Emergency Misconception

Big Bang and the Island

Sweaty, smelly and sick of the numbing aches and pains that radiated from every living part of my body. I was convinced that my legs could no longer be considered alive. By this time, even if anybody managed to get us free, I doubt I'd have the energy to get up and run for the bell, not to mention the fact that I'd probably pee myself if I even moved an inch, because the only thing keeping my over-flowing bladder on lock was the fact that my stiff-with-pain buttocks hadn't moved from their place for twelve agonising hours. The hard dirt floor wasn't particularly comfortable either, to be honest.
“Hey, is anyone going to help us?” I asked the quiet emptiness around me. It was starting to get cool and cloudy – which was odd because it was flaming hot just ten minutes ago. We hadn't even reached midday and it looked like we wouldn't be released until dinner. The lunch timer was ticking and we both had the same thought going through our minds: 'If nobody frees us now, we'll be here until dinner.'

Nevertheless, we are Big Bang. A large part of me was sure that somebody would come save us, because we're a team. Brothers. Family....

...Or are we?

Jongin was the first to actually attempt a rescue. It was depressing that neither Seungri nor Youngbae had even bothered to check on us. By the time Jongin came round to actually finding the tape ending, Lion gave him a big back hug which was way too much for Jongin's little body. He couldn't even wiggle out of Lion's grasp. He made a sorry face at us as Gorilla got the tape out to tie him up. At least he tried.

Although there was no real gain to Jongin's failed attempt on rescuing us, it did mean something. Now that Jongin was tied up as well, nobody can have lunch until we're all free and rang the bell. Or, if one us decided to be an absolute , we all get tied up until dinner and that one person gets lunch. Only Seungri would be evil enough to have done that... or so I thought.

“Yah, Jongin, why did you...?” Seungri yelled from his cabin.
“What do you mean why? Where the were you when he was helping us?” I shouted back at him. Both Seunghyun and Jongin moaned at my sharp loud voice ringing in their ears.
Seungri ran up closer to us to have a look and fell on to his knees. “ARE YOU OKAY?” That was a stupid question.
“DO I LOOK  OKAY, YOU DUMB ?!” was the only appropriate response for that.
I didn't have the patience to mess with him. “Yah, yah, untie us or I'll beat you up after dinner.”
Seungri smiled smugly. “Pfft, as if...”

Our trash-talk-spitting battle didn't last so long... for obvious reasons. Lion didn't exactly have much patience either. I don't blame him. He did give Seungri the chance to run, but our dongsaeng - in that fighter mode situation – wasn't going to run from him.

Lets just fast forward to the part where Daesung gets tied up and Youngbae is nowhere to be seen. I won't explain the details because it was rather boring and predictable, but things did start to take a turn as the afternoon progressed. The dark clouds filled the sky above us and a murmuring wind flew past us. A storm was approaching and the five of us were still duct-taped to a pillar. .

A figure appeared in the distance and is it came closer, I realised it was Youngbae. That mofo finally decided to come see us. All five of us must have taken turns to say something to him, but he didn't make a sound. He simply began untying us in a slow and unfocused motion, as if he was waiting for something to happen. When Lion and Gorilla caught him, he didn't hold back and let himself be tied up, which left everyone in questions.
“Hey, that was our last chance, you do realise that, right?” Seungri asked. “It's not that I don't appreciate you trying to help us b-”
“Wait,” Youngbae cut him off. There was an odd silence. On one side of me, Jongin was biting his lip and on the other side, Daesung was somewhat confused. 'Now that we're all tied up, what's going to happen?' was the thought that puzzled everyone whilst Lion and Gorilla watched us from a distance.

