I got sick 'coz of you... Stupid liar.

What is your choice?

I wrote this one rather fast… I think I even thought the plot of next chapter (that I want to be final). Hope you like it. =) The comments really made me happy ^^ I won’t lie that I’ll be really happy if I see some again. *acting like she didn’t just say that*

Enjoy reading ^^


 “Key, let’s talk when I get back to Korea.”
“Back to Korea? ... Where the hell are you?!” he sounded angry.
“I had an exam in the UK, so I had to leave… Sorry, I never told you about it.” why was I sounding as if nothing happened? Like I heard nothing…
“Babo~! You worried us to death! Especially me! … I thought something happened to you…”
“Who’s the babo now? I’m not that weak.”
“You are. Don’t lie to yourself.”
“Persistent, aren’t you?”
“Olivia… are you still hurt?” his voice sounded kind, warm – it made me smile.
“Not that much… Anyway… guys 50 messages?! How can you expect me to hear and read all of them?” I , wanting him to feel a little guilty… I never thought I would dig myself in the ground with this one sentence.
“Don’t hear them!” he sounded panicked and scared… why? “I… was drunk when I sent mine… so please, don’t hear it. By all means you should not hear it!”
“The almighty Key Kibum got drunk?” my voice sounded really dead and hurt… I can always blame the connection for it. He was definitely not drunk when he recorded it… I heard it… why would he lie?
“Don’t ask… Anyway, just don’t hear it. Promise me!”
“Ok… I won’t.” but I already did hear it… Stupid Key. Why did you lie?


I opened my eyes only to look around the familiar apartment back in Korea. It’s been a week since I got back. I lied again, covering myself with the white sheets and closing my eyes shut. I wanted to stay in bed, not meeting him again, not getting hurt over and over again…

“What did you want to talk about?” his eyes waiting in anticipation my response.

“Oh… that.” His eyebrows raised in waiting. “I…“ why was my voice getting stuck in my throat when I most needed it? “I… t-think that… maybe I was wrong.”

“About what?”

“My feelings… It’s just strange. I wasn’t that hurt after what I saw.”

“Or maybe your reactions are too slow. You’re not suppressing it, are you?”

“I’m not slow!” I started, but he cut me in between.

“Anyway… you liked him. Maybe you’re lying to yourself. Don’t think of it too much.” He ruffled my hair and smiled… Stop doing everything so hard!

My phone rang and I lazily reached for it. I didn’t even wonder who might it be – of course is that liar…


“I’m coming to your place. You do remember you promised me to go shopping, right?”

“Key, may I pass? I’m not feeling well.” I wanted to avoid him, to avoid hearing something hurtful again… at least until I learn how to stop that feeling. I did it once – I should be able to do it again.

“You’re not feeling good? What happened? Are you hurt, or are you sick?” what am I? An idiot?! I should have said I had work… Damn it!!! “Ok, stay there. I’ll come.”

“You’ll get sick and will anger a lot of fans. Stay home or go out with Jonghyun or Taemin.”

“Don’t be stupid. I’ll come.” Then he hung up on me, refusing to argue.

“Who’s the stupid one… Idiot.” I tossed my phone aside and snuggled down in my bed with my eyes shut. He knew where the spare key is, so I bet he won’t even bug on ringing. My eyes felt heavy and I fall asleep again.


Something smelled nice. I opened my eyes and twisted around so I can look through the door.

“Kibum?” I barely raised my voice. My throat was in pain. Was I really sick? … That’s what I get for lying. I just sat on the bed preparing to stand up, when my guest (more likely to turn into a nurse) came in the room.

“Yah! What are you doing? Lie down immediately.” I pouted, but did what he said. After all I was feeling dizzy. He came closer and put his hand on my forehead. “You’re hot!”

“I’m not… I’m feeling cold, how can I be hot?” I buried my face in the pillow, ‘coz surely it was gonna turn red and then he would continue insisting on me being hot.

“I bet you have temperature. It’s not normal.”

