thought you wouldn’t come.” He pouted and I only ruffled his hair. I turned around to find my two friends with mouths open wide and empty expressions.

“Oh, Taemin-ah those two are my friends, Key told ya I would bring them, right?” the boy nodded happily. “So this one is Sheryl and this short one here is Shin Hye, help me bring them in.”

“It’s nice meeting you.” Taemin smiled and grabbed Shin Hye’s hand to bring her in while I pushed Sheryl. She suddenly turned to look at me with killing intension.

“Oh you’re so dead for keeping this from us!”

“They’re my childhood friends. Chill girl.”

I left those two with Taemin next to the front door, to clear their minds and then enter, while I searched for Key. When I entered the living room I saw Se Kyung and Minho playing some video game, and Onew was setting the table.

“Hi, Olivia.” The leader smiled at me and I only looked him questioning. Why was he setting the table? “Key and Jonghyun are in the bedroom.”

“Thank you.” I said and started walking but then I stopped and looked back at him. “Sometimes you’re seriously freaking me out.” He only smiled and I turned again to go to the bedrooms. When I was almost in front of them I heard Key nagging at Jonghyun, how stupid he was and how he needs to get used to this.

“Still acting like mom, Key?” I asked annoyed. For God’s sake, SMent made Jjong to cut off connections with Seunghyun for some time. Did he expect him to be jumping and laughing?

“Oh, hey.” He smiled and came to hug me, but Jonghyun stayed on the bed.

“Hey! No hug for me?” I asked standing now in front of him.

“Yea, sorry.” His voice was moody and dead but he still stood to hug me.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Where’s the goofy Jong?”

“I don’t know… Can I have a minute?” he asked looking at me and Key. I knew what he wanted so I dragged Key out, before he starts nagging again.

“You spoil him too much!”

“And you nag too much! Key, he’s hurt damn it!” I looked more hurt than Jonghyun at this moment and tugging Kibum’s sleeve was adding more to it… “Were you happier when I disappeared?”

“It’s not the same…”

“It is… Now do me a favor and give me Seunghyun’s address.”

“What will you do?”

“Make our friend a little happier. Now give it and handle the two shocked girls at the entrance.” He took out his phone, showed me the address and then he walked me to the door, where my friends were still standing and Taemin was worrying what to do with them. “Oh, come on! Enter you two.”

“What if we…” Shin Hye started but the she pulled me closer and continued in a way only I can hear. “…tell something not in place.”

“Key will handle it. He knows.” I smiled and headed to the door. “I’ll be back in 30min you two better be more comfortable when I return!”

I knew I left them with eyes wide open, but I had work to do. I wanted to talk to Key about something, but I can’t bring myself to say it if Jong is like this. I headed to the rooftop and then flew out. It took me exactly 5min to go to Seunghyun’s home. The door to the rooftop was opened as well which helped me a lot.

I rang the bell twice and I’m sure I heard noises from inside. Just when I was about to rang again the door opened, and for my good it was Seunghyun.

“You...” he muttered in disbelieve.

“May I have a second?”

“Sure.” He came out and closed the door behind him. “What is it?”

“I’ll be frank. You love Jonghyun don’t you? Yes or no.”


“Then give me your phone.” The boy doubted my tone a little but after a while he gave me his phone. I added a phone number, naming it with my name and dialed it.

“Hello?” I bet he was still in his room. He answered too quickly.

“Wait a second.” I handed Seunghyun the phone and basically ordered him to talk.

“Hello? ... Hyung?” the skinny boy looked at me, his eyes tearing and while holding the phone he hugged me tight whispering “thank you”s. I made a hand move for him to get inside, and he only nodded, still holding the phone to his ear and listening to the other boy.


Before I flew I sent Kibum a message asking him to wait for me at the rooftop. And here he was standing and staring at me. I landed and put my wings away.

“They’re beautiful you know?” he said smiling and hugging me close.

“Sheryl’s and Shin Hye’s are more beautiful. Their wings are white.” I rested my head on his chest and let out a sight. “What am I to you?”

“What do you mean?” he asked stepping back a little.

“Nothing changed since that day… You’re like this only when we’re alone and… I don’t know what you want…”

“Hey, look at me.” He grabbed my chin and made me face him. “You’re the girl I love.”

“Then why are you so scared of showing it?” I asked my eyes tearing.

“I’m afraid someone will hurt you.” He frowned and leaned to kiss my forehead. “I wanted to tell it, but I always thought I can do it anytime, and then this happened with Jjong, and I saw how fans treat Se Kyung… I don’t want them to treat you like this to.”

