Just My Luck...

Big Bang and the Island

We finally reached the company at around five o'clock. It was still quite busy from all the commotion in the parking lot and we actually found it hard to enter. Well, if I was the security guard at YG, I wouldn't have let a bunch of bums walk in through the entrance without any verification either. We were stopped a number of times actually: at the reception, in the elevator and in the hallway too. I think that's when we all decided in our minds that the first place we were going to was the dressing rooms.
After I slightly cleaned up and changed into something decent, I threw myself onto the nearest sofa outside the president's office and let the softness devour me. I was too tired to think about today's incident, so I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep.
"What's up with you?" Daesung interrupted from behind me. He sat down on the sofa next to mine and looked at me, waiting for an answer.
"Oh nothing, today was just... too much," I replied with a yawn. Daesung nodded whilst moving his gaze to the floor, until his eyes suddenly shot back at me.
"Oh! That reminds me, what happened to you when we were crawling out of the crowd?" he asked inquisitively.
"Yeah, I think I lost you and then I got kicked out of the way or something. I sort of lost my direction," I tried to remember.
"Let's go now, guys. The president wants us in his office," Seunghyun interrupted the conversation. Daesung glanced at Seunghyun and then back at me and we both nodded as we got up.

We all got comfortable on the sofas in the president's office and he looked at us each in the eye, one by one. It was silent. Youngbae had been slouching and straightened his back when the president gave him a once-over. Daesung was scratching his head whilst looking away. I had leaned back on the sofa with my arms crossed and looked around; Seunghyun expressionlessly stared at the floor and Seungri - well he started off by looking around innocently, but when the president glared at him, he glared back. Seunghyun tried to hold back a giggle at Seungri's actions.

"As for the announcement that was scheduled today," the president spoke. What announcement? Everyone looked at the president confused.
"The press conference," the president sighed. We all slowly nodded as we remembered our schedule.
"Well, I've decided to give you guys a vacation," the president carried on. I then asked him what he meant. He replied, "The five of you have been working very hard the last few months and, as you know, the upcoming album is going to take a lot of hard work and effort to complete. From what I understand, you guys are pretty burnt out already,” he looked at us all, “So I'm sending you guys on a holiday."
"Where are we going?" Seungri asked, without realising he was talking out loud.
"All the details will be clear tomorrow evening, I've invited you all to a small leaving party, so go home, have dinner, go to bed, and get ready for a party tomorrow, the details will be sent to you."

And that is, quite literally, what happened.

As we were leaving the president's office I stopped Seunghyun-hyung and let everyone walk pass before I talked.
"Hyung," I squeaked. 'Oh god, I sound like a little boy who lost his mother...'
"What is it?" Seunghyun-hyung answered as he turned around with a questioning face. I found it hard to look him right in the eye and the pause I had created made it awkward. He lowered his head when I began to spoke again. I found myself staring at his high-tops the whole time. They were from this season's catalogue.
"I... um... I mean, thank you, for today, I f-forgot to say it earlier," I said the last bit too fast. He lowered his head and smiled at eye level.
"Are you okay?" he giggled and raised one of his eyebrows, "dude it's cool, we're a team, I couldn't have just left you there."
I gulped at our close proximity and tried to answer. Seunghyun-hyung tilted his head and just gestured that we should get going, taking no notice of my internal breakdown. I was hitting myself on the head as I walked behind him up to the elevator. It kept bugging me the next day too...
The ringtone woke me up at two in the afternoon.
"Hey, did I wake you up?" It was our manager.
"Yeah, kind of..." I moaned, rubbing my eyes.
"That's good, ‘cause I was thinking about texting instead. Besides, you need to wake up to get ready for the party," he reminded me, "I think you're all awake except for Seungri so just wake him up for me."
"Anyway, I'll pick you guys up from the dorms at five thirty; you should have gotten an email about your, um, trip tomorrow-"
"Yes, so you need to either pack up tonight or before the party. I advise you not to pack in a suitcase… You're not exactly going to an airport."
"Well, I'm not supposed to tell you too much so... see ya in a bit." He hanged up the phone. How could he just leave me with that?

