Little Tensions

Big Bang and the Island

Author's note
Hi!!! Are you enjoying the fic so far? The ending to this chapter is a little weak, so I'll update again in the next couple of days. Haha, every Big Bang member has problems to deal with, the story is really progressing. What do you guys think of the Sundae in cabin 3? Should I keep it one-sided?
Thanks :)



A full moon drew a bright glow on the campsite that night. Whilst the dragonfly and the bear were soundly sleeping together, one on top of the other. The panda came late in to cabin one after a long shower, only to find his hedgehog roommate tightly tucked in bed. Lastly, in cabin three, the atmosphere was quite different. Tension was pacing around one half of the room, whilst a calm curiosity stood in front of the bathroom mirror.


Daesung called from the bathroom, “hey, are you going to tell me what happened?”

I don't really know what to make of it,” Youngbae answered, walking up to the bathroom door. The older man leaned on the wall and watched his roommate smear vanilla lip balm on his lips. “I can't believe you do this every night,” Taeyang sighed.
“Don't change the subject,” Daesung replied. “Did you talk to Jiyong?” He unscrewed the lid of his night care cream and carefully applied it to his face.

Do guys kiss?” Youngbae quizzed curiously.

Daesung started blushing. “What are you talking about?”

You know, like, say I kissed you by accident,” Yougbae started. Daesung stare at Youngbae for a few seconds and then looked away, blinking crazily. “Yah, are you trying to picture it in your head?”

No, you're example is just weird.” Daesung stepped out of the bathroom and sat on his bed, carefully avoiding eye contact with Youngbae. “Carry on...”

Ok, so I accidentally kissed you and then you wanted to tell Seungri. How would you say it?” Youngbae walked over to his bed and sat down.

Why would I want to tell Seungri?”

Youngbae rolled his eyes. “Just answer the question.”

Well... I would tell him we accidentally kissed.”

You wouldn't call it a first kiss, right?”

No... Well... Unless we were in a relationship,” Daesung looked away again and pulled the blanket over his body.

Right. We have to be in a relationship to call it a first kiss, right?”

Daesung rolled over to his side, facing away from his roommate. “I suppose so... Can you stop with your scenario now?”

Youngbae sneakily creped up from behind Daesung and whispered his ear, “do you want to kiss me?”

Daesung jumped and turned his head, to find Youngbae's laughing face only about an inch away from his. “Yah...”

Youngbae cupped Daesung's cheeks with his hands and stared at in to his eyes with a serious expression. “Are you sick? I think you have a fever,” he softly spoke in a worried tone.

Go away,” Daesung snapped. He pulled off Youngbae's hands and covered his face with the blanket. “I'm sleepy, stop bothering me.”



Day 8 on YaHyung Island – Saturday, 9am


It was a rather cloudy day with an expected storm on the forecast. All six guest cabin inhabitants were sleeping so deeply, it would seem as though they were planning to hibernate through the upcoming bad weather. The staff did not want to wake them up, so they patiently waited.


Jiyong was the first person to wake up. He lifted his head and a string on saliva stretched from his lip to the wet patch on Seunghyun's arm. Despite being half asleep, he felt quite refreshed. Slowly, he walked to the bathroom and looked at the mirror to meet his shocked face. Swollen face, messy hair, flushed complexion, dark circles and even bruises– it was definitely one of Jiyong's bad days.

Omo... Where's my make-up bag?”


In cabin one, a spot of sunlight had seeped through the window, landing gracefully on the face of a sleeping panda. Seungri's face twitched at the sudden exposure. Slowly, he turned his head and lifted an arm. His hand sluggishly reached for the watch resting on the bedside table.


Later, Youngbae opened his eyes as if he hadn't been sleeping at all. Attempting to wake up his roommate had resulted in him being shooed away by a half-asleep Daesung first thing in the morning.



Seungri rubbed his chin and felt his prickly stubble.

I need to shave...”

After searching for his razor in his suitcase he came to the conclusion that he must have forgotten it. He eyed Jongin's toiletry bag from the corner of his eye.

It's not like we just met... I can use his razor, right?”

