Before I got...

What is your choice?

I started with the idea of doing something, not like me, but I decided to leave it for the next chapter (coz this came out quite long). It’s a lot of Key and I think it will be like this till the end XD…

As for the end – maybe two more chapters and three at maximum. I’m not good at writing long stories when I’m writing alone ^^ Don’t be disappointed please~ ^^


I stopped as we reached the front door. The door was metal, with a little brownish color and behind it there were four boys waiting for their “umma” to bring them their surprise.

“What’s the matter?” Key asked me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

“I’m… scared.” A nervous smile formed on my lips. Then I felt the palm of his hand in mine. I looked at my hand and then back at him and he just smiled at me pulling me to enter.

“Guys, I’m home!” he shouted as soon as I closed the door. “Your surprise is here!”

“Yah!” I shouted and hit him. I was so nervous to even enter and now he’s just calling them… As the good kids usually do the SHINee boys all showed up in front of us.

“Umma, brought a girl!” shouted Taemin looking with shock. Come on... Key’s not gay… right?

“Kibum, you brought quite a beauty.” Said Jonghyun coming closer to look at me, and Minho was peeping behind his shoulder. Onew was beside Taemin looking at me with a questioning gaze. I looked back at Jonghyun and smiled.

“You’re still the same flirt, aren’t you?” he raised his eyebrow and stepped back and then Onew got a more understanding face.

“Olivia!” he shouted and pointed at me making me and Kibum smile at him. “Right?” he then looked back at Key, as did the other boys too and Key just smiled and nodded at them.

“You can talk now!” I finally heard Minho speak. “Where were you?”

“Noona, I thought you forgot me!” Taemin cried as he hugged me. He definitely wasn’t the cutie little boy I used to hug four years ago… His body felt different.

“Calm down you!” shouted Key as he prevented the other guys to gang on me. “She’ll explain when we enter, jeez.”

He then pushed the guys to the living room, allowing me and Taemin to follow him. When we entered the room I saw two sofas and one armchair. One of the sofas was smaller – there sat Minho and Taemin cuddled in him. The other guys sat on the larger sofa, except for Key – he sat on the floor, putting his back against the sofa. I guess the armchair was for me. I sat there and told them the version of the real story that me and Key thought on the way here. The guys felt bad about my coma, and apologized for not believing that I’ll be back for them. I told them not to worry and asked them to say something new that’s not in the news.

That was when I learned that 2Min was real… I looked at Jonghyun and then at Key, basically sitting in his feet.

“Is JongKey real too?”

 “NO!” the both of them shouted separating from each other. “How could you even think of it?!” Key looked like he was slapped really hard.

“Ask internet.” I smiled apologetically and then Onew tried to make the atmosphere less awkward with suggestion for dinner.

We had dinner and talked a lot before my cell start ringing. It was my grandpa… I guess I had a mission. I looked at Key, the only one who knew the whole truth, and said I had to go. Everyone sent me to the door and ordered me to call when I get home… I will have to call when I reach my grandpa I guess. I walked away and heard the guys going in, but a few meters away I felt someone pull me back. When I turned around I saw Key with worried look.

“Call me, or text me when you really get home.” He gave me a note with his number and I nodded at him. He was really like an older brother to me… caring and nice. Someone I can always rely on.


I woke up around 01:00PM when my phone started ringing. I was really sleepy, so I stated searching for the little thing without opening my eyes. When I finally found it I placed it on my ear and started talking with voice that was screaming how sleepy I am.

“What?” I thought it was grandpa. Only he knew my number. I wish I could kill him.

“Yah! You’re not sleeping, right?” the voice on the other line was too cheerful and piercing to be my grandpa’s.

“Key? … How’d ya got my phone?”

“You texted me last night. Stupid.”

“Shut up… Let me sleep! I’m dead~!” I pleaded but Key continued.

“Don’t tell me you forgot!”

“What?” I obviously forgot.

“The text from last night…”

“What text? I don’t remember… I texted you and went to sleep…” I guess it was no sleep for me… Stupid Key.

“I replied saying that I’ll come to visit!”


“Now… Open the damn door! The bell isn’t ringing.” Then I heard bumping on the metal door. I sat on my bed and looked at the display of my mobile phone. Key hadn’t hanged up yet.

“Wait a little I’ll come and kill you.” I hang up and started walking to the door. When I opened it I had the most sleepy-killing glare ever. At least he was alone. “Let me sleep!” I yelled again as he entered.

“It’s 01:12 PM! How long do you intend to sleep?” he said as he comfortably sat on the couch in my living room.

“Another 5 hours…” I said while passing him and entering my room, where I dived in the sheets. I lied in peace for about 2 minutes before my bed started bouncing – which meant that Key sat on it.