I went into the kitchen to find Daesung and Youngbae-hyung already up and talking to each other over a cup of tea. They both stopped and looked at me.
"Good morning," Daesung greeted and Youngbae-hyung smiled cheerily.
"Morning..." I responded, to their strange behaviour, "What's up with you guys?"
"It's just that... I... um... I mean, thank you, f-f-f-" Daesung broke in to laughter. Youngbae-hyung obviously did as well, if the quaking of his shoulders was any clue. I gulped at the feeling of my face burning. Before I even said anything, I ran to Seungri's room to wake him up.

I nervously stepped in to his room and closed the door behind me. He was in the shower so I threw myself on his bed and covered my face with his pillow. How was I going to survive? Those two weren't the type to drop things like this so easily.
We arrived at the party hall at six o' clock. It wasn't a 'partayyyy' - it was a frigging school prom. Most of those who attended were from YG. Daesung, Youngbae-hyung, Seungri and I all arrived together in our manager's van dressed in suits. Seunghyun-hyung was already there, talking to the president. A small stage was located in the back of the hall and a large screen was hung behind it with a projector displaying a slideshow of images. There was a small dance floor in front of the stage and a DJ on one end. The rest of the hall had round tables and chairs neatly placed around the room. On the side, there was a buffet adjoining the bar.

Shortly after we arrived, it was announced that the president was going to give a speech. The four of us sat together on the nearest table without even greeting everybody.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen..." and from there he started, kindly introducing the evening. I found myself checking out everybody's outfits. The four of us were dressed slightly differently. I wore a three-piece black suit by Gucci with a fur scarf. Seungri was staring out in to space. He wore a suit, with a white shirt, grey vest, suit jacket, dress trousers and a tie.
"How long do you think it will take him to get to the point?" Daesung asked quietly. Daesung was wearing black skinny jeans with a shirt and a suit jacket with a puffy orange scarf.
"Just pay attention, we might miss something important," Taeyang whispered in his simple suit and tie.
"You will be sent to a tropical island where you will be greeted by a kind team of staff members. They will be looking after you for the duration of your stay. There will be a doctor, a cook, three instructors and a small maintenance team," then he looked at our table, "you will be divided in to pairs," he explained and we all looked at him. 'How can five be divided into pairs?' is what we all thought.
"One of you will have to pair up with one mystery man who you will personally be introduced to at the island."

Our president was crazy...

It was well into the night when the actual party started. Everybody, but me, danced on the small dance floor. My mind was preoccupied with packing tonight and the fact that I had totally embarrassed myself in front of Seunghyun-hyung the day before. It was then that I noticed Seunghyun-hyung sitting on the opposite end of my table; he looked as if he was completely confined in his thoughts. I noticed that he had been picking out really nice things to wear recently. He was wearing a white suit with golden embellishments, or may be that was just my imagination. 'Harlem Shake' started playing. Daesung probably saw me sitting bored so he decided to climb on to the table and make a show of himself. As the beat set in, he began to danced like a monkey on a sugar rush. He was literally ing into my face. It was so hard not to laugh that I just got up on to the table with him and started dancing with him like an idiot.

The music was really loud and slowly everyone started to get drunk. Was I the only one without a drink in his hand? The dancing started to slow down for a while and when it started speeding up again I noticed someone was grinding me. I turned around to see a very, very, very, very drunk Seunghyun-hyung grinding me like a crazy, dog. He threw his head back as he took down the drink in his hand fell forward heading towards me, I moved out of the way just in time, but Seunghyun-hyung ended up crashing in to a group of girls and passed out on the floor. 'Oh ...'