Within a few minutes, Daesung began nudging me. He looked at me in the eye and and didn't make a sound, as if he was trying to get me to understand something. Then, made a motion to make me lean in and listen to him.
“Hyung brought a knife, I'm going to start cutting your tape.” Eyeing his back, I noticed that his tape had already been almost completely cut in to two. He quickly flashed the army knife behind his back and then asked me to act normal. Daesung shuffled over so that his shoulder was pressing on to mine. I patiently waited as he carefully tugged on the tape with the blade, trying his hardest to not cut me by accident. The awkward position was tiring him and his hot sweat trickled down between our arms, lubricating them with a sticky moist feeling that allowed him to build up a burning friction between us as his arm rubbed on mine. Then, an icy drop of water fell from the sky and landed on my head. I looked up at the sky and it looked back down on me, calling my name in the sound of thunder as if I was in the wrong place all along. It took the pain of a stab from the army knife to wake me up from the trance. My blood drew from the wound and dripped down on to my other hand. The pain was strangely thrilling and the bleeding felt amazing. When tears began to well up in my eyes, I looked at Daesung. His expression was unforgettable. It had all happened within seconds, but I was quick to catch on to him. I grabbed the knife and began working on Jongin after telling him the plan. Jongin was the last, as Youngbae was on his other side. As each second passed, the rainfall became heavier and heavier. With my bloody hand, I cut the tape perfectly, without running in to any blunt part, so Jongin could quickly inform Youngbae.
“On three, in order: Me, Daesung, Seungri, Jongin and finally Jiyong and Seunghyun-hyung. Remember, one by one.” The order was logical, as Youngbae was the last to have been caught, so his tape was on the outermost layer, which meant he had lesser layers of tape to break through – if you know what I mean.

So Youngbae ripped through first. He overestimated the strength of the duct tape and ended up pulling the tape off the whole pillar. Daesung followed and then Seungri. Every time the bell rang, my heart skipped a beat. I started to feel dizzy and when Jongin broke through it began to rain. My vision was blurred, but I could steal hear Seunghyun calling my name. My body was numb, yet I could feel the rain falling on me, pushing me down with every drop. As Seunghyun's voice became distant and I lost control of myself – I out.


“He needs to eat something, should we put him on a drip?” It was Youngbae. Judging by the direction of his voice, I concluded that he must have been close to me.
“He'll wake up soon, I'll prepare something for him to eat,” another voice replied. Slowly, my senses came back one by one.
“Jiyong, are you awake?”

Everything became loud. The sound of a squeaking chair, a bouncy mattress, a noisy air conditioner, shuffling on the floor and distant voices coming from behind the closed door.

Then I felt uncomfortable. The mattress was hard, the sheets were stiff, the pillow was too soft and I wasn't wearing any clothes. My throat was also very dry and my body was aching all over.

“Jiyong, can you hear me? It's me, Youngbae.”

Smells and flavours attacked me next. It smelled like a bleached clinic. Sanitised and scrubbed to the point that there was no homely feel to it. The scent was harsh and unnerving. My mouth tasted terrible. Like dish washing liquid diluted with hard water, making my teeth feel somewhat brittle and rough.

“Open your eyes.”

The first thing I saw was the bright white tube light, which burnt  hole in my vision. I blinked several times and looked at Youngbae, but the hole in the shape of the light covered his face.

“Y-yah,” my voice was crumbly. “Stop talking, my head hurts.”
Youngbae leaned in closer and put his hand on my forehead. “You're dehydrated, you need some water. Can you get up?”
“Sshhhh, wait.” Slowly, with every pained muscle in my body pulling me back, I got up on my elbows and turned over on to my side. After several more blinks, I was able to see Youngbae properly. “What time is it?” He brought a glass of water to my mouth and insisted on holding it for me.
“It's like three in the afternoon. You were out for a few hours.” I swallowed the water.
“Did we make it to the bell?”
“Yeah, hyung had to carry you to it, you don't remember anything?”
I sat up and leaned on the wall, looking down on my bandaged up hand. “You mean I was awake?”
“Yeah, well – kind of. You peed yourself so I had to get Hyunjun and Hosung to help me clean you up. You seemed half awake at least.” I had no reply to that. My cheeks felt warmer, but I was probably too pale and tired to show any signs of embarrassment.
“This is the doctor's room right?”
“So... Is... Seunghyun okay?”
“Well... I think he's tired, we all are.”
“No, I mean, is he... you know... acting weird or anything?”
“Um, I haven't rea- why do you ask? Did you do something to him?”
“No, w-what would I d-do to him,” I smiled nervously and grabbed the glass of water to drink it.
“About what happened last night,” he paused and looked at my reaction. I looked away and continued drinking slowly. “Seunghyun told me everything.” I choked on the water and coughed many times before I could look Youngbae in the eye.
I wasn't sure whether he was thinking the same thing as me. “How much did he tell you?” I investigated his knowledge.
“Well, since the leaving party in Seoul.”
“What?! Nothing happened at the leaving party. Our first kiss wasn't even le-” Youngbae furrowed his eyebrows and widened his eyes for a brief moment.
“Oh, you're awake?” Cheetah walked in with a tray in his hand. “So I walked all the way for nothing...”
“Breakfast in bed for Jiyong?” Youngbae laughed. He shook off the previous conversation rather too casually.