“Hey, what’s with your arm?” he asked as he pulled my bandaged arm.

“It’ll be okay in a day, or so I was told.” I opened my eyes to look at him. He was a beauty even without his make-up. His hair was a little messy and he was skinny, but he was charming.

“Make a room for me. I’ll take a nap with you and later we’ll go visit the gang.” He smiled at me and his eyes became like a line. It was cute and … like Onew. I’ve seen only the leader’s eyes becoming so thin. I made a room for the boy and he lied next to me, hugging me and brushing my hair.

“You feel like an older brother… safe…” I remember mutter this before I fell asleep again.


I woke up alone in my bed from the loud swearing of Key. When I looked the clock it was almost 4PM and I felt a lot more refreshed, so I stood up and went to see what my friend was doing.

“Oh, you woke up.”

“You were too loud.” I replied as I sat on the dining table. Key was having some troubles with my stove… I had a stove. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to cook… How does this thing work?!” he sounded hysterical and I laughed. I guess he wasn’t the type of person to lose.

“I have no idea. I just figured out I have a stove.” He glared at me and looked behind the stove.

“Seriously! What were you eating these past two days?” he nagged at me as he was trying to plug the stove to the electricity.

“I ate at your place…” he looked at me like every moment he would pull a gun out and shoot me. “I had sandwiches for breakfast that day too.”

“Your hair is messy go brush it and I’ll cook something for you.”

“I have to cut it. It’s too long.” I looked at my long blonde hair refusing to move to the mirror to fix it… It was too much of a pain.

“Don’t. You have beautiful hair.” I never said something back to him. I liked my hair long, but because of her last night I injured my hand, because it was too long and I could see through it… I stood up and went to tie my hair, then went to put some proper clothes and returned back to the kitchen where my breakfast was waiting me.

“You call this breakfast?” it was too much for breakfast.

“it’s 4PM what were you expecting. Eat.” He was drinking a hot cup of coffee – something I would love to have instead of pancakes, juice, strawberry jam and some fruits. I sat quietly and began eating. He was really a good cook – should I use him to cook for me? I’m not good with the local dishes anyway. “What you said earlier, was it true?” I looked at him, staring in his cup with a worried look.

“About my hair – sure it is!”

“Not that. About feeling me like a brother.” He looked at me and tried to pull a smile on his lips, but it looked not in place.

“Yea… Even four years ago there was that feeling. You’re quite a reliable person.” I continued eating and he put his cup down smiling at his coffee. “Why?”

“Ah… that…” he looked into space like he was searching for the right answer. “I never had siblings and when you said it I felt happy.” He then looked back at me and smiled with one of his stage smiles, ready to make every fan girl squeal. “Eat fast we have to get going.”


“To the dorm. Well Onew is visiting his parents and Taemin and Minho are out today…” he made a little pause after saying this and I figured where they were out to. “Only Jonghyun and I are home today. I told him I’ll be home around 8PM, but I think it won’t be a bad idea to get there earlier. We don’t know when you’ll have to go again.” I nodded and continued eating my breakfast. Then I went to change my clothes and fix my make-up, while Key was washing the dishes. After half an hour we headed out to the dorm to meet my crush. All the way there Key wouldn’t stop teasing me and telling me how he would leave us alone to talk and warm our relationship.


But there was something I had missed to see in my apartment… The thing I had to, but didn’t hear nor saw was Key looking at the necklace I gave him with grief and calling me “Babo” … Maybe then I would have understood better…



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ChangingPhases #1
First story I read and fell in love with it!! Good Job!! I <3 it!! :)
OOHHH! Nice trailer.. I like it!<br />
And even the story! :D
it was lovely~!<br />
this chapter was so good!!!!<br />
sekyung's sudden appearance didn't even wreck the fanfic! :D<br />
hahaha jonghyun and seunghyon<br />
omo~ key marries a guardian!!!
Ohhh, that was amazing! <333<br />
Key, oh Key *get s a dreamy look on her face* ah, I really really love this fic. It's a pity it's now over ;( I'm gonna miss it >.<<br />
but anyway, I loved the ending. It was perfect, really! ^-^
stephsuziee #5
ahhh the ending was adorable.. I loved it ALL!
<3 the Trailer~~~
stephsuziee #7
this was adorable.. all of it was just so cute :)
Rhacheal #8
ahhhhh~! that was sweet <3 ^0^
Oh. The moment of the truth. Now it's revealed. Yes. Finally. I LOVED IT~~~!!!! :DDDD<br />
seriously, finally, they're together! :DDD<br />
ah, Key's so sweet..but he shouldn't have lied to her about that message, that little coward XD<br />
anyway, I really liked it. And there's only one chap left? Are you for real? T.T<br />
p.s. the pic's cute :)