Just Admit It, I Know You Love Me


Hebe and Aaron went to a fine dining restaurant and tried as best as they could to conceal their identities. But as they soon found out, their efforts failed greatly as people around them whispered and glanced. They quickly went to a private room and closed the door after much peeking from outside.

Hebe: So where’s Prince? You guys went out together and only you came back.

Aaron: Well, that’s what I was trying to avoid. At least in front of Gui, since they’re in such a messed up relationship right now.

Hebe: Avoid?

Aaron: Well, after we left, we went to a Zero Up, but then Prince got a call from Michelle. Then we found out that Michelle was leaving and we chased her to the airport. Basically, Prince and Michelle had a big confrontation and are back together now.

Hebe: Oh…

Aaron: Yea, I figured it wasn’t a good time to say that in front of Gui.

Hebe: But she has to find out some time.

Aaron: What’s going on between them anyways?

Hebe: Well, as you said, it’s complicated. They were both drunk and didn’t know what they were doing. And I think they’re both trying to ignore it and just move on as friends.

Aaron: That’s going to so hard.

Hebe: Yea, I don’t know if she can do it.

Aaron: What?

Hebe: Oh, I think Gui is confused about her feelings for Prince, especially after last night.

Aaron: I don’t blame her. Everything is all going on at once, and I must say, it wasn’t her fault. I can guess it was Prince who dragged her out and went drinking.

They continued on with their conversation and eventually got over the topic of Prince and Gui and moved on to other parts of their lives. There was nonstop laughter coming from both of them as they discussed details of life.

Time passes in a flash. Three weeks flew by in what seemed to be just a second. Hebe hanged out with Aaron freely, forgetting her troubles of Mike since Mike returned to filming in Japan once again. Her concerns seemed to be more centered on Gui, who has been bombarded with huge workloads and making up all the time that she and Aaron has missed before.

Hebe feels bad, that because of her, Gui and Aaron had missed so much work and are now busy day and night filming. Their crew had all traveled to Ken Ting, Taiwan to film some scenes and Hebe was only able to reach them on the phone and give her words of encouragement. Due to Mike’s absence, Bull fighting could not resume filming and Hebe spent much visiting Danson, who has mostly finished recovering and will be released in a week.

There were no direct news of Prince and Michelle since the linking chain, Aaron, is still in Kenting. And there’s no way Gui was going to ask or talk about Prince at all. However, either the media is a real genius, or Prince and Michelle had been trying to spread their love intentionally. Through the three weeks, many pictures of them together have surfaced all over the place.

Hebe worried about these pictures and wondered if Gui had seen them. But every time she called Gui, Gui would always say her quick hello and other non-prince related things and every time the subject got around to Prince, Gui would say she need to go back to filming. And through her conversations with Aaron, she found out that Gui has insisted on filming nonstop everyday even though the director worried that it was too much.

The crew returned back to Taipei 2 days early, thanks to Gui’s new work ethic. Hebe couldn’t wait to see her and Aaron, and she arranged a meeting with them first thing when they resumed back to shooting in Taipei.

-Pi Li MIT set-

Hebe: GUI, AARON! I missed you guys so much!

She gave a hug to each and frowned seeing Gui’s dark eye pouches. Gui has clearly thinned down in the past few weeks and both Aaron and Hebe were concerned about her.

Hebe: Gui, what happened to you? You looked so tired and stressed.

Aaron: She has been insisting on filming 10 days work in 8 days to catch up the days we missed before. And just when we thought she was going t take a break after coming back, she insisted on continuing shooting. At this rate, we’ll be done before the due date!

Hebe: GUI!

Gui: What? I just think we should make up what we missed.

Hebe: Is that REALLY what you think? Don’t lie to me missy.

Gui: I…

Unknown: Yo, Aaron!

They all turn around and were surprised to see Prince walking in with Michelle. Gui froze seeing their linked hands and unconsciously put a hand on her stomach and her eyes got teary. She quickly regained herself and blinked back her tears as Prince and Michelle approached. Aaron may have missed it, but Hebe’s sharp eyes saw Gui’s little breakdown as she held Gui’s hands and looked firmly into her eyes.

Prince: Long time no see!

Aaron: What’s up Prince? I didn’t know you were coming!

Aaron then glances back a Gui nervously for a second.

Prince: I haven’t seen you in such a long time, and Michelle said she wanted to see you too. Oh, I almost forgot, Hebe and uh.. Gui, this is Michelle.

