Just Admit It, I Know You Love Me

 [Aaron’s POV]

After lunch, it was already 2 pm. Gui returned to the shooting set of Pi Li MIT. After a long time deciding, Hebe and I decided to go the beach to watch sunset. We figured it was a place with less people so there was less chance of them getting caught like in the mall. We drove all the way down to the southern part of Taiwan (Tai Nan) to a small village. It was a little weird for us, but on the long 2 hour drive, we got to know each other well.

We found out about each other’s likes, dislikes, life style, favorite color, food, music, artists, and actors. We talked endlessly from friends, to love, past relationships, and many, many more. Both of us were very weird people and somehow we just fit together as friends. I could already tell she was going to be someone close to me. Most people would have found it weird to drive 2 hours to a beach with someone you’ve only seen a few times and knew little about, but it seemed totally natural for us. That’s what’s weird about us.

We finally reached the beach. It would’ve taken us a shorter time, but the drive was almost like strolling in a park for us. We slowed down here and there for various reasons from bathroom breaks to viewing scenery. When we arrived it was already 5pm and the perfect timing for sunset.

The waves started to twirl and the ocean breeze sent chills to Hebe. She was only wearing a short sleeve shirt. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her miniscule shoulders. We sat down on the sand, crisscrossing our legs.

Hebe: It’s so beautiful!

Aaron: Yah, it’s nice to get away from the busy city and crowded people for awhile.

Hebe: True. The natural scenery here seems so pure compared to the complicated city life. Everything here seems so peaceful.

After that, we just sat in silence as we watched the sunset in awe. Neither of us seemed to notice the time ticking away. It wasn’t until Hebe’s phone rang that disturbed us until we realized it was already 7 at night.

Hebe: Hello?


Hebe: What?!?!?

Speaker: (@&$)*^$@)*@$^&)(@$&@

Hebe: What do you mean dangerous?..... is… is.. he okay?

Speaker: *^$#)*()@&$@_(@*_)(@

Hebe: ok-ay… I under-stand. *teardrop* I’ll… be there…as soon as possible!

Aaron: Did something happen?

Hebe: It’s my…. Brother. He… *sniff* got into a car accident. *teardrop* He’s at Taipei hospital right now….

Aaron: Let’s go. We can make it back there in an hour. Don’t worry. He’ll be fine.

Hebe: He’s the only family I have!

They got on the car as Hebe started to cry in silence. She was trying to hid her weakness, but I could tell that there was sadness and fear in her eyes, her being unwilling to show her tears to others.

Aaron: Let it out, don’t hold back your tears. You’ll feel better after you cry. If you need a friend, just remember, I’m here.

I reached out with my right hand, steering with my left while grabbing her left hand. I gave it a light squeeze and continued driving. We reached Taipei in an hour and a half as we rushed into the hospital. Hebe ran up to the front desk.

Hebe: Nurse, is there a male patient that was sent here from a car accident, about an 2 hours ago? Named Danson?

Nurse: Yes, he’s still in the middle of a surgery down in the hall to the right.

Hebe: Thank You.

We ran towards the hall as Hebe tried to look through the little windows. She walked back and forth restlessly.

Aaron: Hebe, why don’t you sit for a bit. Your brother will be fine. Walking back and forth won’t help. Calm down first.

She slowly walked to the bench and sat down. I sat next to her and wrapped a arm around her shoulders. Her shoulders were so tiny and her face was as pale as snow. She seemed so fragile and breakable right now. It made me nervous so see her like this.

Aaron: It’s okay. Everything will be fine.

Hebe: He’s all I have.

Aaron: How come your parents aren’t here yet?

Hebe: They abandoned us when we were little. They left my brother and I at the orphanage. It was Danson who protected me and grew up with me together. He was always the big brother, standing up for his little sister. I can’t lose him. He’s the reason I’m still here right now. He’s the reason I fought so hard to establish myself to the world. How could this happen to him?

Aaron: shh…. Don’t think too much. He’ll be fine. From now on, you’ll have me too. I’ll be here for you. I’ll be your guardian angel. Danson will be fine.

Hebe leaned her head on my broad shoulders as she slipped her arm around my waist. Her tears wetted my shirt as she cried her heart out. It was awful to see her cry this way, I wanted her to stop. But at the same time, I kne she needed time to cry all her sorrows out. Thank god I’m here. What would she do if she didn’t have a friend by her side? Someone to lean on when she’s tired of standing?

I took out my phone and dialed Gui’s number.

*Gui: Hello?

*Aaron: Hey Gui, this is Aaron. Are you guys done shooting yet?

*Gui: Not yet. It’s going kind of slow right now. There’s been a lot of NGs tonight. It will probably still take a while. How was so afternoon with Hebe?

*Aaron: Well, we’re in the hospital right now.


*Aaron: NO, nothing happened with Hebe. It’s her brother.

*Gui: Danson? What’s wrong with Danson?

*Aaron: He got into a car accident and he’s in the emergency room right now. I’m here with Hebe.

*Gui: Oh my god, no! Hebe must feel horrible right now. She would rather herself be in a car accident than Danson. Let me talk to her!

*Aaron: Okay hold on.

Aaron: Gui’s on the phone.

*Hebe: Hello?

*Gui: Hebe! Are you okay. You must be devastated.

*Hebe: *sniff* It’s so good…*sob* to hear your…voice right now. *tears*

*Gui: It’s okay, it’s okay. Everything will be fine. Danson is such a nice person. God won’t do something so cruel to him!

*Hebe: GUI…*tears* What if he…

*Gui: SHHH…. Don’t! Nothing will happen to him. You hang on there, okay? I’ll be there as soon as possible.

*Hebe: *sniff* okay.

Aaron: Get some rest. You look so tired.

Hebe: How can I rest?

Hebe kept leaning on my shoulders. I could tell she was tired. After about 15 minutes, she drifted off to sleep. About half an hour later, I heard Gui’s voice as she ran down the hall. I held up a finger to my lips and then pointed to Hebe to signal her not to wake her up. Gui quietly walked up to us and sat on Hebe’s other sat as she glanced towards the emergency doors. Just then, a doctor walked out…..

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Love the poster and description
Plmokn #3
update soon
monkey_yuri #4
我 爱 王子 《3
wow... update again! but pleae update sooner please..... i really love your story!!!1
yey! finally you're back! please update often!! i want to know what happened on guigui.
Charmain_alexis #7
Then wat happen to guiwang.
lady_mocca #8
Duh, why are you just realize it now, prince?? T_T<br />
agree, realization are always too late.<br />
Update soon^^
Found you! On here too! Haha yeah! Update soon
lady_mocca #10
Update soon