Just Admit It, I Know You Love Me

Chapter 1


Hello everyone! it's graciee here. Here's the first chapter. Hope you'll all like it. and PLEASE COMMENT!


*** One addition to character info from forwards: Aaron and WangZi’s family owns Yan Corp. and Qiu Corp. so both of them are one of the top most valuable bachelors in Taiwan. ***

-Hospital VIP room (watching YLBFB entertainment TV show)-

Show: Good afternoon viewers! This is Show Luo and your watching Yu Le Bai Fen Bai! Here’s the latest news for all eager viewers. This afternoon at around 2:45 pm, pop queen Hebe Tian was injured in the leg while attending a dissemination press conference with her partner Mike He for her new drama Bull Fighting that has just finished airing on TV recently .

(continues) From what is clarified by her manager, it is said that because of overly excited fans who tried to break through the guards, the crowd had an outburst which pushed Hebe to trip from her twisting heels while walking on the podium stairs. Hebe fell on the edge of the stairs with her legs. Her partner Mike He has already left with her to the hospital for further check ups. As Hebe is a very good personal friend of mine, I am of course happy that she has so excited fans, but everyone please be more careful as you all know there is only one Hebe in this world and we wouldn’t want her to get hurt! I will be visiting her soon and I will bring back further news for all viewers. Now next up…..

(TV volume turned down and snaps back to reality in VIP room)

Hebe: Show is so funny on there. Oh my god, it sounds so exaggerated when they say it. My legs are fine! geez.

Mike: Well, it’s gotta be that way when the whole world wants to know about you. haha.

(GuiGui runs in)
GuiGui: HEY! How’s your leg? Are you okay?

Hebe: GuiGui? I’m fine. I’ll be out of here in tomorrow. I thought you were shooting a drama or something? Why are YOU here?

GuiGui: That’s great! Yah, I was shooting Pi Li MIT with Aaron. But how can I stay there when I heard my BFF got hurt!

Hebe: True, of course you would come to see me. By the way, even though I haven’t worked with him yet, I’ve heard from lots of people around me that Aaron Yan is one of the hottest guys out there right now for dramas, singing, and modeling. And I heard his family is filthy rich, honestly I think your gonna love him. Seriously, he has everything you want, the looks, the skills, and the money!. haha.

GuiGui: Oh please, stop mocking me. I know you’re trying to say I look at people from their first impression on the outside rather than their so called “deeper side/personality”. But seriously, what’s so bad about being with a guy that just happens to be hot, loves me a lot, and rich? This world operates on looks, job, fame, and money. Honey, until you get that into your naïve head, I don’t see where you gonna end up in the future!

(Show walks in)
Show: awwww… if that really happens, then I guess I’ll have to take you in Hebe. lol (laugh out loud).

Hebe: Hey show! I was just watching Yu Le Bai Fen Bai. You made my legs sound in such a serious and bad condition. lol

Show: That’s the way your manager told the journalist. I actually thought you got hurt pretty bad, but seeing you now, I guess your fine now.

Hebe: Yup. I’m okay.

(cell phone ringing) (by the way, in the future, if I put a * next to dialogue, that means it a different setting for conversation. Ex: on the phone, or online, or on text messaging)
GuiGui: Hold on, that’s my phone.
*GuiGui: Hi, this is Gui

*speaker: @(&$*!(^(*@^$*@

*GuiGui: Already? But I just got here.

*speaker: *$@^(*$^$@)(@$

*GuiGui: okay, I got it. I’ll drive back now.

GuiGui: Sorry Hebe, my manager just called and said I have to be back to shooting.

Hebe: awww…. You must be really tired from all of this recently.

GuiGui: Yah, there’s so many crazy scenes. I haven’t even gotten any rest at all…. I really gotta run.

(starts to walk towards door)

Hebe: Don’t fall in love with him!

GuiGui: haha, I will “definitely” fall in love with him!

GuiGui leaves the hospital as she heads back to shoot her drama. For the rest of the day Hebe spent her time fooling around with Mike and Show. The next day some of her other friends like Ella, Selina, Joe Cheng, Ariel Lin, Danson Tang, and Angela Zhang came to visit. Hebe’s legs were fine but her manager insisted that she rests anyways since she hasn’t gotten a break yet

Finally in the afternoon of her second day at the hospital, Hebe was able to leave. She was given an extra day to rest from her company so she decided to make a surprise visit to see GuiGui at her shooting scene. Hebe got GuiGui’s favorite ice cream from Haagen Daaz on her way. She entered the school building since the drama takes place in a school. She hid behind the walls and waited for the director to say “cut”.

Finally she hears the director say “cut”. She leaned against the wall as she saw a shadow coming her way. She assumed that it was Gui, so to surprise her, she wanted to pop out suddenly. The shadow got closer, and closer. It was now inches away from the door. Just then, Hebe turned around as she took a big leap and jumped at the door.


What stood in front of Hebe was not GuiGui whom she thought it was. It was a guy. Not just any guy. a guy who has a nice built body, a guy who is HOT, and a guy who has the most wonderful voice in the world when he got surprised and said “OH MY GOD!”. It was the perfect kind of guy that she always sees it the dream. And yet it was the kind of guy that had a natural royal upper-class figure and actions. Her heart pumped as she runs into him. HIM. She realized, he was also the kind of guy that looked like Aaron Yan. HE WAS AARON YAN.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Love the poster and description
Plmokn #3
update soon
monkey_yuri #4
我 爱 王子 《3
wow... update again! but pleae update sooner please..... i really love your story!!!1
yey! finally you're back! please update often!! i want to know what happened on guigui.
Charmain_alexis #7
Then wat happen to guiwang.
lady_mocca #8
Duh, why are you just realize it now, prince?? T_T<br />
agree, realization are always too late.<br />
Update soon^^
Found you! On here too! Haha yeah! Update soon
lady_mocca #10
Update soon