“Yah! I’m stronger than her!” I punched him lightly and he laughed at me. “Don’t laugh…” I buried my face in his chest again and felt his head rest in my neck.

“Come with me.” He said after a while pulling my hand. He didn’t let me go even when we entered the apartment and stepped in the living room. Even when all the eyes landed on us, he still didn’t let go. Apparently before we enter Sheryl and Se Kyung were paying some videogame and Minho and Onew were telling them what to do, Shin Hye was talking with Taemin and Jonghyun was sitting on the couch, now smiling sheepishly at me.

“What?” Key broke the silence walking with me in hand to the couch. When we sat everything went to normal like nothing happened just now. Jonghyun moved close to me and whispered a “thank you” before Key shove him off. He then hugged me and the rest of the night went pretty normal and smooth.

The boys were free the next day and we stayed quite late. When it was time to go they all acted like gentlemen and sent us home. Jonghyun sent Se Kyung (naturally), Onew sent Sheryl and Shin Hye, Key sent me home, and Minho stayed with Taemin, who was sleeping.  

The diva walked me to the door and leaned for a kiss. I warped my arms around him, refusing to let go.

“Stay for the night.” I whispered when he pulled away.

“What will the guys think?”

“Whatever they want… Stay.” I pleaded again and pulled him for another kiss.

I managed to drag him after less than 10min and now we were cuddling in bed.



“You’ll be my little secret from the world for now, you don’t mind do you?” he asked brushing my hair with his fingers.

“No.” I mewled from his touch and soon dozed off.



.:Three Years Later:.

Me, Sheryl and Shin Hye were standing in front of the television, waiting for SHINee to appear. They had a press conference and told us to watch no matter what.

“They’re on, they’re on!” Shin Hye shouted for me and Sheryl to go and watch.

“Thank you all for showing up.” Unlikely for them Key was the one speaking. “What our fans are about to hear, may not please them. But thanks to the approval of SM entertainment I can now freely announce it…”

“Oh, don’t tell me…” I murmured grabbing Shin Hye’s hand.

“I’ve been in a relationship for the past three years.” There was a big uproar by the media, a lot of questions were asked, but the boys stayed silent until everything went quiet again. “The girl is not a celebrity, and she’s someone I’ve know even before we debuted. I want to ask our fans to approve of my decision to annoyance my relationship. I’m doing it, because I’m sure that this girl is the one I want to spend my life with. Thank you for the attention.”

And with this everyone stayed up and went out… I watched the screen hoping they would come back… He said he wanted to keep it a secret. Why announce it now?

“Olivia… Did he just… propose?” Sheryl asked looking confused.

“What?” I responded with question, not able to think of whatever it is.

“Proposed… He said “to spend my life with”… that’s proposal to me.” Before I can say anything back my phone rang. It was that stupid Kibum.

“Yah! What was that?!” I shouted to him, even before he could speak.

“You watched?”

“You told me to watch!”

“I had to do it… So what will you say?”

“To what?”

“To my proposal, dummy. Will you do it?”

“I… so you were…”

“Proposing to you. If you say no I’ll some and kill you on the spot.”

“One reason for you to come and ease me, ‘coz I’ll kill you first.”

“So what is your answer?”

“Yes, of course… Why do you even need to ask?”

“Out of curtsey.”

“Come quickly.”

“That the only thing on my mind now.”





You like it? It’s too bad I know T-T … That’s all I could think of…

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ChangingPhases #1
First story I read and fell in love with it!! Good Job!! I <3 it!! :)
OOHHH! Nice trailer.. I like it!<br />
And even the story! :D
it was lovely~!<br />
this chapter was so good!!!!<br />
sekyung's sudden appearance didn't even wreck the fanfic! :D<br />
hahaha jonghyun and seunghyon<br />
omo~ key marries a guardian!!!
Ohhh, that was amazing! <333<br />
Key, oh Key *get s a dreamy look on her face* ah, I really really love this fic. It's a pity it's now over ;( I'm gonna miss it >.<<br />
but anyway, I loved the ending. It was perfect, really! ^-^
stephsuziee #5
ahhh the ending was adorable.. I loved it ALL!
<3 the Trailer~~~
stephsuziee #7
this was adorable.. all of it was just so cute :)
Rhacheal #8
ahhhhh~! that was sweet <3 ^0^
Oh. The moment of the truth. Now it's revealed. Yes. Finally. I LOVED IT~~~!!!! :DDDD<br />
seriously, finally, they're together! :DDD<br />
ah, Key's so sweet..but he shouldn't have lied to her about that message, that little coward XD<br />
anyway, I really liked it. And there's only one chap left? Are you for real? T.T<br />
p.s. the pic's cute :)