Michelle: Hi! Hey Aaron! I missed you! And nice to meet you guys. Prince has told me some things about you. Gui? Is that it? You were the on the pictures with Prince?

Gui: Um,yea.

Michelle: Please don’t mind that, the media is so dumb and bloated up. Oh, please! Prince would never betray me, and it’s ridiculous, the stories they wrote. The only one he would ever love is me, right Prince?

Prince: You seem to be weirdly happy right now, weren’t you just unhappy at me about something?

Gui was dumbfounded at Michelle’s words. She was sure they were intended to be stingy. And Hebe felt it too and she held Gui’s hands tight. Aaron just looked nervously back and forth. It was all an awkward exchange. And Gui watched as Michelle kissed Prince on his cheek and wrapped her arms tightly around his. Gui struggled to put on a smile and pretend nothing is wrong.

Gui: Of course. That’s great, you guys are together, I was afraid you would misunderstand.

Michelle: Why would I? I know Prince loves me and only me. And he would never do anything bad unless someone lead him on, like getting him drunk. And the media is too dumb to figure out such schemes

Prince: Michelle, what are you talking about?

Gui: Um…

Hebe: Hey watch it! What are you implying? Don’t think we’re all dumb.

Michelle: What? I’m not implying anything. I’m just saying some people are too sticky, and there is always a girl out there who has her eyes on other people’s boyfriends. And of course no girl here would be like that, would she?

Michelle gave Gui a glare and sensing the tension between everyone, Aaron quickly interjected.

Aaron: How about we go out to eat or something?

Hebe: No thanks, Aaron. I think Gui and I are fine here.

Aaron: Er…

Michelle: Oh no! You guys have to come. Prince and I will treat you guys!

Prince seemed to have not noticed the implications of Michelle. After all, he just an innocent boy at heart. All the talk was going on while Gui remained silent the whole time, her body swaying back and forth, and her hands held lightly on her stomach.

Prince: Yea, come on!

Hebe: I really don’t think-

Prince: Gui!

Gui had fainted and Prince reached out to catch her body just before it hit the ground. Michelle had watched Prince carry Gui up with bitterness. Aaron and Hebe were worried and rushed Gui to Aaron’s car since it was the closest. Aaron got in the driver’s seat and Hebe in the passenger’s seat as Prince layed Gui in the back.

Aaron: Prince, you coming?

Michelle: Oh, Aaron, I don’t think he can. Prince, didn’t we make arrangements for lunch earlier? We should go. Aaron and Hebe will definitely be able to take of Gui, won’t you guys?

Hebe: Of course we can, go on your stupid lunch date and shut the door.

Prince reluctantly shut the car door, giving Gui a last glance before Aaron drove away.



Aaron: Whoa! Calm down.

Hebe: Calm down? You want me to Calm down? Did you not hear her words? Anyone can see she was implying Gui of stealing her boyfriend. And Prince is too dumb to notice??? It wasn’t even Gui fault that things happened between them, it was Prince’s. And how can that girl just come here and blame everything on Gui?!?!

Aaron: Yea, Michelle was a little weird. She’s usually not like that.

Hebe: Usually not like that? I don’t care how she usually is. There is no reason she should be hurting my best friend. Gui was struggling so hard to keep up a smile for that . And she’s not worth it.

Aaron: Alright, just calm down for a second. The most important thing right now is to get Gui to the hospital first. She must be so tired from all that nonstop filming. I would say she’s probably had on average about 5 hours of sleep a night. No wonder she’s fainting.


Hebe: Doctor, how is she?

Doctor: I don’t understand people these days. She’s suffered way too much stress and lack of rest, especially in this condition. Young people these days!

Aaron: What condition?

Doctor: You don’t know? I guess she has not spoken to any of you about this!

Hebe: What doctor? She would never hide or lie to me about anything. What’s going on?

Doctor:She’s pregnant.

Hebe and Aaron: PREGNANT?!?!??!!?

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Love the poster and description
Plmokn #3
update soon
monkey_yuri #4
我 爱 王子 《3
wow... update again! but pleae update sooner please..... i really love your story!!!1
yey! finally you're back! please update often!! i want to know what happened on guigui.
Charmain_alexis #7
Then wat happen to guiwang.
lady_mocca #8
Duh, why are you just realize it now, prince?? T_T<br />
agree, realization are always too late.<br />
Update soon^^
Found you! On here too! Haha yeah! Update soon
lady_mocca #10
Update soon