I left the doctor's room at five with some bottles of water. When I arrived at the cabin, nobody was there. Fortunately, I had some time to myself for another two hours. I read a book until I eventually fell asleep.

It only took a couple of knocks on the door to wake me up from my dreams. Slowly, I lifted myself off the bed and stretched my arms with a deep breath. The door flew open and in the doorway stood Seunghyun, staring at me for while before stepping in. I was waiting for him to say something, but he didn't say anything, instead he walked to his bed and laid himself down on it. Feeling awkward, I sat down as well, trying to look as calm as possible.
“So... how was your day?” I started. Seunghyun was on his side, facing away from me. He didn't even bother to look at me.
“Fine...” he rolled over on to his back. “Are you better now?”
“Yeah,” I replied. “Youngbae told me that you told him some things.”
“What things?” He turned just his head to face me.
I sat on the edge of the bed. One leg on the floor, and the other on the bed, looking down at my lap. “About us.”
“You mean how I'm not good enough for you?”
I rolled my eyes and sighed. “What did you tell him?”
“Seriously Seunghyun, what did you tell him?”
“I'm telling you,” he got up. “I didn't say anything.”
“Stop lying to me, I just talked to him!” I raised my voice. “He knew everything.”
“Well it wasn't me!”
“What do you mean it wasn't you?”
“Why don't you believe me? You'd rather believe everything Youngbae tells you? May be your little ty gay friend in cabin 1 told him, why does it have to be me?”
“You are so ing ridiculous!” I yelled as I pushed him over. He pushed me back and fell on the floor with a loud thud. I jumped up and punched his jaw. After a moment, he got up and punched me back making us both fall back on to the bed with Seunghyun on top of me. He pinned my shoulders down and stared down at my bleeding nose and teary eyes. When I wiped my tears off my face, I noticed his expression. Broken.

His blood dripped down on my face and for a long time, he just watched me cry underneath him. I began wailing and bawling out loud. Suddenly, he pulled his hands from my shoulders and grabbed my face, slamming his bloody lips on to mine. My hyperventilating spasms only made our painfully deep kiss more intoxicating as I became breathless and gasped his tongue into my mouth, introducing new flavours to our make-out session. Then the cabin door flew open, and Cheetah walked in on us kissing for the second time. Of course he immediately closed the door, but when we came to our senses, the kiss broke off and I pushed Seunghyun off me.

POV: GD again. I think I overpov GD... And I make him sound so sassy

Sorry again.

Love from the author <3

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Enjoy the three new chapters. I will be updated frequently from now on. Sorry about the delay - CCN


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jaylola #1
Chapter 18: Please come back to this authornim!!
Chapter 16: wow that was intense *me gusta* forever Jiyong ^^ oh oh and Seunghyun, we know no one can stand Ji's moan
Chapter 16: Daaammmnnnn that was so nice XD <3 ....

please update soon :* I love your Fic...
CherryCola20 #4
Chapter 16: I'm so sorry I left you all. Please forgive me.
tarepandasan #5
Chapter 13: Love the direction this is heading!

tarepandasan #6
Chapter 11: Omg X.X

Really ji? A 'cat'? That you 'rolled over'? Lollllll
Chapter 13: Girl the . Girl da s-mut. Dat wasn't , that was a BJ but I liked it so much. I am so happy that Ji is the dominant one (MUAHAHAHA BOTTOM!TABI)

It was relatively short but I absolutely loved the ending. Like totally. Duck taped to a pillar? OMG this is going to be a laughing fest I tell ya.
Chapter 12: Omg i freaking love this fic! :3
Chapter 12: Yesss Jiyong, you want Seunghyun, like hell you do. I'm so so so excited about the surprise! Sometimes I doubt it they're matured men, their conversations are so child-like, I'd just pinch their faces, ha. Honestly, I'd prefer a fluffy *lol*or steaming hot, hard ..*cough*
You bring their characters well through the story, I like it how they're react to each other. Nah..I wanted to write an authorheart-warming comment, sorry I'm so damn tired.
Double-waiting for the next chapter ; )
Chapter 12: Thank you for the update! Can't believe I un subscribed to this story. *facepalm* anyway I need smuuuuuuut!!! You need to write some gtop aright nao!!!