Disease: Happy Virus


Luhan rushed off to his next class with a beaming smile as he knew he could make some friends his age. Because this was their first day of school, the teacher let each new pupil pick their own seat. Many of these kids knew each other from previous schools so Luhan, who recently moved to Korea, was sat on his own with an empty desk next to his. He felt sullen and upset until a really tall, geeky boy burst into the room and caught his attention.


"Sorry I'm late!" the boy apologised to his teacher with a booming voice and didn't think twice about stomping over to sit next to a deer-like guy despite the fact that he knew most of the students from his middle school.

"Hi I'm Chanyeol" he spoke to Luhan, who in turn beamed back and introduced himself, grateful that he made a friend. "I'm Luhan, nice to meet you"


The lesson soon began and the boys got on with their work, but both getting distracted by everything due to their short attention spam. Lesson after lesson the boys sat next to each other and became closer.


After a few hours passed, the bell rang to indicate it was time for lunch and the boys went into the cafeteria. Chanyeol found out that Luhan hadn't tasted many of the korean foods and was secretly hoping that he didn't like it so he could eat his share too.


Luhan was about to sit at a table when Chanyeol pulled him back. Luhan was clueless as to why but followed his friend nonetheless to sit elsewhere. As Chanyeol was hoping, Luhan didn't like the taste of dukbokki and was delighted when he gave his his whole portion of it. Luhan question his friend as to why he pulled him back when he tried sitting and Chanyeol leaned in and quietly said "I've heard this from my brother who was a senior last year, but anyone else who ever sat at that table never returned to this school again."


Luhan however was dumbfounded and felt betrayed when he saw a group of guys sit at the same spot. "But why are they sat there?" he questioned narrowing his eyes. "Well, you see, nothing happens to THEM" Chanyeol exagerrated. "Eh" Luhan felt frustrated and nudged his friend. They both then smiled at each toher and decided to not mention this subject again.



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maasha_kpoplover #1
like it
eine08 #2
Chapter 5: Kyungsoo? But It was Luhan right? Maybe he got the names wrong?
Please update soon >_<
Maybe you could put Kaihan and kailu instead of exom and exok for the tags ? People might find this story more easily ? This fic needs more comments and subscribers (even if we don't see how many it has).
Chapter 5: It wasn't Kyungsoo, it was Luhan right ? They just didn't remember his name right ? Anyway, the drawing is good !
Chapter 4: thump thump is it your heart Jongin or is it Luhan's ? Mine is doing loud thump thump right now because I don't want anything bad to happen to Yeollie and Luhannie !
Chapter 3: Oh you're such a nice pig Chanyeolie uh ? Thanks for saving Luhannie but don't steal too much of his food okay ? lol Leave some for Jongin too keke :P
Chapter 2: haha Luhannie don't be afraid of Jonginnie he seems to already like you ! <3 Cutie pie ! :D
Chapter 1: *creepy smile* It's me again ! I came back and read the beginning again ! I love it, it gives me crazy chills ! :D
Chapter 5: i got a question, is kyungsoo the leader? i didn't understand this part.
Chapter 5: This is so nice! <3
I love it~ Anticipating the next chapter!~~