Since practically EVERYONE was drunk, including our manager, and Seunghyun-hyung seriously needed to get out of this place, I ended up dragging him across the floor with the help of the bartender halfway through the night. We flung him in the back seat of our mini-van. After tipping the bartender, I got into the car and sighed. How were we going to jump on to a plane tomorrow in this situation?
"Muuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere are we goiiiiiiiinnnnng?" Seunghyun-hyung started talking. I had no choice but to answer.
"Home, we're going home, Hyung," I answered. He started laughing.
"I'm not your Hyung, Mum, I'm your little wittle baaaayyyybeeeee." This is when I burst out laughing and Seunghyun-hyung drunkenly joined me. Eventually he fell asleep, so I started the car and drove.

The car ride was very quiet and boring after that, so after about five minutes I tried to turn the radio on. The knob broke and fell somewhere. Seunghyun-hyung started making weird coughing noises. I tried to squeeze my hand down the side of my chair trying to find the knob whilst keeping my eyes on the road and that is when I dipped my fingertips in Seunghyun-hyung's vomit. Sirens must have been going in my head at that time because I almost crashed the car.

It was a silent and windy night. We stopped at an empty petrol station and I jumped out and flung the door of the back seats open to see what Seunghyun-hyung had done. The seats were safe, but there was a disgusting pool of vomit on the flooring. Seunghyun-hyung was on his side on the seats, half awake and wiping the mess off of his pale face with his sleeve. I gagged at the scene and ran to a small shop to get some tissues and wipes. The shop was quite far and the streets were completely deserted.
I returned in haste with a bunch of tissue rolls and took a deep breath before facing the huge pool of sick I had to clean up. Seunghyun-hyung wasn't there. Looking around a second time, the streets were still completely empty. Seunghyun-hyung wasn't one of my biggest worries at that time so I starting unwrapping the tissue rolls and tried to get this over with; when suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and the footsteps stopped, there was still no one there. I stood there with a tissue roll in my hand and began to bend over when I felt a warm breath exhaling on the back of my neck. I shot up at the sensation and twisted around immediately. Seunghyun-hyung was standing right in front of me, he leaned forward and I slightly leaned back on to the seat trying to keep my distance. The half-open eyes staring at me indicated that he was still drunk. He smiled lazily and I turned red. I felt that I was uncomfortably leaning in this position for too long and that Seunghyun-hyung was inching closer and closer. My heart began beating faster and faster when out of nowhere, he jumped on me and we both fell in to the back seats of the minivan.

That was when I fell unconscious.

POV: Jiyong/G-Dragon

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Enjoy the three new chapters. I will be updated frequently from now on. Sorry about the delay - CCN


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jaylola #1
Chapter 18: Please come back to this authornim!!
Chapter 16: wow that was intense *me gusta* forever Jiyong ^^ oh oh and Seunghyun, we know no one can stand Ji's moan
Chapter 16: Daaammmnnnn that was so nice XD <3 ....

please update soon :* I love your Fic...
CherryCola20 #4
Chapter 16: I'm so sorry I left you all. Please forgive me.
tarepandasan #5
Chapter 13: Love the direction this is heading!

tarepandasan #6
Chapter 11: Omg X.X

Really ji? A 'cat'? That you 'rolled over'? Lollllll
Chapter 13: Girl the . Girl da s-mut. Dat wasn't , that was a BJ but I liked it so much. I am so happy that Ji is the dominant one (MUAHAHAHA BOTTOM!TABI)

It was relatively short but I absolutely loved the ending. Like totally. Duck taped to a pillar? OMG this is going to be a laughing fest I tell ya.
Chapter 12: Omg i freaking love this fic! :3
Chapter 12: Yesss Jiyong, you want Seunghyun, like hell you do. I'm so so so excited about the surprise! Sometimes I doubt it they're matured men, their conversations are so child-like, I'd just pinch their faces, ha. Honestly, I'd prefer a fluffy *lol*or steaming hot, hard ..*cough*
You bring their characters well through the story, I like it how they're react to each other. Nah..I wanted to write an authorheart-warming comment, sorry I'm so damn tired.
Double-waiting for the next chapter ; )
Chapter 12: Thank you for the update! Can't believe I un subscribed to this story. *facepalm* anyway I need smuuuuuuut!!! You need to write some gtop aright nao!!!