“Stop acting like my mom!” my voice raised all of a sudden. “I’ll call my grandfather. Go home!” I the other side refusing to look at him. It hurt.

“Hey, what got into you?” I felt him climbing on the bed and trying to make me turn to him. I curled up into a ball,refusing to look at his face, and of course that annoyed him. “Yah! Olivia, what’s into you?!”

“I don’t like liars…” I mumbled underneath the covers.

“What?” I can bet his eyes widened.

“I don’t like liars and you’re a liar, and you’re making me lie too, so go away!” oh, crap… now my tears started flowing. I snuffed and that was when he got seriously mad. He climbed on top of me and pulled the covers away, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him. At first he was angry, but then his eyes widened in shock.

“Hey, why are you crying?” his normally sharp voice softened, unlike his grip on me. I turned my eyes away, refusing to look at him. “Look at me.” His voice was still soft, but it had pressure in it.

“You hurt me.” He released his grip, not understanding what I really meant. I shook my head and my eyes got even waterlier. “Why did you lie to me?” I looked back at him my eyes full with anger. I sat and started punching his chest. “Why are you acting like nothing happened?! Are you not hurt too?! Why are you looking like you don’t care, when you do?!” He grabbed my hands and pulled me into a tight hug. I buried my face in his chest not caring if I’ll wet his shirt or not.

“So you heard it after all?”

“I heard it before that... Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you prefer lying?” his hug become more tight and I felt his head burring in my hair.

“I was like a brother to you… you said it, countless times.”

“I was scared and refused admitting it. I never wanted to lose you, so I lied to myself. Every time when my feelings wanted to overtake me I was saying it to myself, trying to make my heart believe it, but each time I said it I was getting hurt… I never wanted to lose you.”

“What about Jonghyun?” I waited for this answer. It was the most common one I could receive.

“He was the guy I liked from the screen… I did like him, but it’s not the same. Kibum, I’m not asking to be your girlfriend… I know it is not right wanting it, I just… don’t want you to act like nothing happened.”

“You had to get sick to tell it to me?” he chuckled and looked at me, wiping away the tears.

“I got sick, because I was suppressing it.” that was probably it.

“Babo.” He kissed my forehead and made me lie down. “Stay here, I’ll bring you something to eat.” He turned around to leave, when I reach and grabbed his shirt.

“You’ll keep acting the same?” I heard my hurtful voice, like I was on the verge of tears. He smiled and bend down to place a soft kiss on my lips. Then he looked me again and smiled even more sweetly.

“How can I after what I heard?”


You like? ^^

The header image is something I did after I wrote the prev chp... I don't know why but I felt like doing it. (I have one for the next chp too XD) I wondered a lot how to do it.

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ChangingPhases #1
First story I read and fell in love with it!! Good Job!! I <3 it!! :)
OOHHH! Nice trailer.. I like it!<br />
And even the story! :D
it was lovely~!<br />
this chapter was so good!!!!<br />
sekyung's sudden appearance didn't even wreck the fanfic! :D<br />
hahaha jonghyun and seunghyon<br />
omo~ key marries a guardian!!!
Ohhh, that was amazing! <333<br />
Key, oh Key *get s a dreamy look on her face* ah, I really really love this fic. It's a pity it's now over ;( I'm gonna miss it >.<<br />
but anyway, I loved the ending. It was perfect, really! ^-^
stephsuziee #5
ahhh the ending was adorable.. I loved it ALL!
<3 the Trailer~~~
stephsuziee #7
this was adorable.. all of it was just so cute :)
Rhacheal #8
ahhhhh~! that was sweet <3 ^0^
Oh. The moment of the truth. Now it's revealed. Yes. Finally. I LOVED IT~~~!!!! :DDDD<br />
seriously, finally, they're together! :DDD<br />
ah, Key's so sweet..but he shouldn't have lied to her about that message, that little coward XD<br />
anyway, I really liked it. And there's only one chap left? Are you for real? T.T<br />
p.s. the pic's cute :)