Just Admit It, I Know You Love Me

 She was so beautiful. 

The night breeze blew her long wavy curls, revealing her face. The lamp by the gate shot the spotlight onto her face. She was truly born to be a performer, ever so elegant and fragile. WangZi slowly unbuckled his seat belt, getting off the car, eyes never leaving her face. Michelle walked from her car step by step, closer and closer until she stood right in front of WangZi.

Michelle: I’m back.


Michelle: How have you been?


Michelle: I Love You.

WangZi: Then you shouldn’t have come back. If you really loved me, then you shouldn’t have left me, and then come back to pick up the broken pieces of our love you left behind, because these pieces can never be glued back to what they were.

WangZi said it with such a smooth and emotionless face. There was no way to tell what he was thinking, but I’m sure he’s hurting inside. They matched so well together. Just like the prince and the princess. Born to be together. Love seemed so cruel at times.

Michelle: I made a mistake. Everyday I was there, I was missing you. Hoping you were by my side.

WangZi: You made your decision. And I made mine to forget you and move on.

Michelle: Please. don't say that. Can't we go back to the old days when we sat together at night to watch the stars? The mornings when we went to see sunrise? When we went to the beach and enjoyed the ocean? The days when you used to watch me play the piano and sing? I can throw away everything I have now in America to come back for you. Can't you open up your arms again for me?

Michelle stepped forward and hugged WangZi by the waist. WangZi’s hands clenched in fists. But when Michelle’s tears rolled down, WangZi unclenched his hands, and slowly wrapped them around her shoulders. Suddenly, I felt so unfit in this scene. So awkward.

-Next Morning- 
[switch to Hebe’s point of view]

My eyes peeked out of their lids and glanced at the clock, 7:30am! Who could be calling so early in the morning?


Manager: Have you read the news this morning yet?

Hebe: No, why are you calling so early?

Manager: Go look at the news!

Hebe: Okay, okay.

I found my TV remote on my bed table and clicked on the TV.

TV: Bringing you the latest news. Yesterday afternoon, popular actress Hebe Tian and close “friend”/actor Mike He were spotted at a mall shopping together. The two were crowded by fans after being recognized. Some witnesses said that they had very close contact and looked like a couple. 
The two were rumored to be very close friends and many have suspected them to be together. Although the two have denied their relationship, some fans have sent in the pictures they took of the two together. From these pictures, there is much evidence to prove that the two have indeed been close beyond friendship. Now let’s take a look at these photos.

Hebe: WHAT?!?!?

Manager: What were you guys thinking? This isn’t the first time you guys were caught by the media together. How many times have I told you, if you guys are really together, then you have to tell me!

Hebe: We were just shopping yesterday! There’s nothing to tell, we’re not together!

Manager: Are you sure? Even I sometimes think you two are way too close to be friends. Don’t hide this from me, it’s won’t help anyone.

Hebe: I’m not hiding anything. We’re just really close. That’s all. Let me talk to Mike first and I’ll get back to you later.

I hung up and stared at the TV for a minute. The picture of us together looked so good. I wonder if what I really want is just that. Maybe I wanted it to be true? But there was something weird about it, something I can’t quite explain. It looked too good, too good to be true. Just as I was about to call Mike, my phone rang again.

Hebe: Hello?

Mike: Did you see the news?

Hebe: Yea, I’m looking at it right now. I should’ve been more careful. If I hadn’t taken off my shades…. Your manager must have questioned you too, I’m so sorry-

Mike: It’s okay! Relax. I’m just calling to see if you’re okay. It’s not like this is the first time this happened. My manager didn’t give me too much trouble. And plus, it wasn’t your fault.

Hebe: I guess we should chill out for a few days. Can’t be caught again.

Mike: yea. I have to go to Japan for a week to film anyways.

Hebe: oh. Okay. Then that’s perfect. I’ll go visit Gui.

-Pi Li MIT shooting-

I visited Gui while she was shooting Pi Li MIT. I have nothing to film until Mike gets back so I hanged around Gui all the time.

Gui: Let’s go eat lunch.

Hebe: Perfect! I’m starving.

Gui: Aaron, you want to come with us for lunch?

Aaron: Sure.


Aaron: sorry about WangZi last time, Gui. WangZi is sorry too. I heard you had to take a taxi home and the driver recognized you.

Gui: No problem. So is he back with Michelle?

Hebe: What are you guys talking about?

Aaron: My best friend WangZi. Last time we all went for dinner but I had to leave early and told WangZi to drop Gui home. But then they ran into his ex girlfriend Michelle who came back from the US and Gui was left behind.

Hebe: Michelle Chen? I heard about her. But isn’t she going to marry this American millionaire? How can she be WangZi’s girlfriend?

Gui: Ex-girlfriend. But I’m not sure now since she came back for him.

Aaron: They aren’t together yet. But I have a feeling that WangZi will accept her again, but I don’t feel that Michelle would still be the best for him.

Hebe: Sounds complicated. Makes my life sound so boring.

Gui: What are you talking about. I saw the news about you and Mike. How can you NOT TELL ME?!?!? And why are you so free today?

Hebe: How many times do I have to explain, we really aren’t together. He’s in Japan right now, so the drama we’re filming will be paused for a week until he gets back. And talk about that, he gets to escape the reporters while he's in Japan. This morning when i walked out the door, there were so many reporters outside my house! my head was about to explode just answering their questions. I would tell you if we were really together.

Gui: But anyone can tell that he loves you! You must be blind if you can’t see that. And you’ve always felt something special for him too, didn’t you?

Hebe: Yah, but something doesn’t seem right.

Aaron: Ladies, let’s calm down and eat lunch. Hehe

Hebe: What are you guys doing after lunch?

Gui: I still have a scene too shoot. It’ll will probably take me a few hours. But I don’t think Aaron is there. It’s just me and Xiao Gui(Alien Huang).

Aaron: Yah, it’s their mushy scene.

Hebe: More shooting? Geez. I don’t think I can sit and wait for you for another few hours…

Gui: Then go hang out with Aaron, I’ll go meet you guys when I’m done.

Hebe: that sounds good.

Aaron: Where do you want to go?

Hebe: Definitely not the MALL!

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Love the poster and description
Plmokn #3
update soon
monkey_yuri #4
我 爱 王子 《3
wow... update again! but pleae update sooner please..... i really love your story!!!1
yey! finally you're back! please update often!! i want to know what happened on guigui.
Charmain_alexis #7
Then wat happen to guiwang.
lady_mocca #8
Duh, why are you just realize it now, prince?? T_T<br />
agree, realization are always too late.<br />
Update soon^^
Found you! On here too! Haha yeah! Update soon
lady_mocca #10
Update soon