Like a fox, Seungri quietly approached the toiletry bag and ped it, trying his hardest not to make a noise. He opened it wide and looked inside. Immediately, his eyes noticed a blue box, roughly resembling the size of a razor package. Seungri pulled out the box and flipped it around to read the front. It was written in English and the vague images on the front were not very helpful.

Ta... Tam.... pons? Tampons??” Seungri read as his eyes widened. “Why does he have tampons?” He saw the box had already been opened and he fought the urge to confirm the thoughts going through his head. “I've already opened his toiletry bag, so I might as well...” He opened the lid and tried pouring the contents in to his palm. Unfortunately, the box fell out of his sweaty hand and the floor was soon covered in tampon confetti. Seungri's horrified face was frozen in place.



Back in cabin two, the atmosphere was quite different. Jiyong was dressed and ready for breakfast. The only thing holding him back was Seunghyun, as he had convinced Jiyong that he was in desperate need of some 'coverage' so that nobody would notice the bruises on his face. Both of them sat on Jiyong's bed facing eachother. Seunghyun sat still in his pyjamas, whilst Jiyong leaned in and patted concealer on his roommate's face.

Ow... You're poking the bruise,” Seunghyun whined.

Jiyong pouted, “sorry...”

Aw, you're so cute when you pout.”

Jiyong's pout turned in to snarl.

...And y when you growl.”

Jiyong bit his lip and leaned in closer. Seunghyun pounced on him and pinned him to the bed. “You're making it hard for me.”

Jiyong chuckled, “hard? Where?” he cupped Seunghyun's crotch, “over here?”

I would do you right now, but it'll mess up your make-up.”

Jiyong finally blushed at Seunghyun's flirtatious remarks.

Aw, are you embarrassed? You should have said so in the beginning...”

Yah!” Jiyong pushed Seunghyun off him. “Stop treating me like...”

Seunghyun inquisitively repeated his words, “like...?”

Nevermind...” Jiyong got up and forced his feet in to his shoes in front of the doorway. “I have to go for breakfast, you can dress yourself, can't you?”

Like what?” Seunghyun asked again, “hey, what did I do? Aish...”


Jiyong stomped towards the dining hall on his own.

Why does he always get on top?” Jiyong snapped. “Does he think I can't do it?”

What can't you do?” Seungri popped up from behind Jiyong. “Top? Are you talking about Tabi?”

Jiyong stopped and turned around to talk to him. “Seungri. If I was in a relationship with someone, would I be like, you know, the uke... or the seme?”


You know... Like the giving end or the receiving end?”

Ah, are you talking about ?” Seungri's question made Jiyong sigh. “It depends... Who is this relationship with?”


Well, if you were in a relationship with me... Naturally, you'd be the uke,” Seungri answered.

Jiyong laughed sarcastically, “ha ha... and why is that?”

Because you're... Wait, were you... by chance...” Seungri grinned. “No way...”

W-w-what?” Jiyong blinked several times too fast.

Did you have a night with a girl last night?”

Pfft, what girl? Have you seen any decent 'girl' on Yahyung Island yet?”

Girls? I... uh... I love girls.”

You don't say...”

Seungri laughed awkwardly, “I love girls. Girls are the best thing in the word. Ha! If only Jongin was...”

Jongin? Hmph, I guess he would make an okay girl.”

Hehehehe... What are you talking about?” Seungri turned his head and bit the four fingers on his right hand with a worried face. “Taemponshe,” he mumbled with his mouth full. Seungri looked back at Jiyong who was pulling the hem of his t-shirt to scratch his collar bone, revealing a purple tinted patch of skin on his chest.

Is that...” Seungri pointed at the spot, “so you did have a night last night?”

What? No... This...” Jiyong did a fake laugh, “This is a bruise... Ow.”

Both gave each other suspicious looks.


>> 11:00 >>


After Cheetah left the dining hall to fetch Jongin and Daesung, the rest of the crew sat down on two bench tables joined together. Seunghyun sat down next to Jiyong with a tray of glasses and water.

Morning baby,” Seunghyun whispered.

Jiyong did not react, but looked down and whispered back, “I'm not a baby.”

Seunghyun chuckled, which made the other two look at them.

How are you feeling, Jiyong?” Youngbae asked. The said man jumped at the memory of the conversation he had with Youngbae the day before.

Jiyong laughed it off, “I've recovered now, but Cheetah is excusing both of us from activities today.”

Really?” Seungri added, “I heard we were going to the beach today.”

Seunghyun sighed, “with this weather?”

Daesung strolled in, wearing a rather revealing sleeveless shirt with open sides. Jiyong eyed him from head to toe.

Where are you looking?” Seunghyun mumbled to Jiyong.

Mor~ning,” Daesung greeted everyone. With every twist and turn, his muscles tensed and relaxed with fluidity.

Jiyong stared at him and finally pointed out, “Yah, Daesung, how do you keep your body like that?!”

Daesung looked at Youngbae and blushed before turning his head to answer Jiyong. He opened his mouth, but then realised that he didn't know how to answer. “Well, I just started working out again to tone them up,” he laughed nervously. Youngbae didn't look at him at all.

I was thinking of losing weight,” Jiyong started. Everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows.

Daesung laughed, “but you're looking so healthy these days.”

This is healthy?” Jiyong looked over himself, “I've gained five kilos in the last few weeks.”

You look the same to me,” Seunghyun nonchalantly stated, picking up a glass of water.

Jiyong looked at him and replied, “I don't feel the same.”


Jongin entered the dining hall and Lion started his speech.

Good morning everyone. We are expecting a storm today, so today's beach activities will be moved to the indoor activity room. Cabin two residents are excused from today's activities. I expect to see the rest of you in the activity room at 12. That is all – enjoy your breakfast.”


Seunghyun followed Jiyong in to their cabin after breakfast.

What does Ji want to do today?” he asked, taking off his shoes.

Jiyong was quick to answer. “Can I have some time to myself?”

Why? Is something wrong?”

No. I just want to be alone,” Jiyong explained, “I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.”

What are you going to do anyway? Touch yourself?” Jiyong wasn't amused by Seunghyun's joke and the older man was even more concerned than he was before. “Are you still mad about something?”

I'm not mad.” Jiyong paused and walked back to the doorway. “I'm going to the spa.” They did not exchange words after this. Jiyong put his shoes on and left whilst Seunghyun stood in the middle of the room with nothing to do.

What did I do?” Seunghyun asked himself.



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Thank you!
Enjoy the three new chapters. I will be updated frequently from now on. Sorry about the delay - CCN


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jaylola #1
Chapter 18: Please come back to this authornim!!
Chapter 16: wow that was intense *me gusta* forever Jiyong ^^ oh oh and Seunghyun, we know no one can stand Ji's moan
Chapter 16: Daaammmnnnn that was so nice XD <3 ....

please update soon :* I love your Fic...
CherryCola20 #4
Chapter 16: I'm so sorry I left you all. Please forgive me.
tarepandasan #5
Chapter 13: Love the direction this is heading!

tarepandasan #6
Chapter 11: Omg X.X

Really ji? A 'cat'? That you 'rolled over'? Lollllll
Chapter 13: Girl the . Girl da s-mut. Dat wasn't , that was a BJ but I liked it so much. I am so happy that Ji is the dominant one (MUAHAHAHA BOTTOM!TABI)

It was relatively short but I absolutely loved the ending. Like totally. Duck taped to a pillar? OMG this is going to be a laughing fest I tell ya.
Chapter 12: Omg i freaking love this fic! :3
Chapter 12: Yesss Jiyong, you want Seunghyun, like hell you do. I'm so so so excited about the surprise! Sometimes I doubt it they're matured men, their conversations are so child-like, I'd just pinch their faces, ha. Honestly, I'd prefer a fluffy *lol*or steaming hot, hard ..*cough*
You bring their characters well through the story, I like it how they're react to each other. Nah..I wanted to write an authorheart-warming comment, sorry I'm so damn tired.
Double-waiting for the next chapter ; )
Chapter 12: Thank you for the update! Can't believe I un subscribed to this story. *facepalm* anyway I need smuuuuuuut!!! You need to write some gtop aright nao!!!